1969 Corvette Coupe: Riverside Gold Stunner!

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I have a feeling that this 1969 Corvette Coupe, being sold at no reserve here on ebay, is going to cost someone a whole lot more money than the $17 grand currently bid. If that’s you, then jump in quickly, as the auction ends on Friday morning. You’ll proceed to Gonzales, Louisiana to claim your winnings if you beat out the competition. And lucky you!

What a color! This Riverside Gold stunner is a great change from the blacks and reds we so often see. The paint is not, slightly sadly, original, but it has been on the car since the mid-1980s. Is there patina? The pictures show well, and I’d much rather have a seasoned paint job that hasn’t come apart than a new one that you’re not sure the quality of. What do you do with it at this point? Check for cracks and crazing, look at the level of shine, and then drive it for a year before you decide to strip it down. Maybe you’ll end up leaving it as it is. I would. In addition, the inside looks quite good, especially for a 77,000-mile car. You’re not likely to spend money there.

But you will part with some cash for gas, as this monster 427-CID engine, with 390 horsepower, has to love the dead dinosaurs. You know what? Who cares? It’s got a 4-speed manual transmission and a tuned exhaust, so it would be an aural thrill with every push of the gas pedal. The engine is said to be numbers-matching. Odd, then, that there’s no photo documentation of what’s under the hood or underneath the car. Is it also a bit suspicious that no claims are made as to the quality of the work done, or even much of an accounting of what that is. The seller rather takes the “just the facts” approach in describing his offering. How’s it going to run? No word.

As for what level of lust you should be in if a Vette like this is your “thang,” I’d say dial it up. Look at those removable roof panels, those redline tires, that wood-rimmed steering wheel. All crazy beautiful. But know that this one’s going to look good standing still but be a bit of a bear to drive with no power steering nor power brakes. And if you’re in a parade, better source a NASCAR-style cool suit, because that engine thumping away while the car creeps along is going to throw heat into the cockpit. But hopefully that won’t matter to you as you lope along, your right foot blipping the throttle as a warning to others about how mighty your Corvette is.


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. bobhess bobhessMember

    No idea what this will sell for but it’s still a very nice looking car. Good color I don’t remember seeing before.

    Like 7
  2. DRV

    It’s shiny, it’s a Corvette, I got sunglasses and a pack of Marlboros, let’s go!
    If it checks out it’s easy money so far.

    Like 7
  3. ACZ

    4 speed is desirable but no A/C in Louisiana? Probably wasn’t driven in the Summer or got there from the rust belt. Check the frame and the cage. Will need some engine mods to use today’s gasoline.

    Like 4
  4. Loyd moore

    Whole bunch of maybe on this car esp with 427 great motor not that reliable

    Like 1
    • Steve

      Not reliable?!? How so?🤣

      Like 12
    • ACZ

      What’s not reliable about an oval port big block?

      Like 12
      • Rick R

        I have liked the 427 motors that I’ve owned, even had one in a jet boat. The key thing that I have done is installed rev limiters on them, they don’t like to be over rapped.

        Like 3
  5. StanMember

    Big motor, 4spd Vette. Even a Ford fan loves these cars. Very fast, and flashy in the gold ✨️ paint.

    Like 8
  6. Haig L Haleblian

    The 70 I owned was a twin to this. It is a spectacular color on this body style. @rick r agree on a rev limiter on big block two bolt mains. Ask me how I know….ummm don’t ask, assume.

    Like 6
  7. Greg K

    The Riverside Gold is 1969 only, looks great when done in two stage. Only other close color is 71-72 warbonnet yellow.
    It’s unusual to have a 3.70 rear, most M21 equipped were 3.36 or 3.55. M20 cars were 3.08 standard.
    This Vette won’t be freeway friendly, or parking lot friendly with “armstrong” steering.
    The L36 is a docile engine that idles well and should run okay on today’s premium gas.

    Like 5
  8. Sven Svensson

    I’ll take this Riverside Gold Color over Red anytime..!!!!… I Hate RED..!!!!

    Like 5
  9. Rick R

    Where is the bidding at now, it is mudbug season in Louisiana, I can dream about flying down there filling up on great Cajun food and driving that baby home.

    Like 4
  10. Acton Thomas

    Great looking car, tidy interior, good looking paint, no ill fitting body panels. This is a nice one. Would really like to see some engine compartment as well as under carriage photos and of course the engine and transmission stamps. There is nothing quite so enjoyable as driving a Big Block Corvette with a 4 speed.

    Like 3
    • moosie moosie

      Acton Thomas,,,,,,,,, AMEN to the enjoyable driving experience. Very nice Corvette, even with that God awful luggage rack. I like it, I’d own it.

      Like 1
      • ACZ

        I don’t know why folks don’t like luggage racks. Where are you going to put luggage?

        Like 2
  11. Rick R

    I just looked and it was at $28,700.00 probably not to bad of a price for this car.

    Like 2
  12. Jay McCarthy

    $28,700 right now

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  13. jay lee

    first thing after buying would be a new set of tires………………….

    Like 1
    • Steve RM

      I agree. What is it with red line tires? Ugly then, ugly now.

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  14. Al Cook

    That color was also used on “our” 87 Vette, nice rich colour!

    Like 1
  15. PL

    I knew other makes of the day did it, but I’d didn’t realize they made Corvettes with power steering and brakes optional… on a high-performance model no less. The exception being an LT-1, of course.

    Like 1
    • Frank Sumatra

      @PL- 4-speed transmission were also optional.

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  16. John Phillips

    I had a 69 convertible with the L-36 and a four speed for 23 years. It was a blast to drive and very reliable. It could sit for months and fire right up.

    Like 1
  17. Dom

    I have had three Corvettes of 54 a 73 and a 77 and all of them did not have air conditioning and I got stuck in a rainstorm once but my 73 and and believe me and my then girlfriend was soaking wet after we got out of the car because we had to roll up the windows so we wouldn’t get water inside the car but it’s murder without air conditioning in any Corvette but they did have power steering and power brake disc brakes I also noticed that this car doesn’t have any power windows either I think the price is very high for a car without all this power and no air conditioning very strange to see a Corvette without power disc brakes and without power steering

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  18. george mattar

    Riverside Gold, my favorite color that year. One year only. Ditch that steering wheel and luggage rack. All this talk about unreliable big blocks. Yeah, if over rev anything it’s not gonna like it. True, though many were replaced 50 years ago. Suddenly, they are matching numbers. Life is too short to worry about matching anything. Buy and drive before they take away your old car.

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  19. PRA4SNW

    30K with an hour to go.

    Hopefully the lack of meaningful pictures doesn’t mean the seller is hiding any nastiness.

    Like 0
  20. PRA4SNW

    SOLD for $30,100.

    Like 0

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