Belgian Hayloft Find

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We have seen some strange automobile storage methods before, but this one has to top the list. If you look closely, you will spot  a little blue car up there on top of the hay bales. Reader Schlicker F posted these photos which were taken in a barn somewhere in Belgium to our Facebook. We felt they were at least worth a good laugh.

Here is a shot from the other side of the car. We think it looks like a Citroen 2CV, but we are not entirely sure. So, can you help us identify this hayloft find?

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  1. Tom D

    A Citroen Diane

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  2. Bob Manaton

    A Citroen Dianne i believe

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  3. DanF

    It’s a Citroën Dyane, which is an upgraded version of the 2CV.

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  4. Karl Robbins

    It was called a Citroen Diane . They were the version before the 2CV

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  5. n.kroon

    It is a Dyane ;)

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  6. Michel Transmaster Paviot

    The Dyane was a development of the Citroën 2CV, and was intended as an answer to the increasingly popular Renault 4, which after its introduction in 1961 had affected 2CV sales. Like the Renault 4, the Dyane was designed as a hatchback with some other styling differences, such as round headlamps set into the front fenders. It is often believed that the Dyane was intended to replace the 2CV, but it was aimed slightly higher in the Citroën range, between the 2CV and the Ami. 3 versions were offered: Dyane, 425 cc, 21 hp; Dyane 4, 435 cc 26 hp; Dyane 6, 602 cc 32 hp.

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  7. Chrisso

    Renault Diane, their answer to the 2CV

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  8. Henri

    Citroën Dyane.
    Was brought on the market as a successor for the 2CV, but in the end production of the 2CV continued a few years after the Dyane production ceased.

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  9. Jesse Barn FindsAuthor

    Well, it looks like you guys figured it out. Now, any theories as to why it is stashed in the loft?

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    • TVC15

      Someone parked it there while they looked for the needle ?

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    • paul

      I have heard these Citroens have a wonderful hydraulic suspension, I just didn’t know they could raise them that high!

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  10. Jeff

    Avoiding the repossesor? ;)

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  11. Christian Lent

    This is a Citroën Dyane (spelled like this) built between September 1972 and September 1977 …
    Have a look at fabulous French club website …

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  12. Chris

    Hope they didn’t lose the keys in the hay!

    Indeed – what a peculiar place to stow the car.

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  13. Mark

    I reckon it was put up on top of that structure in order to use its drive train to lift things. An ersatz crane perhaps.

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  14. Søren Schmidt Hansen

    A 70’s Citroën Dyane. ( 6 windows and black door handels, stainless steel bumpers)
    Judging from the pic. my guess is, that it is from 77-79 and that the color is AC645, bleu mysotis. However it is not uncommon to see older cars, upgraded with stainless steel bumpers and black plastic grill, to look like a newer model.
    Anyway the Dyane is at wonderful car and I love driving my 68′ Dyane 6.

    Like to learn more, take at look here.

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  15. dogbreath

    I have no idea why they stored it this but I can assure you that it will stop rust . I’ve dug out varments in hay lofts that were perfectly mumyfied.

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    • paul

      very interesting!

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  16. snake

    something left for the next folks going in the barn, to ask why? Other than looks like Citroen family?

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  17. Stan

    C’est une Citroën modèle Dyane

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  18. patrick

    100% citroen dyane

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  19. Horse Radish

    Lack of space.

    Think about it :
    the weight of the hay bales would crush that poor thing.
    So to keep it safe it has to be on top, and visible to avoid the above dilemma.
    It seems to be (or they can claim that it is) ‘moved’ every year or the hay underneath would start rotting.

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  20. paul

    No doubt they drove it up the side of the building then down through the roof!

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    • jcl

      they just kept storing the hay UNDER the dyane, so it kept going up and up!!!!!!!!

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  21. twwokc

    A couple of bored Belgian farmers sitting around drinking beer one Saturday night decided it would be great fun to carry the little Dyane up there. Next morning, hungover, they forgot all about the little blue car. They are still looking for it.

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  22. infex

    This car isn’t so rare here in belgium… You can buy one for around €2000….

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  23. Andrew Minney

    And I bet it starts first turn of the key

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  24. Horse Radish

    Oohh, la la, les belges,
    Ils sont drôles, non ?

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  25. Joe

    Dyane 6, my wife (when she was my gf in Italy) owned one, what a fun car to drive! Loved the unique shifter instead of our H pattern it travelled horizontally and rotated (imagine a L shape rod protruding from the dash, you rotated your wrist and pushed it in or out to select gears).

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  26. Jeremy

    They were playing “Hide and Seek” and forgot where they hid it! ;)

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