GTO Estate: 1966 Pontiac Tempest Wagon

1966 Pontiac Tempest Wagon

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For some strange reason I have always dreamt of building a Pontiac GTO Station Wagon. Pontiac never built a wagon version of the GTO, but they did build Tempest Station Wagons. The GTO was of course based on the Tempest, so why not just build your own GTO wagon? Well the seller of this Tempest wagon had plans to build it into their very own muscular family hauler. They quickly realized that they were biting off more than they could chew, so they are offering it here on eBay in Wakefield, Massachusetts in hopes of finding someone with the means to do something with it.

1966 Pontiac Tempest Engine

While the GTO might be based on the Tempest body, it received a lot of performance upgrades. Thankfully, all the various upgraded parts are out there and will bolt right onto the Tempest. When the seller bought this wagon, they were told the engine had already been swapped out to the 400 V8 with a 4 barrel carb. They soon discovered that the engine is actually a 350 with an Edelbrock intake and a Holley carb. That’s not a bad combo, but it definitely isn’t a GTO engine. The transmission also isn’t a proper Goat gearbox, but is a T5 from a Camaro. The T5 is actually a good gearbox, but this one has problems. The seller was told it was grinding a little going into first. Once it arrived they discovered that it wasn’t just grinding, but was popping out of gear. That had to be a major bummer for the seller, but I’m glad they are being honest about the car’s problems. Seeing as the engine and gearbox aren’t proper GTO units anyways, I would just pull them out and find the correct pieces.

1966 Pontiac Tempest Interior

The seller claims this wagon has been off the road since 2005 and that they found it in a shed. They worked out a deal on it, towed it home, changed the fluids and got it running. I’m guessing they bought it knowing it had issues, but were hopeful that it would be a simple project to fix up. As with many barn finds, it was parked for a reason and I’m going to guess the transmission was the cause. I’m sure the rust issues didn’t help matters much either. It doesn’t look too serious, but it definitely needs to be addressed. The seller already has some of the replacement metal, but it needs to be installed. As long as the frame is solid you could leave it as is and just drive it, but if you are going to build a proper GTO wagon you will probably want to fix it.

1966 Pontiac GTO Wagon

Finding all the parts to make this into an all out Goat shouldn’t be all that difficult, but it could get expensive. There are several companies reproducing all the needed GTO parts. The engine and transmission will likely be the biggest expense. You could always fix the T5 and just leave the 350 for the time being. That’s the route I would go, at least until I could find a proper 400 and a Tri Power setup. It wouldn’t be cheap, but boy would it be fun! Overall, this car needs a lot of work, but for $2,500 this seems like a decent buy. So would you turn this wagon into a GTO or would you just leave it looking like a stock Tempest? And would you go to the work of fixing all the rust or just what is necessary to keep it on the road?


  1. Tom

    Here’s a factory 1971 GTO wagon. 455 and all!

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    • Steve

      Have you ever seen the movie “The Taking of Pelham 123”? The original movie from the early 70’s. In the first scene there is a GTO wagon just like this one coming right at the camera. :-)

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      • Al8apex

        Those are LeMans Sports, the front end was available on any lemans and it doesn’t make it a true GTO

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    • Jon

      That’s a T-41 optioned Lemans Wagon. Would be nice to see if she’s still out and about. I have one as well. 455 TH400, though not original.

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  2. George

    Definitely use it for a start to the process… Finish it here!

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    Josh, did you look at the pics of the rust on this car?
    That’s not minor repairs, this car I wasted. To bad as it would have been cool but the 350 makes it practically worthless. You don’t see many but this is a parts car with not many salvageable parts.

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    • MeToo

      I wondered what you were talking about until I looked at the eBay ad photos and blew them up. Wow, that rust is deep and a big problem.

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  4. Mr. Bond

    I would fix the transmission and use it as is, and, as you said, slowly collect the right parts. Looks like a decent deal for $2500. Need to look it over, as it may need considerable brake work if it’s been sitting for long.

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  5. JW

    I have never seen one of these either. OH how temping it is for me to hit the buy it now button BUT OH the body work would kill me and yes a GTO wagon tribute would be a perfect cruiser. If I was younger I would take on the challenge. Besides the bodywork you would need a donor 66 GTO to make it right and that would not come cheap either.

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  6. Dave

    Tom: I’ll sell a kidney for that ’71.

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  7. edh

    Jeeez! Not everything has to be an SS or a GTO.

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  8. minikrew

    was not the 66 goat a 389 ?

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    • Tom K

      Yes ! The ’66 Goat WAS a 389. The 400 c.i.d. version was introduced in ’67.

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  9. Howard A Howard AMember

    Wiki claims the 400 wasn’t available until ’67. Still, I guess it would be neat, but like edh sez, not everything has to be a full tilt car ( although, it would expedite the sale) Since I’ve shifted gears all my life, a manual does nothing for me. I’m sure it was the body issues that put this restoration over the top for these folks. I like wagons, but they should be clean, or not really worth the trouble. With a $710 bid so far, I’m not alone. Be worth $700 bucks though.

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  10. Ed P

    There is a lot of rust on the roof near the windshield and it looks serious. Unless I needed the parts, I would pass on this one.

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  11. Luke Fitzgerald

    Monkees poor cousin

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    • MeToo

      Hey, judging by the deep rust it could have been found in the jungle where monkeys were playing on it.

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  12. Rick

    Pontiac 350 is a powerful motor that revs, I like it better than a 400 Pontiac

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  13. Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

    While you couldn’t buy an early GTO station wagon, when Oldsmobile introduced the Cutlass 442 in 1964, it was an option that could be ordered on ANY Cutlass body style. Back in about 1972 I found a 1964 Cutlass 442 wagon, and yep, it had the 4 bbl carb, 4-speed & dual exhausts, plus bucket seats & factory A/C! I should have bought it, but it was only a wagon! And it was green, my least favorite color.

    I’ve never seen another . . .

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  14. Nova Scotian

    There’s not a straight panel on it, I suspect a good dose of body filler in this one..not for me thanks.

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  15. Charles

    Rust bucket.

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  16. Tirefriar

    Some battles better not fought – this is one of them. Sheesh, and I thought Alfas rusted badly… Rust is like an iceberg, what you generally see is only the tip. this is one project that should be left on a drawing board ….

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  17. Tom

    Point of clarification. The wagon I posted is a ’72; it came with a 350, replaced at some point with the 455. Original 350 came with it. Very true, that this was a “front end” option, but very few were made.Fun cars at shows! Lots of attention and questions!

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  18. jeff6599

    Naturally a clone or a ‘tribute’ car can be made only when such a car originally existed. We can never have a GTO wagon clone but such a vehicle is, as many of you know, called a phantom.

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  19. scott

    my name is scott. iput the 350 and t5 in that car.had to many projecks.drove it for 2004 gto so i sold it

    Like 1

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