Sterling Kit Car Collection Liquidation!


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The kit car, it’s a great idea! You get a cool looking car with a lightweight body on a shoe string budget. The only problem is that you have to assemble it yourself and build quality isn’t always the best. They are also hampered by the platform they are built around, which quite often is the VW Beetle. I’ve experienced quite a few kit cars, my Blakely being one of them, but I tend to stay away from the ones that are VW powered. Well, if you’ve been thinking about jumping into the world of kit car ownership, but aren’t so sure about going air-cooled, this seller has a whole collection of Sterling kit cars and you can pick from a variety of engines! Find this fiberglass collection here on craigslist in Eugene, Oregon. Special thanks to Terry J for this tip!


I’m not sure why this seller has so many of these cars, perhaps they were going to open up a dealership? Either that or they are just insanely in love with these things. Well, whatever the reason, they haven’t limited themselves to just one type of powertrain. They of course have VW powerplants, but they also have Porsche powered Sterlings, Pontiac powered Sterlings and even electric motors for you to build your own electric Sterling! Personally, I’d want the Pontiac V6, but the electric options could be interesting.


The Sterling design is definitely a novel one, with the entire canopy lifting off for entry. They aren’t high on my list of desirable kit cars, but I wouldn’t mind having one of the nicer examples form this collection! I normally would be worried about buying someone else’s unfinished kit car, but it appears this seller knows what they are doing. So would you buy one of these cars and if so, what configuration would you want it in?


  1. Rick

    The seller is a good friend of mine and a longtime member of the Sterling club. He’s been into the cars for longer than I and we affectionately call him our “west coast hoarder” :-). He knows his stuff but can be hard to get a hold of sometimes.. his memory isn’t the greatest, having suffered a horrific motorcycle accident years ago. Still, if anyone is seriously interested, I have his phone number. For anyone not real familiar with Sterling and their derivatives, take a look out my site at

    Like 6
    • Jamie Palmer Jamie PalmerStaff

      Rick, thanks for the info and guidance!

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    • Lisa A. Hampton

      Thanks Rick!

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    • Dave "Dax" Radtke

      Hey, Rick. My name is Dave Radtke, and I was the guy that created, owned, and promoted ALL kit cars as the “Specialty Constructed Vehicle” (SCVA) Assn” way back in the 90’s. Although I never let it out back then, the Sterling was always my favorite toy – even though I owned the House of Cobras in Orange, CA.

      Well time tolls on and I’m getting old, fighting cancer, and a few other not fun things. But before I kick the proverbial bucket I need to see if there’s any way in heck to obtain one of these little beauties. I don’t have a lot of money, and I live as far away from everyone as possible.. Homer, Alaska. It’s the last town on HWY1 of the North American highway system. Truly the end of the world.

      I see this sight doesn’t get much use, but if you know the guy with all the Sterlings I’d love to talk to you about him. Please contact me at, or better yet call me at 807-299-0319. Thanks a ton.

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    • Corey

      I need either parts or a donor sterling can you email me i need parts bad and havent found any anywhere

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      • Greg Hampton

        Hi everyone!
        I didn’t realize that there were comments on this site, sorry about that! I have sold a few overseas and ALL over the U.S. I have often shown them @ shows all over the West Coast and been in clubs for years. I also have build manuals, sales brochures, for almost every kind of kit car.
        If you need something for a sterling, want a sterling itself, need advice, manuals or even things i have designed. just contact me as I am retired, disabled and available any time before 10 pm pst. I have just about everything needed, and know quite a few owners.. I still have 8 of the 14 cars that I had a few years ago. I still have a t-top buick v6, with a 901 trans. And a Ca. Special construction title, the last Soveran in the U.S, a 3rd generation, and several classic versions. You will also find my name in the sterling published book.

        Greg Hampton 209-402-9748 accepts text and pics
        Lowell, oregon. 97452

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      • Greg Hampton

        Hi Cory,
        What do you need or want?

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      • Greg Hampton

        There is an owner in orange county Ca on craigslist. One isonly a parts car.. Right now,

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    • Greg Hampton

      Hi Rick!
      Just for grins, here are a few of the kit cars i have had over my life.. So i guess i HAVE been the west coast horder.
      2- fiberglass dune buggys,
      1- fibergass 4 person sand rail,
      2- gazelles (1 v6 ford, the other pinto)
      1-type1 Bradley GT while I was station in Germany,
      1- 1936 Thourghbred 4 seat Mercedes 544 SSK,
      1- Blakley Bearcat
      1- Blakley Bernardi
      1- Manta Montage
      1- fiberfab V6 MGTD
      1- CImbria
      1-V8 sovern sn# 1 (now in England)
      25+ sterlings…
      1- third generation sterling
      All the cars above are long gone. Wish i still had any of them..
      S0 i have to admit i have always been a hoarder.

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    • Steve dexel

      I am looking to get in contact with other owners of these cars. I have a Sebring Turbo II.
      These cars are a way of owning a true exotic head turner on a budget. These are cars to be driven and not trailers.

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      • Tony Wilson

        Hey Steve do you have a sterling or Sebring for sale or know someone that does

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    • Maui Saito

      Any Sterlings left?
      Please let mr know…. Thanks!

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      • Greg Hampton

        Just give me a call. As 8 are still mine

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      • Eduardo Diaz de Leon

        Hi my name is Eduardo if you’re still interested in a sterling I have one. You can contact me at diazdeleon1@gmail

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    • Hawkeye

      I bought a nice Steerling in Texas last night, the hood blew off the car on the highway. Perhaps he has an extra???

      Hawk 210-548-1310

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    • Christopher J Bowman

      I had the oppertunity to do my own sterling build bout 15yrs uncle got one from a field while working in trade.i would love the opportunity to get ahold of a rolling chassis .my email is im enrolled in uti and i think this would be an amazing retro to modern future car. Thank you chris bowman from grass valley ca

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    • Richard Owens

      I have a Sterling # SO36, it would be great to get a e-mail

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      • Doug Woods

        I have a Sebring Turbo ( not really a turbo) But looks good.I just started it today after 10 years of being parked.I am looking for the switch to open and close the door.

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    • Strayback

      Oh my god yess please, I would like to contact him can you please provide his contact info please.

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      • Greg

        I still have most of the sterling/ nova/ eureka. Lots of parts too. If you look at the earlier postings it is easy to find my info.

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    • Dustin r Riaski

      I have a Sterling 1968 Sterling co manufacturer stamed #1

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      • Lisa Hampton

        Have you registered on

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    • Garry

      Really interested in a sterling

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    • Robert Feeney

      I live in New York and have had Sterling sorry I sold them I am looking for the red one with T tops

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      • Bill

        My son in law has a sterling on a 914 Porsche chassis that needs recon work or sold in upstate NY.

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    • Dave curry

      Hi .i have a nova sterling im missing a lower front section underpan on the front nose also a right hand lower sill boby section do you have these body parts and how much please

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    • Robert Feeney

      Do you still have the red one with the T tops

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  2. kitcarcollection

    great to see so many stirlings, a richard oakes design.. they were sold in europe as the nova gt. regards from another kitcarcollection in holland europe

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  3. Van

    I remember seeing these in 1977-8 at a show, maybe world of wheels Atl. Neet car but strange. We were told the body was so well built if you ran into a school bus you’d run under the bumper and it was strong enough to support the bus. Nobody said how you’d open the hatch with a bus on the roof. I guess compared to a pinto that’s ok but what if you run under the pinto. “Hay baby I’m going to be late, how about barbecue?”

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  4. rusty

    Purvis Eureka in Australia

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    • DW

      “Purvis Eureka”? Well that explains why they didn’t sell down under!

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      • rusty

        Hee hee

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      • Greg Hampton

        Search u tube you will find that over 500 were built.

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  5. Richard Prokopchuk

    How bout you slap an ecoboost 6 into one of them?

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  6. GlenK

    The VW hobby is not as inexpensive as it once was. Also original basic VW stuff is a little tougher to come by. Lastly I find our local wrecking yards are getting expensive and some they won’t even let you in anymore. If your not mechanically mined, finding a good mechanic to work on you VW engine is tough too. So looking for stuff for you kit car is basically not cheap or easy!

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  7. Lisa A. Hampton

    Thanks Rick Milne!
    It would have been nice if he had actually talked to Greg Hampton. The water cooled is actually Buick. He also would have found out about the GT & the Sovereign. Other versions & rare.

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  8. CelestialGryphon

    Not gonna lie…. I’m thinking 2.3 litre Turbo Saab Engine…

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  9. 5th

    Where can I get one or a few?

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    • Thomas Greeley

      I have a completed registered Sterling available in Southern California. Smog exempt 2 L VW engine.

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  10. Greg Hampton

    No problem! Just send a email to me … The collection changes a lot , i still have 8 of the 14 sterlings i once had… All very different.

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  11. 5th

    I’ve rescued a few since my post ( all in various build stages) and went on a long drive across the US twice so far to gather them. I am interested in seeing what you have available.

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    • 5th

      Greg my email is:

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    • Jenn C

      Hi I have a 2nd generation sterling kit car and many molds to go.with it for sale in Maryland. Anyone interested?

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  12. Greg Hampton

    Just a few of my barn finds.

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  13. Alex

    Ciao from Italy!
    Is there any Sterling left???
    Love those cars…they are bellissime!!

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  14. Greg Hampton

    Yes, i have several and know quite a few owners. But almost all are on the west coast were they were originally made.

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    • Alex

      Greg, Merry Xmas from Italy!
      Sorry for the late answer but busy with children…it is Xmas time!
      Which one u have left? Could u send or post pictures?
      My email is
      Thank you

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  15. Greg Hampton

    Hi Cory,
    What do you need or want?

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  16. Xavier

    Starting to look for a Sterling or Sebring. Had a Sterling years ago, but got into bad times and had to sell my baby. Times are starting to slowly get better, and because of that starting to see what might be out there. Been watching Craigslist and eBay. Don’t have a ton of money, but maybe someone has something that might work out for me pricewise…

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  17. Dylan

    Is there any place I can find a very poor condition sterling, a complete wreck? I’m very interested in bringing one to life but am under a constant budget. Something full blown 70s/80s. North east USA. thank you.

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    • Greg Hampton

      Yes, 2 of my sterlings are now in Delaware. Sold to new owner of sterling sports cars.. One or both are one fullbpage ads and also U-tube. I think they could be bought now that the company seem to be going under.

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      • Tony wilson

        Hi Greg any sterling or Sebring for sale out there

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  18. Lisa Hampton

    Hi Dylan,
    Check locally. Most of Greg’s were found here on the West Coast. E-Bay, Craig’s List & The Samba are a good start. The National Sterling Owners club also has a cars for sale page. Let your friends know what you are looking for. Greg is selling some of his but check into how much shipping will cost before you get too excited about anything. Greg found one the side of a house in San Jose, CA. $100. You never know.

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  19. Michael Sawyer

    While I’ve never had one of these I’ve always loved them. My first car was a GT-40 that took my Dad and I two years to build. I now have three kids, two girls and one boy, and would love to start a project with them. Unfortunately I’m in FL and don’t see many of these on this side. Do you know of any inexpensive ones over here?
    Thanks in advance!

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    • 5Th

      There is a Cimbria for sale on ebay out of Wisconsin. This would be a great project…
      It’s listed under:
      1970 Volkswagen Beetle – Classic

      Good luck.

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  20. Larry Daly

    Hey Greg, im looking for a canopy mechanism, dash panels, hood and rear lower cowl for a find i acquired , i would prefer a more original sterling as opposed to fabricating custom please let me know if any of these parts can still be acquired. Thank you

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  21. bob

    yes I do have one of the early ones! vw sterling car kit from Oakland ca. and it’s blue one, SO85 model number with a corvair motor in the back of a 1969 vw bug irs rear end! that I got out of Grass valley ca. few years back and it was last driven back in 1980! I have been doing some very custom work it this one and it was really needing it too! like, custom vw bug alum turbine rims, all new wiring with newer lights (front, sides, rear) I installed, 5 fan ram air dukes system, (sides, front, rear) I installed, 12vdc linear actuators top lift kit that I installed, a lot of custom corvair alum engine parts that are hard to find now days and also going to try out efi kit too! looking into doing front and rear spoilers and I’m out in sac. ca.! thanks bob ps my other project is a, red 1987 Pontiac firebird formula t-top tojan, a custom ordered fiberglass car kit (Ferrari 308) that only (17) t-top out of about 150 cars total made back in the 80’s! I’m also looking for the fiberglass rear top engine air cleaner cover for vw sterling car kit?

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    • Scott Davis

      When you purchase this thing was it on the side of a hill in Grass Valley and painted black if so I went and looked at it just before you bought it the whole Underside was completely rusted out I remember the Corvair motor in the back it also had some pretty cool five spoke wheels on it

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      • bob

        no it wasn’t the same vw sterling kit! the car kit fiberglass body was made all blue not painted black, but the back fiberglass engine cover with tile lights installed, that was painted! yes the underside chassis was painted black too, but not rusted out! it had white steel Baja 8 spoke rimes with bad tires! the ’69 140hp corvair motor had 4bbl carb setup with custom headers and ele. ignition kit!

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  22. Scott Davis

    When you purchase this thing was it on the side of a hill in Grass Valley and painted black if so I went and looked at it just before you bought it the whole Underside was completely rusted out I remember the Corvair motor in the back it also had some pretty cool five spoke wheels on it

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  23. Chris Banks

    I would be interested in some parts if there are still any available. I’m on the east coast, but it seems I missed out on the new carbon fiber parts since he’s closed up shop. Is Greg still the best point of contact?

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    • Lisa Hampton

      Sterling sports cars is coming back soon. Rick is the new owner! Keep watching on line.

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      • EddieT

        Just picked up a 73 Sterling project, looking for some body parts, need a dash, hood, seats, and something for mounting the rear lights, maybe a filler panel, any help would be great
        thank you

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  24. Dee

    Will Rick be posting on how we can find parts for these kit cars? I’m in need of so many parts for my 1974 VW Sterling & don’t know where to start looking. Mainly I really need the hood, windshield wiper blades, hydrologic for the top & rear engine cover.
    If anyone reading this post and know where I can find any parts please email me at dionne94589@hotmail com I’m located in the Sacramento Area.

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    • bob

      are you still in Sacramento area, Dee? I tried emailing you, but no luck and I have one too! maybe we can talk over the phone some time and thanks, bob and yes I’m in Sacramento area too!

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  25. Brian Smith

    I have sterling 076 and am looking for one for my wife. We are in Michigan’ Am ell versed in fiberglass, just need a working base.

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  26. Gregory Hampton

    Not a problem, I currently have a lot of sterlings and parts for many more kit cars. Just give me a call or Email.
    Greg Hampton

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  27. Bruce L Glover

    Hello, I am looking for a windshield for a sterling kit car. Might anyone know where I might find one?

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  28. 5th

    Hi Bruce,

    Try contacting these guys, let us know how it goes…


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  29. Bruce L Glover

    Thanks I will give them a call. I am also looking for the side windows, and 1 body panel section. I need the lower rear body piece that holds the tail lights and licence plate.

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  30. Tonywilson

    Looking for a sterling to buy tonywilsononthe1@Aol.Com

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  31. Tony Wilson

    Hi looking to buy a sterling or Sebring kit car already in good working condition thanks in advance

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    • Lisa Hampton

      Hi Tony,
      Just look towards the top of the comments & you will find Greg’s contact info.

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  32. Lisa Hampton

    Hi Tony,
    Just look towards the top of the comments & you will find Greg’s contact info.

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    • Tony Wilson

      Thanks Lisa I left a message with my number 786-508-8469

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  33. G Hampton

    ahhhh…. problem is they started producing them in 1972. so year is incorrect. the fist on was SO -1

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  34. 5th

    If your located near central CA, I’d talk with you about Sterlings. I’ve got more than I need, my ambition is greater than my ability. Unfortunately.

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    • J Cleghorn

      I hope central CA is California… as that is where i am as well.
      Looking for one to build.
      What do you have?

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      • Greg

        Yes, I have acquired another one, so 9 sterlings now. They are near Eugeme Or. And no problem with delivering one to Central California on my sterling trailer as I often do.

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  35. J Cleghorn

    Probably looking for a mk 1 sterling from the details i see tied to them in history. Good windshield.hopefully even california registered at one time or registered as a vw anywhere. Not sure if the ever came with glass side windows but i would prefer that too.
    Send me details of what you may have along those lines.
    Many thanks.

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    • G Hampton

      HI Jon!
      I have 7 of the cars that have all that in my name.. Several are still Ca. Spcn titled 2 more have that history but now titled as Oregon Assembled Veh title. They all have good windsheilds, side glass, complete all parts, and no body damage. so yes to all your wants or needs..

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      • jim bryant would u like tosell oneww

        would u like to sell one

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  36. Ron Caley

    Hi Greg,

    I am in New Zealand. About the time that I started working ( in the dinosaur age) these were available as the Eureka here. I made beach buggies from VW pans so I would love to finish or restore one of these. Do you have something that might like being exported please.


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  37. Tony oaks

    Just acquired # 053, need all glass and top struts. Anyone there that can help? I’m in southern Az. E- Mail

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  38. jim bryant would u like tosell oneww

    would u like to sell one

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    • DAVID Goldenstein

      MY name is David and I have the Sterling that was built for George Evans by California Component Cars. It was featured as “Stunning Sterling” in the April 1990 issue of Kit Car Magazine. I’ve been trying to get a comment and tell people it’s for sale for some time. It runs and drives and has a clear title It has the sam Siracco engine and looks great. Someone let me know if you see this. I’d like to find a buyer.

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      • Michael Sawyer

        Where have you listed it? Do you have current pictures and condition?

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  39. DAVID Goldenstein

    I had it on Albuquerque Craigslist from April to August of 2018 and various times before. Lots of interest from the “Bubble Gum” crowd on how fast it was, and a few low ball offers. Took it off because of midnight and 4am calls on it.

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  40. DAVID Goldenstein

    At this time it is in a garage and about to be fired up after being undercover for a few years. I fixed carb leaks with carb kits, but right now it’s SNOWING here in the mountains of NM. The condition is pretty much as it is in the magazine, but an upgrade in wheels. Can send pictures after finding the on a flash drive.

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    • Michael Sawyer

      Please post if you find them.

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    • Michael Sawyer

      Side note, I’d appreciate some snow down here in FL!

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    • Craig Rufolo

      Hi DAVID my son wants to work on a car together ….. and we both love the way the sterling looks so if you could please email me at I’ll send u my number I would like to talk to you. Thank you David
      All the best Craig

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      • Lisa A. Hampton

        Robert Feeney, yes Greg still does have a red t-top. Contact info is in the comments.

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  41. Tom Edgerton

    Looking for Sterling Kit # 608. Anyone knowing anything please see my email below. Thanks, Tom

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  42. Phil Bates

    Looking for a windshield for a Bremen Auto Sport Sebring. My understanding is hat the windshield glass is the same as a Sterling or a Euro-Nova – but it would be nice to be able to get one and/or have that info confirmed.

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  43. Frank

    Looking to purchase a sterling

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  44. Greg

    Where are you located? If near central Oregon, I’ll show you them anytime. I loved love to show them. Email and phone # are still the same. Although the sterlings may not be..

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  45. Russell D Snyder

    I have a 1977 Sterling SN #488 with 57000 miles on it that will be going up for auction on October 7th 2023 in Great Bend Ks at the F&E Collector Car Auction at the Expo Building west of town. Check the F&E Website for details and pictures.

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    • Michael Sawyer

      Can you share a link? I’m not seeing it.

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  46. Russell D Snyder
    Pictures are now on the website

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  47. D'Angelo Wright

    Drop me Rick’s info. My number is 18604915757. Serious buyer here

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  48. Russell D Snyder

    Video is on Youtube just search for 1977 Sterling. I am not sure how to copy the link to this page. it is available on proxibid right now.

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  49. Russell D Snyder

    Here is the link to the video of 1977 Sterling

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