Estate Sale Goodness….


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Reader Mike M. is the kind of guy that is always out on back roads looking for great barn finds. The other day he came across an estate with an old barn that caught his attention. With the slightest bit of chrome peeking through the barn doors, it instantly left him wondering what was hiding inside. Thankfully, he had the chance to take a look in the barn and the the rest of the estate. Find out what he found after the jump…


On my way home recently I noticed an Estate Sale sign pointing up a dirt driveway that I have long wondered what lay at the end. I had noticed a barn on this road a few years back on one of my runs, the glint of chrome from behind the nearly closed doors of the old barn piqued my curiosity and I went in the barn to find the twins…


No sooner had I turned off the road, there lay a dilapidated old Caddy… which solved the mystery of the pair of old Cadillac Fleetwoods I had found years earlier sitting in the old barn. When I pulled up to the house I wasn’t disappointed. Another old Cadillac! This one is in the best shape of the four.


Up on the hillside there was an old bucket car of some sort, along with the frame, fenders and other bits. An old late 60’s Benz with the keys in the ignition, and a nifty old tow truck/utilities truck of some kind (my guess is that it was used to put up power and telephone poles).


A trio of “newer” cars was there as well, but nothing particularly interesting about them (4 door Geo Metro, yay!). At any rate, I took a boatload of pictures and actually got permission to poke around in the barn and snapped a few of the old Fleetwoods as well.


This is the same Mike that sent us the story of finding this old Land Rover, which sadly never worked out for him… Hopefully he will have better luck this time around! There are some interesting pieces in the collection, but most everything looks to be in rough shape. Is there anything here that you feel is worth saving? Thanks Mike for sharing this with us!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. paul

    That first car is scary, I doubt I would have the b**ls to open that shed door.

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    • Don Andreina

      Spot on Paul. That first pic has ‘don’t go in there!’ written all over it.

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    • rancho bella

      Goin’ in that barn………aaaaa. A person would be best served taking with them a couple of guys (Smith and Wesson).

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      • paul

        Not enough fire power, I was thinking cannon, or agent orange.

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    • Andacar

      If the first car was worth restoring I’d go in there, but only with fish boning gloves and after tossing in a smoke bomb.

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    • John

      Those barn doors would be the first thing I would open up. Most of the cars are salvageable, from deep pockets to even deeper pockets, but I think well worth the effort. There was a mention of a 60 MB but no picture, or of its condition. ((?)) I’d be interested in that. I love old Caddies too; 58’s are a favorite of mine. Of the cars that should be left alone or set aside for Donald Trump, the metal looks to have weathered-rust and not through-rust. The old bread truck not much use for today but the metal has value. Good discovery. Thanks for sharing.

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  2. Mike A

    Oh, I’d DEFINITELY want to save that pole-erecting truck ! I love the old and unusual trucks. From the looks of the scenery in the photos, it looks like the vehicles are in a pretty remote location, and possibly out West, though.

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  3. Kevin

    Agree with Mike A on the truck. Once running you could probably rent it out to someone making a Jeepers Creepers sequel!

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  4. geomechs geomechsMember

    Those Caddys would be worthwhile saving although it wouldn’t be a project for the weak of heart. A good-sized pressure washer would be standard equipment before even starting the restoration. I wouldn’t mind that ’51/’52 Binder pickup. That tow truck would be a decent project as well.

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    • paul

      That first picture – early 50’s Caddy looks like way too much work.

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    • John

      For sure, seein’s how their next to a frame of restoration at their stages it wouldn’t be that hard to take them down all the way. Definitely would need a large shop or a one car shop large enough for the work that needs to be done.

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  5. Keith

    The Caddys are great, but please dont confuse a Land Cruiser with a Land Rover… Thats kind of like confusing a a Cobra with a VW.

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    • JesseStaff

      Good catch. That is one mistake we should not have made. All fixed!

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  6. Jim-Bob

    Hey there….. I collect Geo Metros (I have two-a 2 door and a 4 door, all I need is a convertible to complete the set!) and I would have liked to see a picture ): .

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    • jim s

      a few geo convertibles on right now. do you also collect the Suzuki Swift? the GTI and turbo model of that car are very interesting.

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      • Jim-Bob

        I need to sell off some other vehicles before buying any more. ( I am out of space at my little suburban house.) Otherwise, I would be tempted to add to my junkyard…err… collection. The Swift GTI is definitely an interesting little car and quite hard to find in any condition nowadays. I have seen one or two on Craigslist in the last year, but finding one that hasn’t been hacked on badly by a kid and that isn’t an automatic is difficult.

        I just would have liked to see a picture of the 4 door, that’s all. They aren’t particularly desirable or interesting to most people, but I like them for their simplicity and very basic design. Plus, they are sort of an ironic statement to drive in this day of gadget laden SUVs and cars that almost drive themselves.

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  7. jim s

    i see a lot of parts even if the cars/trucks are to far gone. but i see things like the tv tubes which may mean it was also a dump. would need to be very careful. still a great find

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  8. rancho bella

    Mike A is spot on. That pole truck is the one.

    Could someone write in and identify the make and year of truck.

    Looks like the Southwest to me.

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    • paul

      Yes south west for sure, that rust is dry, arid climate rust, not east coast rust.

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  9. olgraybeard

    The 2 trucks are in great shape and well worth saving

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  10. MikeH

    Yep–don’t want to sell ’em—gonna fix ’em up one day. He ran out of days.

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    • John

      Don’t they all? We read enough stories here where lot owners with many cars returning to the dust from which we came had a dream, are sitting on a dream, but aren’t doing anything with their dream, except dreaming about the day when they can realize thier dream. Sad.

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  11. olgraybeard

    Not to remote there are houses in the background of the pole truck picture.

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  12. SidMember

    My vote would be to strip the four door Caddys of usable parts (like the front clips), stick them in the ground head first and start the Wyoming (or whatever state it is in) Ranch. Put a stake through the pole truck and put the Geo on top. Maybe a motor to make it spin around.

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    • JesseStaff

      This one is a little closer to home than you may think Sid!

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  13. Blake

    The twenties stuff looks very interesting. Sure, it’s in pieces, but as the oldest stuff there, it’s prime material for a hot rod, traditional type speedster, or touring roadster. Especially the phaeton. Wish I could have been there to check out the prices on that stuff. Load it all in the truck and bring it to the shop. The stand alone cowl looks like it might be Dodge.

    Also like the International. :)

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  14. Yooperpackrat

    Looks like a lot parts vechicles,wish I could find a treasure trove like that,it would be fun just to dig around all those cars and trucks!!!!finds like that in Michigan{in DA UP} are hard to find most have been scrapped..

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  15. Alan

    The pole truck is industrial cool, and appears to be really solid. Gotta wonder why it needed chains on the rear, is the terrain that soft? Diamond Reo? The pickup sure looks like an International. Also a worker, with the mounted boom. The old milk/delivery/plumber’s truck would find a good sized fan base, I think. One question for Mike M. : What, no photos of the Mercedes Wagon (red/white top)?
    Agreed that the car in the barn is scary. Bring a haz-mat suit. Droppings from birds, rodents, bats/whatever can be dangerous to your health.
    All around, there is some definitely salvageable vehicles, parts, and sheet metal. Awesome find.

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  16. Mike M

    Thanks for all the comments guys. The first (in the barn) Caddy is neat because it has a twin the the same barn. No idea where the VINs are and I am with all of you, I am not going to go disturbing anything in there without a full hazmat setup… our desert gopehers are known to occasionally carry bubonic plaque. The second or third Caddy (not in the barn) would certainly make a cool Caddy-Rat. These cars are in Boise, by the way, good guessing on the West, that is certainly some good Western patina on some of them. I didn’t get a pic of the Benz or the Geo, next time I am that way I’ll take a few though. I think the delivery truck would make a really cool rat rod (eyes rolling at the term…) delivery truck for some local car- or hot rod business around here….

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Barn Finds