1970 Plymouth Superbird On Craigslist?

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We’ve featured a craigslist Superbird before, but this is the first one we’ve seen on the free classifieds site in a few years now. It always makes us leery to find such a high dollar car on there, but you never know. This Superbird is claimed to have been off the road since 1986 and to have only 43k miles on the odometer! It’s located in Upstate New York and is listed here on craigslist for $85k. Thanks goes to Daniel S for the tip!

440 Super Commando

You could get a 426 Hemi or a 440 Super Commando in your Superbird. Looks like the latter is in there, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The Hemi would make the car more valuable, but the 440 was a beast of an engine with lots of low end torque. If the mileage number is correct, this muscle car should be worth quite a bit more than the asking once it’s made road worthy.

Clean Interior

This winged Mopar does look pretty good in the photos. The interior appears to be very clean for a car that has sat for 30 years though. I ran the photos through a search to see if the car had been listed before and nothing came up. That’s a good thing to do with a craigslist find just to make sure it’s not a scam. That’s not a guarantee though. There’s only an email listed in the ad, so don’t click on any strange links that may come back.

Winged Mopar

Hopefully this one is legit, but with any online purchase, better safe than sorry. The listing hasn’t been up for more than 24 hours, so you’ll want to act fast, but proceed with caution. Make sure you know what you are getting and be careful sending money. A transaction this big should probably be done after meeting the seller in-person. If anyone does end up pursuing this bird, we would love to hear the outcome!


  1. Rock OnMember

    Has to be either the best deal on Craigslist or the biggest scam!!!

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    • paul

      Correct Rock, one extreme or the other But which?

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    • al smith

      this is the real deal, I own the car. the car will need restoration but its real.

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      • Jeff

        Al are you interested in trades?

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      • Bill Knight

        What state? I lost mine in a divorce and my ex sold it, Mine even had a dent on the left front! Same color, everything.

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      • Richard Garland

        Can you give me the Serial Number and J-Number from off of the Fender Tag. Here is a picture of my Bird!

        Thanks, Richard

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      • Cassidy

        Al, I thought you were going to add more pictures? You’re sounding more like a scammer with your empty promises

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      • Noisyboyz

        Price is fair for a car needing restoration, but certainly no “steal”!!

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  2. Van

    “What? I can’t hear you over the alarm bells”

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  3. George

    Upstate NY is such a small area…

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  4. Salt Man

    $85K is a market-correct asking price for a restoration project 440 Superbird. Might even be a bit on the high side.

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  5. Rabbit

    Says Syracuse area. 5 hour round trip. Not like I have a spare 85K knocking around…..

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  6. Chris

    I agree with Saltman, the price is a little high. These have cooled off a bit. The good news is you can verify it as real easily. Pretty lame listing for such a cool car. amazing how most of these were column shift automatics. Yuck.

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    • The Walrus

      Dealers were forced to take them. My grandfather had one forced on his dealership until he was finally able to trade it to another dealer at the dealers convention in 1974 for a valiant.

      Thus, the reason they have column shifters and bench seats is that most dealers, when forced to take one, took them with no options, because that added cost to an already (at the time) undesirable/hard car to sell.

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      • John B

        Who had 5000 dollars in 1970 for a huge, garish, clumsy, one-purpose car with no A/C anyway? Yet I almost bought one in 1980 for 2700 bucks, what an idiot I was!

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  7. Fred W.

    Could be legit- scammers would never have faces in the photos unless they are using someone else’s photos. The trailer tells me it’s a quick flip, wonder what they paid for it?

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  8. mark

    85K for a Superbird that is on a trailer with 4 pictures?

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  9. Al Smith

    This is real and it’s mine. I did not post a number because I didn’t want to be bombarded with calls. I will be responding to numbers emailed to me. I will attach more photos.

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    • Van

      Great deal AL
      You can see how we would be leary.
      Don’t take it personally but we have all heard stories.
      We hope the deal works out for you.
      We all like stories about cars. Fill us in on this one?

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      • al smith

        ok l will do that thanks. I can also can send more pics and info to anyone interested.

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    • Tom Woods

      Wow! Wanted one of these since i could talk. Seeing that I am only 14, I don’t have $85K lying around :(.

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      • grant

        Don’t feel bad kid, I’m 41 and I don’t have a spare 85k laying around, either.

        Like 1

      Al, my name is Mark Salzstein and I am interested in your car.
      I am not a scammer (I despise unwanted solicitations)
      My number is (978)-717-3046
      I have a few questions, if you are interested in speaking, I would like to talk about your car.

      Thank you for your time.

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  10. mtshootist1

    Its been my experience, that every now and then, you can make a screaming deal on Craigslist. I’ve bought several Harleys, an FJ Cruiser, a VW Jetta, a Harley sidecar, wheels, parts, etc. off Craigslist. However, I always go armed to the teeth, and have a neutral location like the parking lot of the grocery store, walmart etc. Don’t go alone. Don’t have cash in your hip pocket. If they act squirrely or want to meet at odd hours or locations, tell them to bugger off..

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  11. A.J.

    Neat car but a column automatic – not the best option on a musclecar. 85k is probably market correct or even high.

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  12. piper62j

    If it’s titled and the V.I.N. on the car (located in multiple places) matches the title, then it seems it would be a great car to hold to and bring back to it’s former glory..

    These cars are dropping in value, but who can say what the next 10 years will bring. You all know the system.. “Buy low / Sell high” That’s the name of the game..

    Great find and I hope it all works out well for you Al..

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  13. SRT8

    Weren’t the only factory produced Superbirds and Daytonas made in 1969? I had read somewhere that there may have been some produced as 70 models but were actually done after the fact by an outside shop. If memory serves the Superbirds had Coronet fenders as well.

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    • George

      Daytonas were 1969. Superbirds were 1970.

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  14. JagManBill

    a (not so) funny flatbed story. Saw one sitting in a parking lot once with the butt caved in from the top and the tail knocked off. Half a dozen cops around your first thought was a stolen recovery.
    Seems the flatbed driver stopped for lunch at a drive thru after picking up the car. Well, the wing was higher than the drive thru ceiling….

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  15. steve e

    What is amazing is the picture of the hood up– hinge at the left is oversprayed badly– not the kind of paint work one would think on this kind of car. Balance current price with its current condition and have a pre purchase inspection by qualified appraiser.

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    • Nemos

      Doing some reading years ago in Mopar Collectors Guide mag, it seems that if there wasn’t random overspray in places on these cars they were likely restored.

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  16. John B

    …and to think that some of these cars when new went unsold for two years and others were supposedly converted back to Road Runners by impatient dealers. True!

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  17. Doug Towsley

    People are right to be cautious, but no reason to be offensive. Cool cars and bikes are out there. just because some of us consider them to be rare and desirable does not mean everyone does. Heck, I have seen a lot of estate situations where uncaring, unknowing self absorbed familys just scrap or toss stuff the owner coveted and kept for decades.
    We have a local guy, well known for rarely every selling anything and if he did, he wanted well above what most people would think is fair. (He is a nice guy, but a typical eccentric collector) So his family had an ultimatum for him. “We are just going to toss your stuff so make arrangements now”. He made a sizable donation to our local museum and it is very much GREATLY appreciated and will be put to good use.

    One of the few times we see where someone was proactive in planning and being proactive. Conversely, A friend wants in the worst way a Vincent Motorcycle, He claims “All these old guys bought theres back when they were low value, they all keep current on values and rarely ever sell anything and if they do, its almost always to a friend. hard to find someone who will work with a younger collector who will give it a good home”

    A few years back cars like this were sent to the crusher for fuel credits and emissions to get them off the road. And yet this car is super rare and while prices ebb & flow, this will ALWAYS be a blue chip investment car.

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  18. JACKinNWPA Jack in NWPAMember

    This truly looks like a 30 year slumber car. the headlight blackouts are painted and not the correct pattern, should not have the trunk stripes,and a ‘bird with mudflaps !! has to be an old school driver. I had to study up on them when I got to restore the body on one. If you need to replace the vinyl top do NOT correct the seam filler. I did and it was a mistake! That car too has an interesting story,for another time.

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  19. Norman Bevins

    Nose and fin look to be exact color shade . The factory didn’t paint nose fin in house so the color shade wasn’t the same as the body

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  20. Van

    I don’t think the monitory value is as important as your desire to own one of the coolest cars of all time.
    Let the rich guys stock up on Hemi trailer queens and the rest of us will drive this.

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  21. Al Smith

    Update , the car is now running. And it sounds great. I have had over 60 inquiries. Just getting started replying to them.

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  22. Al Smith


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    • Al Smith


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    • Al Smith


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  23. Ctideis1

    Did they paint the Vin Plates back then ?

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    • Chris

      That’s the fender tag not the VIN.

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  24. Al Smith

    Update, the bird has been sold and is in the Rochester NY area.

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    • carl

      Did the original owner pass away? I met him 7 years ago and looked at the car then.

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      • al smith

        no, angalo is alive and well. still in east Rochester

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