The Duncan Collection – 900 Cars and Counting

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Have you ever pictured yourself car shopping with no budget in mind, scouring eBay and other sites as a hobby and clicking “Buy It Now” on those dream cars you’ve always wanted? In Southwest Virginia’s New River Valley, the dream is reality for Gary Duncan. It’s great work if you can find it, folks. (Photos and some details courtesy of RoanokeTimes).

Never seen a Nissan Figaro like the ones pictured above? No surprise; they were never sold in America. Gary has 125 of the 20,000 produced. You got the Beat? Gary does; he has acquired a fleet of over 60 Honda Beats, another model not sold in the USA. Duncan never set out to amass a collection of over 900 cars; it just evolved one purchase at a time. His family business of car dealerships acquired the 110,000 square foot warehouse space in 2015 with other ideas in mind. Gary is not some trust fund kid bent on one-upping his golfing buddies with his latest muscle car purchase. He is simply following his passion, buying what he likes with admirable zeal. As one of my gear-head buddies says “There’s a fine line between Hobby and Mental Illness.”

Got a thing for Japanese firetrucks? How many do you want? At this point I must confess that I live about fifteen minutes from this warehouse AND my daughter worked for a Duncan dealership and I never knew about this collection. I knew Duncan had a small warehouse of classic cars adjacent to a car lot, but that was simply the tip of the iceberg.

This Japanese hearse was a drop-dead steal at $2600. This baby is perfect for the person who hates walking out of the mall and having to look around for their car. For more pictures and current inventory take a virtual walk over to Duncan Imports and Classics.

With plenty of room for more cars and plenty of land on which to build warehouses, Mr. Duncan seems unlikely to stop clicking anytime soon. Knowing something about Duncan Automotive, I believe this dream come true couldn’t happen to a better family. And now it’s time for a game. Calling all eagle-eye car spotters:  what can you identify in this picture?


  1. Conivan

    I see a white 70 impala, blue 69 impala, a grey 68 impala, a yellow 71 Monte Carlo. That’s what cough my eye.

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    • Horse Radish

      I hope you get better soon.
      Those “cough in your eye” can be painful at times.

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  2. ROARMember

    Many are getting out of US currency into things that have intrinsic value that will always be worth at least something–he has a lot of that and if that turns his crank fine! Takes up more room than gold but–if you have the space–

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    • Woodie Man

      Disaster has struck…… Say Puerto Rico….. No food no gasoline … No electricity…. “Hey Pal…. Will you trade me a loaf of bread for this ’64 SS?” Nah…. I’d rather have a fiver.

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  3. Will Fox

    In the bottom photo, I see what appears to be a number of 1969-70 Chevys, besides the Vettes. Are those all new, unsold cars the man kept? I see early Monte Carlos too. (Mainly curious) Thanks!

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  4. Nathan Avots-SmithMember

    A Bricklin, an Opel GT, a Saab Sonett III…a Honda Prelude like the ’84 my grandmother had….

    That hearse is incredible! I love that the inside is as intricate as the outside.

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    • Tommy

      I missed the white Bricklin, I worked for them in New Jersey back in the day….

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  5. Sam Sharp

    Speaking of ‘who ever owns the most cylinders, wins!’ Mr. Duncan wins over Leno.

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  6. Sam Sharp

    I need to qualify my ‘Leno slams.’ Jay is a car hero to me. I met him years ago at Bike Week when he rode his turbine bike into the parking lot. Anyone who wins all kinds of coucours with his cars then drives them, is a true caretaker of the breeds.

    No pretense from this man. I remember his (Lays potato chips?) ads with a Rambler station wagon in the background. Ok. So I don’t remember that well. .

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  7. RX7TurboII

    Im looking for a very clean 2nd Gen Prelude just like the blue one in his collection. It sounds like from what i read in the article that most of the cars are ( could ) be for sale….Does that mean I can just call him up and ask about it? I dont like to invade peoples privacy especially if they have no intentions of selling their collection but what do you guys think? Anybody know Gary?

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    • Nathan Avots-SmithMember

      The link in the article to “Duncan Imports and Classics” will take you to the inventory, including those cars not for sale.

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    • Jeff LaveryStaff

      The Prelude caught my eye as well but according to the site, it is not for sale.

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  8. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    OK, a hoarder with money, right? It would be nice if Mr. Duncan would take his pocket change and help another hoarder, The Michigan Man!

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    • nessy

      Yep, anyone have an update on the Michigan man? Many said they were going over to help. I wonder if anyone, at least some guys local in his area, really did go to help him move some cars or was it just talk….

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    • LAB3

      How come we don’t have any armchair Dr Phil types pscholanylizing THIS guy? Probably because this one seems to have money!

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  9. Wagon master

    This guy is well known and a car dealer advertising his cars for sale so ask away.

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    • gary Duncan

      Wagonmaster! You are the King! Thanks, Gary Duncan

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      • Jeff LaveryStaff

        Gary, thanks for joining the conversation. Wanna buy an XT6? I noticed you didn’t have one…;-)

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  10. gary Duncan

    Thanks Guys! Gary Duncan
    our Website is Come visit please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Jim Biasella

      Any 70-72 firebirds,formulas???

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    • Kevin Perkins

      I talked to Gary about parts for my 1990 Mitsubishi Bravo ax mini van last year and that was one he was not familiar with. Wonder if he went and got one yet.

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  11. Solosolo UK KEN TILLYMember

    When are we going to get back to info on actual BARN FINDS? All we are getting just lately are near pristine originals and collections like this one.

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    • JohnD

      Remember the saga of Mr. Ron in MI?

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  12. angliagt

    Dang! – We’re moving to Roanoke,& I’ll be looking for a job.
    I wonder if……..
    I will have to take the ’67 MGB GT for a drive to see this place.

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  13. Eric

    This falls into the classification of hoarding for the very wealthy. We all feel just terrible for him for suffering from this terrible affliction that he’s dealing with.

    I tried to type that in a super-sarcastic font but it appears my computer is not sophisticated enough to possess a “super-sarcastic” font.

    I would like to extend my heartfelt assistance to this gentleman and offer my assistance in helping him alleviate his “problem”. I would be happy to meander around his warehouse and take 3 of this, 2 of that, a dozen of this, etc off his hands. He should feel a sense of relief afterward.

    I will agree to rid him of up to 60 vehicles and I won’t even charge the poor fellow a penny. I’m here for you my friend in your time of need.

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    • LAB3

      Oh yeah, he’s definitely sick and needs to be put on high doses of several psychiatric medications as well as have a court ordered guardian to handle his affairs. If he doesn’t think he needs it then electroconvulsive therapy is warranted.

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      • nessy

        Hey LAB3, have you been hanging around with Billy again?

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      • LAB3

        Nessy, all I’m doing is “Raising Awareness”

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      • Billy

        Ahh Nessy, Still can’t get me out of your head can ya? Man, I sure hope your a 22 year old hot blonde. All kidding aside you lonely old man, I DO feel this guy has a disease. He is no better then Mr. MIchigan. He probably does need a guardian, but the rich live by different rules then we all do. (Remember Howard Hughes who let his finger nails grow inches long and never bathed? He wasn’t crazy, he was “eccentric”) At least his collection isn’t rotting outside, spoiling the scenery and polluting the ground water. All I hope is that this rich boy with (probably) inherited money, treats his employees well. AND YOU Nessy, please find someone else to hold dear in your heart and forget about me, it is getting embarrassing!

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  14. jonathan crone

    why would you collect nissan figaro I wandered whos brought them all why Id rather have something else not an nissan figaro sorry to say ,

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  15. Puhnto

    Do they all get driven from time to time? Ever?

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  16. Dan

    Some nice cars, for me mostly American cars, and especially Chevys, camaros and corvettes……rest of that foreign junk he can have, they be nice but who cars…….gosh don’t ya just hate millionaires?……just kidding, glad he can follow his dreams….well some nitemares but oh well…and I only live 2 hours from there…been in that town many times…

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  17. gary Duncan

    Thanks again for all the comments. Please come visit. Love to meet people that Love cars. I have been blessed. Gary Duncan

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    • angliagt

      Are you hiring?

      – Doug

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    • Jeffro

      Do you have the need to adopt a older son? I’m available! If so…can I have the keys to the car(s)? I have a date.

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  18. R.hernandez

    Seems like hoarding to me Figaro and firetrucks really.if I had his money id be hanging out at barret-jackson…or better yet be all over that 71 442 w-30!

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  19. 64 bonneville

    I really like the micro cars. Just way to cool. I would even trade my 67 Delmont 88 425 for a Figaro.

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  20. Dave Mikulec

    Impressive. A very cool collection for sure. Dunno if I could handle that kind of lifestyle personally tho. My first two cars, bought when I was in high school back in the late 70s were both ’63 Plymouth Savoys. A moredoor and a longroof. I recently got my own shop (as a hobby) and had the chance to finally get one of each again. They’re rusty and need a buttload of work but I couldn’t be happier.

    Dave at http://www.rusty–

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    • Jeffro

      Rusty Nuts! That made me choke on my drink. That’s awesome. Congrats on the cars/shop.

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      • Dave Mikulec


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  21. D. King

    I get 900 cars (although that’s probably more than even my list). I even get the Japanese hearse, although he might want to sell it to Houston’s Museum of Funeral History. I don’t get 60 Honda Beats, whatever that is, or 125 Nissan Figaros. What’s the point? Will they ever become a collector car? Or even appreciate above the cost of purchase and storage? And how did they even get into this country?

    Help me out, Mr. Duncan!

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  22. Bentley T

    What? not one Diahatsu Copen?

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  23. RogerMember

    I know them all. Yeah, right…. Well, at least 98% of them:-).

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  24. Walter Joy

    The past 4 years my imagination has been running similar to this collection. In size. But not with these cars per sé

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  25. Peter Pentz

    Its the Nissan Figaro’s that get to me.
    In its heyday I was in London and my girlfriend doubled up with laughter when she saw one, so I photographed it for her, for her future memories.
    They fall in the class of a Trabant, you may want to own one as an example of possibly the worst ever piece of automotive engineering.
    And then there’s the Minneapolis fire department light trucks – what was he thinking !
    A very sad waste of money to be honest ……
    The Corvettes and the Chevy iron – yeh OK, but slapping I on the market in one go, risks flooding the market.
    Sad when you see somebody badly invest hard earned money …..

    Just my 2 cents.

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    • leiniedude leiniedudeMember

      Figaro, Figaro, Fiiigaa ro ! The Barber of Seville.

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  26. Turkey Pen

    I new Gary’s father back in late 60,s, started small and Gary was always working to help out. He deserves to be proud of what he has accomplished. Best wishes, Charlie

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  27. Mickey Dorsey

    There are more and more people who appreciate these mini/micro cars and trucks for what they are…fun, affordable, and most of all what we should be driving on a daily basis as single occupant commuter vehicles that get great gas mileage, are easy to park, and are built to be reliable vehicles. Congratulations Mr. Duncan for having the vision of people only using what is necessary but having fun doing it. Sorry we have so many cynical members. I wish we could all appreciate the right to have different tastes and stop nit picking every detail.

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  28. Luki

    He has the time, space, resources and passion. Good for him.
    If I did I would be right there with him.
    Enjoy them Gary.

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  29. Horse Radish

    Looks like the ‘Who is who” of amateur psycho-analysts and envyers has gathered on this thread.
    This guy can collect whatever he wants and spend his money that way.
    Good on you, Gary !
    Ignore the haters, I love what you do !!

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  30. Sam Sharp

    JW Duff of Denver-Stapleton fame had lots of the same type aircraft in various forms. Need a front section and carrythrough for a C-141? How ’bout 10 Beech T-Bones. Or a C-47 with a serious gash near the meat chopper door?

    JW could have been called a hoarder, but his inventory was very useful for the Reno air racer tribe. He was sitting on a bunch of radials in cans with a 1945 reman date.

    Really enjoyed JW’s time. Nuts? Nope… Passionate about his chosen vocation.

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  31. Pete

    Well Mr Duncan sure has a diverse collection of cars I will give him that. I looked through a few pages of what he has for sale and they are very nice condition cars. You will also pay dearly for them as he isn’t giving anything away. But hey that is business. I have driven a few micro cars where I used to work and I can tell you that they are pretty effective and have a lot more room than you would think. Better than say a Kawasaki Mule for totting stuff around.

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    • Woodie Man

      I agree. The prices reflect a dealer. Nothing wrong with trying to get as much as you can for a car….. You just won’t sell it to anyone who knows you can buy them for much less with a little legwork

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  32. Adam Smailes

    Figaro’s are fairly common in the UK, but these days there all run down and rusted. I have never seen so many so clean! I want one.

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    • Mickey Dorsey

      Check out the prices and you may change your mind.

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