All-original 1964 Ford Galaxie Country Squire: Tailgater’s Dream Machine

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Around about the summer of 1967, my dad showed up at home with a woody wagon something like this 1964 Country Squire. At the time, I was not familiar with the concept of decal-wood being pasted onto the side of a car, and I remember marvelling at the raised portions that resembled what I would have called “boards.” My dad explained that these adornments hearkened back to the past, when cars had wooden bodies, and he said that anyway, he only bought this luxury version of the Ford wagon because it was a salesman’s demo, and therefore he got it a bit on the cheap. I could relive those glorious days by plunking down a ton of money for this car, for sale for S$49,500 buy it now on eBay and also open to whatever offers anyone is willing to make. And I have time to think about it—there’s no big hurry, as the offer is good for 27 more days. The car itself is in Bee Spring, Kentucky, and we thank Larry D who spotted it for Barn Finds.

All original and unrestored with 60,900 miles on it, this Galaxie Country Squire would show well. You’d need an accessory wicker picnic basket and maybe a set of ice-tea glasses with a pitcher, but those, set up in the back, would compel onlookers at the cruise night. Or forget shows—how about tailgating this thing? I can imagine the scene at a college football game, maybe one that was scheduled early in the day, “forcing” you to fire up the grill and cook some breakfast sausage, then eat it and some eggs and grits sitting on the tailgate. Those red interior panels and seats would make you the superstar of the parking lot.

And when you got back on the road, this Country Squire would manage to pull off the “jet age meets family” motif quite well. Look at those faux-wood spears. Look at the wheel covers and whitewalls. So many juxtapositions, so perfectly melded together. If you decided to drive this one somewhere, you would have the reassurance of the 352-CID V8 engine’s ability to take you there, backed up by a cruise-o-matic transmission. What would it be like to drive? Big. Probably a bit wallowing. But take it easy around the curves, and you’ve got the perfect summer afternoon ride.

The Country Squire lasted from 1950-1991. This one is the last of the 1960-64 generation. These were often used as utility cars. My dad ran a greeting card business and went around with samples and metal racks in our 1967. The car, like all the ones he owned over the years, got beat up and banged around. This one seems to have escaped a similar fate. It also has some interesting options, including a floor-mounted tape player and fender skirts, amongst other goodies. For my taste, it’s ambitiously priced at halfway to a hundred thousand bucks, but the month it sits online might soften the seller and show the way to a sale that’s fair for both parties.


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. 8banger 8bangerMember

    Ya, as a fellow Galaxie owner, I really like this one, but at that much…
    but hey, it does have power brakes…

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  2. CadmanlsMember

    Remember an old machinist used to come in where I worked years ago and had a car just like this but not in this condition. Very solid look wagon. Price is way out of line, maybe those fender skirts are gold plated inside. Again with the fender skirts and on a wagon really? Good luck with the sale!

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    • angliagt angliagtMember

      Didn’t this used to belong to Goldfinger?

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  3. mike

    My favorite year Ford S/W.This one is very nice.

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  4. Greg B Greg BMember

    Wasn’t this on here a year or more ago?

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    • Larry D

      @Greg B
      Some of these cars just rotate around from dealer to dealer, auction to auction until they FINALLY find a buyer. I’ve seen some dealers who had the same car for 2 or 3 years! I wonder how in the world they float that kind of money for that long.

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    • bone

      It was listed here in May , asking 48,000 then

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  5. Harry Allen

    I have a love affair with the 64 Galaxy as I had one in 68 not a wagon but I also like the whole idea of a Station wagon. The price on this one is really north of reality.

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  6. Sam61

    Great looking car! I need to correct you regarding the wicker picnic basket. The proper accessories would the steel picnic basket and gallon thermos that have the faux wood and/or faux plaid blanket silkscreening.

    Our neighbor had one these in the early 70’s with a partially rusted out third seat floor. We would fit to ride in back and toss stuff through the floor. What else would a pre-teen do?

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  7. Essé

    This one seems to keep turning up everywhere. Gorgeous car, but why so often?

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  8. Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

    It’s fender skirt week here at Barnfinds!!

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  9. Howard A Howard AMember

    No question, Ford was #1 in ’64, so much so, it got Motor Trends Car of the Year award. Racing had a huge impact on the “win on Sunday, buy on Monday” theme, don’t laugh, it still works today, Ford was #1 in racing. My neighborhood friend across the alley,, his older single brother had a good job, lived at home( sound familiar?) and came home one day with a ’64 Galaxie 500XL “R” code. For a 9 year old kid, drawing car pictures in school, it didn’t get any better. We could hear him leave in the morning, it was a beast. I can’t find if the Mustang was part of that CotY deal, I imagine it did, but this car was top of the line. It was the most expensive Ford Galaxie they made in 1964 at $3138. The next closest was the XL convertible at $3056. ( A ’64 T-bird, was almost $5 grand). We never saw’r cars like this, just the lowly Ranch Wagon or maybe a mid style Country Sedan, but never a Squire. Nice(st) Ford, no doubt.
    I make note of the Car of the Year” thing, but back then, it had a HUGE amount of credibility. Why, just the year previous, Rambler made CotY. While I still say the Motor Trend people were paid highly for that, ( I feel GM should have won, ’63 GP? ’63 Riv?), it had a remarkable influence on the buying public, and ’63 was one of Ramblers best years. Car of the Year now? Pfft, you calls that a car?

    Like 10
    • WT1998ZX2

      Yeah….first in ’63; AMC took first place for ” Car of the Year”. Whatever happened to that award?? Too many ‘ recalls’ maybe ??

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    • MLM

      Yes that ’63 GP or the Riv should’ve gotten that award. Both are stunning cars.

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      • Chuck Dickinson

        The 63 GP was a Catalina with a new roof, hardly earth-shattering or game changing. The Riviera is another story and was probably in consideration.. However, the thing to keep in mind was the MT’s “CotY” award was for a game changer, and the 63 AMC Classics/Ambassadors were for their segment. Things like the aluminum window frames, interchangeable front and rear bumpers, their unit construction, etc. were, no doubt, much of the reason. You would need to re-read their original article to gather all the reasons for their choice.

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  10. Will Fox

    So true Howard. In `64, my Uncle sold cars for a Ford dealer in Chicago burbs, and snagged one of these in baby blue–nearly every option on it being a demo. And 4 kids, he needed the room. what I remember best about that wagon was the ride–so much smoother than my Dad’s `59 New Yorker he still had at the time. It was a 9-pass., and my place was always–you guessed it–clear in the back; perfect spot for four year olds!

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  11. Homer

    Back in the day, Virgil Ward had a fishing show on tv sponsored by Ford and always drove the Country Squire. Great show, great guy.

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  12. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    I never inderstood the whole ” skirts on a wagon”.

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    • WT1998ZX2

      I think that was Raymond Lowey’s ‘thing’ with the skirts on the wagons…..just like the ‘unique’ first design for the ‘ 60 Valiant.

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Hi ACD, how you been? Believe it or not, it’s a little known fact ( in my best Cliff Claven voice) I read, fender skirts actually had a function. The wheel well is a hole that causes turbulence, and a fender skirt closes that off, for a fuel savings similar to the trailer skirts on semi trailers today. I too always thought they were a PITA.

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      • Eric B

        Yep, the first Honda Insight had them for this reason. They drastically improve aerodynamics. As do full moon hubcaps, but most people aren’t willing to accept aesthetic features like this for fuel economy, which is why there haven’t been skirts since that initial Insight. They’d rather have black 20’s on an electric car with no skirts.

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      • Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

        Hey Howard,
        I’m doing good. Can’t complain, and nobody listens anyway. LOL
        I’ve heard that too, but I think they morphed into a fashion statement and to me, they just look weird on the “family truckster.” On a fancy convertible, with or without a Continental kit they look fine, even a hardtop, but to me they just look weird on a wagon.

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    • tony t

      or “skirts off a lady” …

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  13. Heck DodsonMember

    Great Ford and sometimes Mercury wagons, like in the 1967 Dean Martin film, The Ambushers. That looked like a Mercury Wagon Dean was driving, and I’m sure if I’m wrong someone will correct me. Great find

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    • Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

      They used a ’67 Ford Country Squire and a ’65 Mercury wagon in the Lucille Ball movie, ” Yours, Mine and Ours”

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  14. Heck DodsonMember

    I think the car used in The Ambushers was a 66-67 Mercury Commuter wagon. It was alot of fun watching Dean Martin driving that car.

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  15. Frank D

    64 Galaxie XL owner here, year 10 of refurb. Ouch. Guy in the neighborhood had one of these; painted it with housepaint and a brush. He called it the “O.D.” because those were the letters remaining on the hood. The car was a runner. I’m sure he’s sorry he trashed it.

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  16. Eric B

    You would think after having a car for sale for this long that they’d get the hint and start lowering the price. Granted they’re open to offers, but still.

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