What A Bargain: 1969 Rover 2000 TC for $1,000


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I see a lot of cars that terrific readers send in, and every once in a while I am sorely, sorely tempted to buy the car rather than write about it. This is the second-most intense feeling I’ve had to buy something since I started writing for Barn Finds. I’ve owned (and still own) this car’s chief rival, the Triumph 2000, for the businessman’s heart in 1960’s Britain. The Rover was quite sophisticated in many ways compared to the Triumph, with the unusual front suspension we’ve written about before here. This car is almost rust free, with some minor perforation in the trunk, but features the rare combination of a manual transmission and air conditioning (although the compressor isn’t present; you’d have to change it out for a R134 conversion anyway). Unfortunately for me and the seller, the car is located in Modesto, California, and transporting a non-running car 2,761 miles isn’t going to be very economical (I checked). So one of you folks is going to buy this by clicking the $1,000 buy-it-now button on the eBay auction right here. Of course, they are accepting lower bids, but why bother taking the chance on losing it? I hope you write about it here, you lucky reader, you! I’d say “thanks” to Robert R. for this find if I weren’t so jealous!


A lovely set of seats, nice door panels, a spare front fender to replace the damaged one (in the right color, even!) and dual power servos for the brakes complete the package. I think there’s even a factory shop manual on the back seat. I really, really want this car! Oh well, let us know which one of you buys it!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. L.M.K.

    Looks pretty good for the asking price….It’s a $1000.00 gamble w/o knowing the condition of the engine though. I’d take that gamble if I were closer to it…..Good luck to those that are near enough to grab it……

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  2. David Frank DavidMember

    They are a great car. I had one in Wyoming back in the day. The rear suspension with it’s inboard disk brakes made for a really comfortable yet great handling car. It was way ahead of anything around then and nothing could keep up with it on the roads in Yellowstone Park.

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  3. jim s

    sold. did anyone on the site buy this?

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  4. Howard A Howard AMember

    Sure is an odd car. Kind of a plain dash, for a British car, and then this big tach in the middle. I suppose this was a nice car when new, most British cars are, but this particular car, unless you really have a thing ( and extra parts) for Rovers, I’d run screaming in the night to get away. Maybe if you “Americanized” it, but that front suspension would scare me. I can just see the parts person laughing when I say, “I need a lower knuckle thingy for a ’69 Rover TC”.

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  5. DolphinMember

    These were a big deal in the UK back when newly introduced. They marketed them as a combo of safety and luxury IIRC. You can still see these in British murder mysteries that are set in the early ’70s and they instantly tell you what era the show is set in, if you didn’t already know from the actors’ clothes.

    I knew two people who owned them from new back in the day, and both of them mostly spoke about the great ride and the luxurious interior….and the most recent things that had to be repaired. But that said, I still think that whoever bought this 2000 TC for $1K got a bargain.

    I wouldn’t mind having one as a retro semi-daily driver but it would need to be the 3500. Yes those have more vents and scoops than any car needs, but to my eye they look really good anyway. And if you get tired of the car you can always use the aluminum V8 for any number of transplant projects.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor
      • Howard A Howard AMember

        See? Now this is a much classier car. As to retrogreg below, I have no idea what we’re looking at here.

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      • Bruce

        I bought this car. Poor paint but an amazing interior. It will take some time to bring it back, but so worth it,30K miles ,1 owner. I have had several 2000TC’s in the past and always wanted a 3500S. Wish me luck. Bruce

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      • JesseStaff

        Thanks for letting us know Bruce! Please keep us updated on your progress.

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  6. retrogreg

    Be thankful, it has apparently been purchased by ‘others’.
    Tread cautiously Rover 2000s can be expensive and time consuming to bring back to life – I suggest if you are interested you should first read a shop manual (fr &rear suspension, rear brakes, steering, trans linkage) as an appetizer, and then see if you are up to a full meal. I have owned two and will not go down that road again – parts are becoming increasingly scarce & expensive.

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  7. gunningbar

    My buddy had one…really good riding car but not for the feint of heart or budget minded

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  8. L.M.K.

    Bruce, Enjoy the project and good luck with it !! It really looked like a nice piece…

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