455 Powered 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix 4-Speed

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There’s no back-story on this car so let’s make one up… “Honey, why don’t you sell that white thing in the garage?” Judging from this picture we can surmise that the owner isn’t selling his or her last second-gen Grand Prix. This 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix is my personal favorite:  the only year with the (’69-’70) quad headlights and the 455 cubic inch engine, a new option that year. Plus this is a four-speed! The car’s original mill is gone but a “correct” rebuilt 455 comes with the car. Located in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, this Grand Prix Model J awaits an acceptable offer here on eBay or a buyer willing to click “Buy It Now” for $15,000.

The seller describes this as a “rebuilt correct engine with original top end… completely rebuilt and run in on the dyno.” Pontiac introduced this block in 1955 at 287 cubic inches and it grew internally to this 455 cubic inch monster. Thus, there is technically no “big block” Pontiac though 455 cubes is a lot of displacement. Furthermore, identifying Pontiac V8s takes a bit more detective work than other makes (some details from Wikipedia).

What a handsome car this would have been in 1970, and after it’s restored or refurbished. This one came loaded with power windows, brakes, and steering plus a tachometer, 8-track, leather interior, and wood-rimmed wheel with tilt. I plan to own either a 455 Grand Prix of this vintage someday or its sister, the Eldorado-styled 454 Monte Carlo. Wow – this Grand Prix is pushing all the right buttons!

Note the reflector on the inside of the six-foot long door so when you park on the street and open your door, other drivers will realize their entire lane is blocked. This door panel looks to be in great shape. The leather seats are “redone with correct buttons and pattern.” This would have been your Boss’s muscle car back in the day, combining style with power. In 1969 it boasted “the longest hood in production car history,” though that seems hard to imagine considering the v12 and v16 monsters of the 1930s. A new coat of the original gold color will really sizzle with this black interior. What future do you see for this Grand Prix?


  1. Rock OnMember

    Todd you better double check your Wikipedia again. That would be a 454 powered Monte Carlo!

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    • Todd FitchAuthor

      Hello “Rock On” and thanks for the note, except Hmm. I just tried it now from here and got the page I intended for “Pontiac V8 engine.” Maybe the mighty Internet is telling me (or you) to buy a big-block Monte Carlo. I’ll put the link here. Tell us if this works. Thanks – always glad to be corrected in the interest of the common good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac_V8_engine

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      • jw454


        There is no 455 Monte Carlo. You are probably thinking of the Mighty 454.

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      • Paul Grounds

        Looks like it has rusted panels consistent with the snow shovel. 15gs seems alot

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    • john marshall

      I own a 69 model J 428 car myself. it is a great combination of style and power car is comfortable to cruise and a blast at the track.

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  2. Superdessucke

    Very cool but body work and rust repair, paint, interior work, suspension work, undercarriage detailing, tires, brakes, fuel lines, rubber hoses, electrical issues, etc. etc. etc.

    How much would all that cost? The 4-speed is the obvious draw but I bet you can get a really nice one for 20k or maybe a little less. These, along with their Monte Carlo cousins, never brought in the same value as their GTO and Chevelle SS brothers. I suspect this will be a labour of love, not profit.

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  3. flmikey

    What’s that I spy hovering above the GP? Is that a Hurst edition GP? I have been looking for a 4 speed GP…as I had one in the 70’s…Superdessucke is right…a good one can be had for 20k…very nice find, though…

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    • Slowwrench

      Yup. SSJ up top

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      • Kevin

        Hey slow wrench! Talk to you a while back about the 1970 SSJ I inquired, I appreciate your input and advice, would love to have your for speed though

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  4. Todd FitchAuthor

    Hi jw454 – of course – that was a mis-type. I had 455 on the brain from the feature car. Thanks!

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  5. 86 Vette Convertible

    Would have been attractive in it’s day, but it’s not on my bucket list so can’t say if that asking price is good or not. No interest here.

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  6. A.J.

    The 4 speed in a Grand Prix is practically made of unobtainium. Maybe you Grand Prix guys can pipe in with the numbers, but I have seen maybe 3 in the last 20 years. Same thing for the Monte. Too bad this car doesn’t have its original block.

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    • Andrew Gould

      1 of 199 built with the 455 4 speed combo. You’ll never find a good one for $20k, they’re just not out there.

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  7. Van

    Great car. I’d go for the Hurst addition paint job. Add 17″ honeycomb wheels.

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  8. Rock OnMember

    Hey Todd, I missed my chance on a big block Monte Carlo back in the eighties. My stepfather traded in a mint 1973 Monte Carlo on a land barge 1976 Lincoln coupe. Was just a poor college student at the time.

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    • Todd FitchAuthor

      A high school buddy of mine had a 454 Chevy pickup, Trailering Special. I inherited a love of stick shift from both parents, the 454 pickup was the first automatic I actually enjoyed driving. That buttery torque and the sound of the glass packs dumping in front of the rear wheels when you let off the gas… so nice. I haven’t driven a 454 Monte but it’s pretty high on “the list.”

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  9. JimmyJ

    Pass anything but a gas station or a mopar!

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    Mmmm, MM MMM Toasty

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  11. Oldcarsarecool

    A friend of mine is restoring one of these. I got to drive it two decades ago. Great car . . .

    Like 2
  12. Hide Behind

    Bro in law owned one in mid 70’s it was not that fast compared to Chev and MOPAR big blocks but as a luck and hi-way cruiser it was great. Ponchos always had oil system problems so low rev and early power curve move heavy vehicles pretty well.

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  13. Madmatt

    I have always wanted a 69 or 70 Grand Prix,
    This sounds a bit high,and parts are very hard to get
    for these ponchos,There just don’t seem to be many
    of these around anymore?I always loved the style of these,
    and they were real muscle/luxury cruisers.In about 1976
    one of my neighbors had a metallic lime green one with
    cragars on it..,it looked so cool to my 8 yr old eyes!
    I would love to have one someday…..nice find!

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    • Bob Hummell

      A Buddy back in the day had 70 a blue 455 4 speed it was fast

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  14. Chebby

    I love these, but his price is crazy. Look what’s on the Bay of E for 18k or less:


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    • A.J.

      Don’t compare a real 4 speed car to any automatic. They are not the same and a factory manual in a grand prix would be super desirable. Too bad about the original block being long gone.

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    • Lounge

      That’s a 400 auto with velour interior for $18.5k – not even comparable.

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  15. Lounge

    I had a 71’ SJ – 455 slush box. My (personally owned) favorite car of all time.

    The problem with the 455 is the oiling system sends too much oil to the top and starves the bottom. Without a restrictor, you will eventually spin a bearing.

    I would love to take a crack at this car. I can’t imagine there are many 455 – 4 speed “J” cars. Typically the 455/4s were SJ or SSJ. This has to have been a special order factory “J” car.

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    • Mark

      I had 71 GP with a 400 in HS. Loved that car.

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  16. Lounge

    Seeing as how this is a non-numbers matching setup… it would be wise of the buyer to make sure this “J” car was in fact a factory optioned 455.

    I question this “factory 455” claim the more I think about it.

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    • Andrew Gould

      It’s real and PHS documented. You could get a 455 in a model J.

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      • Lounge

        I am aware.

        You had to specifically order it that way though. Most people who wanted the 455 just checked the SJ package.

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    • Slowwrench

      PHS will confirm

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  17. R.hernandez

    Wow.not only do they have one.they have 2 of them.

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  18. scottymac

    Is the 8 track player just laying on the driveshaft tunnel behind the console (e-Bay picture), or is that where the factory mounted them?

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    • Andrew Gould

      Yes, that where they put them from 69-72

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  19. Billy Bob

    Wish the double white wall tires were still available.

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  20. Bull

    This car was previously purchased by a business associate of mine on Ebay and subsequently returned to the seller (could be a different Ebay seller by now don’t know for sure) for not being what the car was advertised to be.

    Buyer Beware!

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    • Andrew Gould

      Not the same car. This is a documented 455 4 speed car, 1 of 199, and wasn’t sold on eBay. I do know the car that you are talking about but it’s not this one.

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  21. Fred

    Back in the mid 1990’s, at a candle shop in Childs, Pennsylvania, Behind it was a fairly large scrap yard with cars from the 30’s to the ealry 70’s, along with thousands of appliances that were scrapped.

    I found a 1970 455 block with a code matching a 4 speed car. There was a hole in the side of the block from a thrown rod.

    I bought the 4 bolt main caps for $15 from the lady owner of the junk yard, and who knows, it might have been the original engine for this car. Wilkes Barre is only 30 miles or so away……..

    The lady who owned the place sold it all for scrap. She had a million in used car parts, and got pennies on the pound….

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  22. Rick Rothermel

    Legendary Pontiac ad guy Jim Wangers bought a ’69 SJ GP 4-gear as a demo as soon as the new models came out. His was white, and he had the front 3/4 of the roof, the door shoulders and the triangle of the hood in Tiger Gold.

    Division GM John DeLorean loved the look but commented, “We won’t make it. we make too much profit on vinyl tops.” Jim’s car was sold to George Hurst and became the basis for Hurst’s SSJ offering. The canopy roof ruined it, IMO. Jim’s collection includes a clone, built a few years ago from a low-mile ’69 J-model. The look is stunning.

    The ’69 and ’70 GPs are among my all-time favorite Pontiacs, and this one deserves saving but even if ‘saved’ it’ll probably never be worth twice this owners’ asking. That’s a shame.

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  23. Dave

    interested in GP Parts own a 69 428 HO & 69 400 4speed . let me know if you can help . thanks Dave

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