BF Classified: 1977 Land Rover 88″ series III

Location: Port Of Freeport, TX
Mileage: 92,648
Title Status: Clean
VIN: E25723256

Seller’s Description: Your Vehicle’s Year, Make, and Model
1977 Land Rover 88″ Series III
Your Vehicle’s VIN *
What is the title status?

Are there any liens? Hemmings Auctions does not accept cars with salvage, rebuilt, flood, or other similar statuses.
The documents provided with this sale include: title of origin, certified translation of title of origin notarized by a United States notary, legalization and tax documents in the United States [CBP Form 7501 (06/09), CBP Form 3461 (10/09), EPA Form 3520-1, HS-7 (Rev. 07-2014)]. Also included is a certified commercial invoice.
Why are you selling the vehicle?
We are dedicated to professional restoration for send to auctions
What is the mileage on the vehicle?
Zip code where vehicle is located
Common Questions and Answers for your Model
What are specific items that perspective buyers will ask first and their answers? What are the common issues for this type of car and have they been addressed?
This car received a total conditioning, in 2019 the engine, suspension and brakes were repaired, chassis in 2019 underwent professional corrections, sandblasting and painting, all undercarriage was sandblasting and repainting, it was sandblasting and completely repaired. In 2021 a new black soft top was purchased, equipped with removable aluminum running boards, new locks, new seats and a center console, as well as a 20 LT tank and a 60 “Hi Lift.
In 2021, the wiring, new bulbs, and LED headlights were also changed, in addition to HELLA fog lights.
In 2021, floors were also changed, and it was covered with an anti-oxidant, the door frames were rusted, so new ones were bought, new rubbers, glass and locks were put in.
In 2021, the dashboard was renewed, they put night lights, and it was fixed so that all the indicators worked.
In 2021 a new Zenith carburettor was added.
Key Documentation
What documentation do you have for work performed or authenticity?
We are directly the restoration workshop, we can provide videos of the current state of each of the renovated pieces.
What’s a unique story or stories about your car?
Has it been owned by a single owner for many years? How did you come to find it or buy it? Did you use it for specific races or events?
The car was imported by an executive of an important banana company in 1977, from 1978 to 2021 it had the same owner, who took the car directly to an authorized Land Rover workshop, he used it very little, in January 2021 it was bought by Escofon section LLC to take it to the workshop and get it ready.
The car was imported and legalized in the United States in May 2021, so it rests in the warehouse of the port of Freeport TX.
Has this vehicle appeared in an auction in the past 3 months?
What is the quality of the paint overall? When was the car last painted? Are there any swirls?
The car was repainted on the chassis, interior and exterior in the summer of 2019.
In 2021, doors and frames were changed, so it was repainted again, as well as new painted floors.
Body Blemishes
What blemishes exist on the exterior of the car? Are there scratches? Dents? Paint chips?
There are absolutely no scratches, maybe the exhaust is somewhat stained.
Sunroof and Convertible Tops
Does all functionality to open and close work as intended by the manufacturer? Are there any missing components? Does the vehicle leak?
No, the vehicle does not have leaks, since it is a car equipped for off road, a reverse cabin water leak was made.
Soft roof just new from 2021, the soft roof structure was repainted in black, and it is the one that came with the factory car, it is in perfect condition.
Glass and Windows
What is the quality of the windshield and other glass? Any scratches or cracks?
The door, plush and rubber criatals were put in new in 2021.
The front paonramic glasses are factory sealed, so they prefer to keep them, but there are no streaks or stains.
Seals and Leaks
What is the quality of the door and trunk seals? Are there any cracks or chunks missing? Is there any evidence of water leaks?
New 2019 tires, they work, there are no breaks or cracks that generate leaks.
What rust repairs have been made to the car in the past? What rust exists, surface or otherwise, on the car?
In 2019 a complete sandblasting job was carried out on the chassis and lower parts, so all the rust was removed.
In 2021 new floors were changed, and they were repainted yellow, removing all rust.
There are slight rust stains on the exhaust, but we prefer to keep it because of the Land Rover-marked seals that it still has.
Do the high beams and low beams work? Do all turn signals work? Do the tail lights and brake lights work?
All the lights and their functions were new, LEDs were added, and new HELLA fog lights with protector.
On the exterior, what items have been added, modified, or improved from stock?
We modified the brakes with BOOSTER system, we put led headlight lights, we improved with a non-original reverse light in the car, we put aluminum in the front fender to make it more functional on off road, we put removable stirrups to make off road easier without it. the car is damaged, we put a 20 liter auxiliary gas tank, and a 60 “Hi Lift Jack.
Larger tires, led lights on the dash for easier viewing at night.
We also fitted two HELLA brand long-range fog lights.
Does the A/C work?
No A/C
Does the heat work?
No Heat
Seat Material and Adjustments
What is the quality seat material? Are there any cracks or tears? Are there any adjustments that don’t work? Is the range of motion restricted?
New chairs, small adjustment to accommodate them, are new with imitation leather and yellow stitching.
They are not folding, since the original structure of these cars orders from the factory that they be static seats.
Carpet Condition
What is the condition of the carpet? Are there any holes or worn areas?
It has a base mat made of sound-absorbing material that prevents the car from heating up, and then a few new rubber covers.
Roof Condition
What is the condition of the headliner? Does it sag? Are all dome lights present and functional?
Brand new and flawless black soft top, the structure that supports the soft top is fully functional, it is very simple and functional.
Interior Trim
Are there any missing trim pieces, knobs, or switches?
Absolutely, everything in its place. Nothing is needed.
Gauge Functionality
Are there any accuracy issues that you know of? Are any of the gauges broken or not connected?
All the gauges work well, all the vintage Land Rovers the speedometer is not very accurate, but everything works.
Stereo System
How well does the radio and speaker work? Are there modern capabilities? Have components been upgraded?
No have audio system
Power Windows and Locks
Do all power windows raise and lower? Does the power unlock and lock functionality work for all doors?
All security systems and locks are new from 2021, but none are electrical or electronic.
On the interior, what items have been added, modified, or improved from stock?
New chairs, small adjustment to accommodate them, are new with imitation leather and yellow stitching.
They are not folding, since the original structure of these cars orders from the factory that they be static seats.
It has a base mat made of sound-absorbing material that prevents the car from heating up, and then a few new rubber covers.
A new central console with space to store things, bottles spaces and others, also has a lock.
Is the engine original to the car? How many miles since the last rebuild?
Less than 10,000 miles since 2019 rebuild, if it’s the original factory engine.
Cold Start
What’s your process to start the car when it’s cold? How does it idle after a cold start? Does it smoke on start up?
It turns on immediately at a difficult temperature like 3º, it turns on without any problem in the first attempt, it does not smoke, you can watch the videos.
Leaks and Weeps
Where does the engine leak or weep fluids? Are there any below the transmission? Any weeps around the differential or axles?
In 2019 all the leaks were repaired, in 2021 the bearing of the box rubbers was replaced, so there are no leaks.
Transmission Shifting
How does the transmission shift through all the gears? Are there any clunks or thumps?
The gearbox and two transmissions repaired in 2021, are somewhat hard because all the mechanisms were replaced and new tires, there are no noises or difficulties.
How old are the tires? How much tread is remaining?
They were bought in 2021 with the restoration, they are new, less than 1500 miles of travel.
Is there any curb rash or pitting on the wheels? Are there any vibrations felt at highway speed?
Wheels were restored and corrected in 2019, the metal was also rectified and its straightness, they work perfectly.
On the drivetrain, what items have been added, modified, or improved from stock?
Booster system brakes.
Suspension and Steering
Steering Play
Does the steering wheel point straight when you drive straight down the road? Is there any play or vagueness in the wheel?
The steering was rectified in 2019 with all its mechanisms, however, from the factory this car has a simple steering system, it was aligned, but originally it is rudimentary steering.
Power Steering
Does it have power steering? Are there any leaks or weaps from the lines or pump?
No power steering, it is the original vintage Land Rover.
Suspension Service
How long has it been since the last suspension service? What work was performed?
Suspension including shock absorbers were replaced in 2019, but in 2021 bushings, springs and ball joints were replaced.
Bushings and Shocks
What is the general condition of the shocks and bushings? Are there any visible leaks on the shocks? Are there any cracked or damaged bushings?
NO cracked bushings, new bushings from 2021, shocks from 2019, working without breaks or leaks.
Are there any issues with the brakes? Does the pedal ever feel mushy? Can it lock up the tires?
Fresnos renovated in 2019, preserves the traditional bell system of the brand, in 2021, maintenance was carried out and new cylinders were installed.

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