Have We Gone BaTty? Let Us Know!


Disclosure: This site may receive compensation from some link clicks and purchases.

This morning I received an email from a concerned reader who was worried that we may have lost our way. They were fearful that we had gone a little BaTty and were focusing less on real “barn finds” and were instead attempting to clone another popular car site. Well, I just want to assure everyone that we are still focused on affordable projects, oddballs, and yes, real barn finds! We have recently brought on some new writers in order to publish more of the submissions we receive everyday and that has changed the dynamics a bit. So, I just want to make sure that everyone is happy with the direction we are going.

Juggling multiple authors, reading dozens of emails, and trying to find time to write a post or two everyday can be overwhelming. That’s why we rely on all of you to keep us inline. Honestly, you guys are our bosses because without your approval there would be no reason to write. So, we like to ask for constructive criticism every now and then. It seems that every time we do, we learn something new and find a few ways to make the site better. Barn Finds is a special community of enthusiasts and we want to keep it that way, so don’t hold back! Your feedback and suggestions are always appreciated.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Don Sicura

    Guys, it is your web site to do as you please, I don’t think most of us have any problems with whatever direction you take it so long as you continue to show us the great stuff that you have been showing, the mixture of cars is great as it is.

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  2. sir mike

    you are in no way like that other ”site”….dare i say you are more the common persons site??don’t change a thing,,,

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  3. Jimbosidecar

    I love this site. Don’t change a thing.

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  4. Bun Thomas

    Now that you mentioned it, I did find myself NOT opening some of the links. My favorites will always dirty, stinky, rusty stuff that hasn’t seen daylight for a long time. Regards, Bun.

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  5. BobinBexley Bob in Bexley

    1st Porsche I owned was inspected in a barn ! Have fun with the 145 & rock on !

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  6. Dave Wright

    You can never please everyone………it does not pay to even try. Let the naysayers go somewhere else and eat cake……

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    • Jeffry H

      I need to agree with Dave. It is your site and you need to have and hold the vision you want for BF’s. If you have that vision, you will attract and continue to grow your site. You will have something you love to do, that is not a chore and continues to attract more viewers. If you are always wanting to know what others (We) think then you will always be attempting to please us. I don’t think that we are your “Boss’s” but more your Guests and you the host. You have invited us to your garage or barn, to share what your love of what you do. Your other writers add the potluck and a different flare or spice to the party.

      Simply follow your heart and the rest will come easy.

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      • rjc

        Jeffry, I don’t think it can be said any better. I agree whole heartily!!

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  7. Tracy Carver

    Now this is a Porsche I would like to find. Where is it?

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    • Dickie F

      Guys we still here and supporting you daily – that says it all.
      Now, I am with Tracy C. where is that Porsche ?????
      That Porsche is not “photoshoped” is it?

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  8. John A

    If it ain’t broken don’t fix it! ….but the jeep with the shag carpet was a bit much!

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  9. George Briggs

    I personally enjoy the site. I just wish I had the time, money, space, and expertise to buy and restore so many that you show here. But, with each Barn Find that is shown, I gain a better perspective on cars that I’ve never owned. So with that being said, carry on. You’re doing a great job!

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  10. MH

    Maybe you could do all barn finds such as motorcycles and boats. Just to keep it fresh.

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    • Dan h

      God, please don’t do boats!

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  11. jim s

    i like the mix that you have now, something for everyone. not all barn finds are in need of complete rebuild and not everyone wants to do a rebuild. i hope everyone on the BF site is having fun, i know i am. thanks

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  12. cory

    i like the mix of personal vehicles, and links to actual cars that are for sale, instead of just random photos. i love that you share other peoples stories and post original content such as your personal finds. i agree though, throw a few bikes and boats in. anything with a motor is good for me.

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  13. Scot Carr

    ~ BaT wishes it could be this cool.

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    • Scot Carr

      ~ I should have taken advantage of that 5 minute edit feature.
      What I should have said was ‘We all wish to be this cool’.

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  14. Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    Jesse, Although your name is Barn Finds, I think what is important is the general class of rigs you feature. I would hate to miss all the many fun projects and cars for sale that we have enjoyed just because it might not have spent time in a barn! As I see it, a bunch of guys (and some girls) that like these older, cheaper, quirkier cars and projects “got together” to look at cars and share in the conversations…. and if some of them are in barns, so be it… but if not, let’s just keep the dialogue going and the pictures coming! I love this site. ( oh, and “that other site” is ok, but not nearly as organic and interesting as this one! Keep it up!)

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  15. Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    Jesse, Most of us came here because of our interest in what is found in old barns… but if we only got to look at the cars that were in barns, we would be missing a lot of fun projects to look at and discuss. The important thing is that we have a bunch of guys (and some girls) that enjoy the kinda of cars that are displayed on this site… it is not all the expensive and glitzy cars that show up on “that other site” that we want to discuss. I say just keep rolling as you are, and if what you post was in a barn, then that’s cool… but not the important thing that brings us here! Just keep doin what you are doin!

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  16. Scott H

    Hey Jesse and the gang – you’re doing a great job, keep it up. I love the cars you share on the site, and the community here certainly has a ‘real’ vibe to it – just nice folks talkin’ cars, and not just a bunch of uptight know-it-alls.

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  17. Ron South Jersey

    I think you are doing a Great Job!! Keep the Barn Finds coming.

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  18. Horse Radish

    PLEASE, by all means don’t go BaTty now !! (and you weren’t , anyway.)
    That other website is just turning into a walmart version of an ‘old-car-site’. And by that I mean less of everything (quality posts or posters, good pick in cars and the usual editing or censoring).
    I love this the way it is. And if the cars are in garages or cellars, hangars or back yards, or even the back 40 acres, is all the same to me, Just don’t turn this into flippers haven like the other place……….

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    • ConservativesDefeated

      HR: Cold, dude………….kind of agree though.

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  19. Greg

    I just came over to your site recently. I have really enjoyed the variety of offerings that you guys find. I have been to that other site and watching their stuff for more than a year now and I have to say that you guys definitely have the more exciting, “down-to-earth” real stuff… I think those other guys are just too hung up on anything “Italian” for my tastes, and always highlighting cars that most of us will never hope to own, or really even want to own. Maybe they’re just a little too snooty for my likes. Stay like you guys are. You’re the “real thing.”

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  20. Tim H

    Variety is good and I love the positive feel to the sight. It is great to see different opinions without throwing rocks at others.

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  21. Jose Cantu

    Frankly, I look forward to receiving my Barn Finds. Love cars, old cars, all kinds of cars, but my favorites are the American cars of the 40s and 50s. Had a ’46 Mercury convertible as a junior in HS, and I keep looking for another. Of course, I’m sure I could not afford it now. I paid $150 for mine back in ’55.


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    • Horse Radish

      Should have kept that one…………..

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  22. RollerD

    Keep up the great work. I like seeing what is available at the cheaper end of the market.

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  23. DolphinMember

    I see “barn find” as a general term for all kinds of cars that have needs but are, mostly, worth someone’s time, energy and money. They range from that lake-find BMW Isetta put-on to the recent Mk 1 Tiger that’s not from an actual barn but still needs some major components and some refinishing to make it what it deserves to be. Somewhere in the middle are the cars that are actually found in barns, garages, or under traps, some more like the Isetta, others more like the Tiger.

    I think they are all interesting and worthwhile to have on a site that calls itself Barn Finds, and I’m real glad to have this website to visit every day.

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  24. Don Andreina

    I’m enjoying the mix. And the commentary. Keep it up.

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  25. scott m

    I like the odd ball cars no matter where their found

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    • Horse Radish

      where they’re found…
      where their origin was….

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  26. TonyP

    Hey , you guys have a great site. Would not see or even know about some of the vehicles that are posted here. I currently own a 1950 MG TD , it is a project . But, I am always looking for the next. Your site has been , should I say it ? , dependable. I always check this site and enjoy what you post . Keep up the good work , what ever way you decide to run it. Keep me on the email list . Thanks TonyP

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  27. RickyM

    Love your site and the emails from all you guys. Nice mix of ages, conditions, and from different countries. Don’t know how you manage to fond the time to do it but I’m very glad you do !

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  28. Ron E

    LEAVE IT AS IS ! Please

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  29. steve

    Keep doing what your doing. Its great!!!! I look forward to your emails

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  30. djbrewer

    I have been watching your site for a couple years and really enjoy the wide variety of cars and trucks, some more interesting than others, but as a gear head, a term my wife has used for 30 year’s, I read all the post. Each one seems to have something in that makes it worth my while. Thanks.

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  31. captwilliewhiskers

    I agree with adding anything with motors although I prefer motorcycles and scooters to boats due to transportation issues. I like the fact that the majority of “finds” are within the average person’s reach if sacrifices are made. Keep ’em coming!

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  32. bill celline

    You guys are doing GREAT ! Love your site…

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  33. MGsforMe

    I’ve been thinking about how to phrase this. I trust the knowledge of the posters at Bat. I drool and/or chuckle over some of their finds. I don’t hate the auctions as some do (I have bought a project in one). What I like about the finds and posts here is the enthusiasm for motorized conveyance. Here, I am not looking at something that has already been vetted by the site to be worthy of their time. I thank all for the effort and informative comments.

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  34. Chris A.

    I’m an old car guy that wouldn’t miss my daily BF fix. Most of the posts are cars, trucks (or put ons) in which I have some interest, the others i just pass by. You have a unique audience of readers who for the most part have a vast store of knowledge that they share with you and the readers. The other part is that you and your friends are actually “hands on” car guys. The bullet hole Mustang is my favorite, but I’ve seen on this site and available, every car type I’ve ever owned including the Borgward. My wife thinks I’m nuts to even consider getting back into some of the barn finds. Keep up the humor, the real barn finds, your projects and just fill in with other stuff as you see fit. I’m still looking for a post on a Riley “Big Four” saloon.

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  35. Dave

    Keep up the good work !! I enjoy opening my mail box to see what you guys have found !! I do love all the old American built cars, but some of the older brit and euro cars are alway cool !! I think it would be cool if you threw in the occational motorcycle barn find as well, thats just because I’m a bike guy as well. As far as boat finds…you can chuck them in the water with a stick of dynomite !!!I’m just sayin’ lol!!!!

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  36. Danger Dan

    you’re doin’ great! that gremmy was bada#%!

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  37. RayT

    I haven’t been around this site for all that long, but I’m liking your mix of genuine Barn Finds and other used/abused/forgotten machines.

    Like almost everyone else, I have dreams of “ideal finds.” I’m certain one or two are actually out there! Finding them at a price that would make it possible and/or worthwhile to pick up tools and get them on the road is another story….

    So all I can say is: keep doing what you’re doing! And please don’t be offended when I say I hope I run into one of the cars on my wish list before you do.

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  38. Barry Thomas

    Jesse, keep on going as you have been. Sure the barnfinds are interesting, but so are the various other cars, etc that you come across. Such as that nearly “pristine” Isetta river find. The comments they generate are worth my time checking out your site, as well.
    Barry Thomas’ “Wheel to Wheel” blog

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  39. Governor

    This is a great site. I read the stories on all of the featured cars. The people writing the stories seem very knowledgeable and make it fun, and I learn a lot about the different cars. After all, that’s what we are here for.

    I do have one issue though. This site has cost me some money. I first saw the Monster ’61 Mercedes 4×4 here on this site. I thought it was one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen and decided I had to have it. Like it or hate it, its a cool car. Oh, shes a little rough around the edges, but with a little TLC she’ll “ooh and ahh” at the local cruise-ins. It’s definitely a “dare to be different” car and I’m glad I got it.

    Maybe in the future you should post the featured ebay cars after the car has already sold so the temptation won’t be there.

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    • Horse Radish

      ..funny that you ended up with that Finnie monster truck.
      I am a Mercedes guy, though more original, even as Mercedes trucks go.

      Roughly where is this thing now, San Diego, or Kentucky ?
      or somewhere in-between ?

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      • Governor


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  40. CelingHamsterLeader

    I would like to see more European cars and would also like to see some buses, trucks, wagons and possibly trains or military equipment.

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  41. Gary

    I am sort of a newbie here and really enjoy the site. I love all the older cars especially the big ole American Convertible cars from the 50’s and 60’s. I remember my Fathers best friend back in the late 50’s he drove a silver blue ’57 or ’58 Cadillac El Dorado Convertible, man what a car that was. I would like to find one of those today but I probably could not afford even a barn find.
    I say keep the site going as it is and we will keep looking for our dream car barn find!

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  42. kabinenroller

    Your site is great just as it is, although a Barn Find motorcycle, air plane, any other motor vehicle is just fine with me.
    Is that a Kubelwagon next to the Porsche in the lead photo of this article??? My friend has a few of them.

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    • Horse Radish

      it’s a DKW Munga, sixties German Army car,
      and Jesse must have snatched that off the other site, maybe ?
      Or better , maybe he had it on here before they did ! Years ago….

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      No, not a Kubelwagon, it’s a 1950’s DKW Munga, the West German replacement for the Kubel. Has a 2 stroke 3 cylinder engine & full time 4WD. Top speed of about 45mph, that is if you can keep from flipping it over at that speed! I had a 1958 Munga that was sold new in the USA.

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  43. Andrew Minney

    Guys, the site is fine.
    Just a little eurobox and more American iron would be better but…………..

    Andrew in England

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  44. Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

    Wow, what a response! Thanks for all the support guys. We will keep at it then!

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      Feel the love, Jesse, feel the love.

      Recognize that what you have here is a great place for interested people to watch, enjoy, reminisce, and generally share a camaraderie between car culture enthusiasts.

      Our Thanks to You!

      Keep it up…. :-D

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  45. LunaC

    I look forward to viewing your site every morning! The mix of discoveries and commentary are both excellent. Oh, what about the 356 info?

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  46. DRV

    If anything, I have seen cars on BaT after they have been here. No way can u find more than 1 barn find a day, so keep on stretching it a little for multiple cars a day…

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  47. Scot Carr

    ~ Seriously, nothing against BaT, except perhaps the comment threads, I enjoy the variety of both sites as well as DT and Jalop. I scuttled BaT subscription because my remarks were not being published but I occasionally look at their features. Barn Finds is a completely different experience. Look forward to more every day.

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    • DolphinMember

      I couldn’t agree more that experience with the comment threads on the trailer site is completely different from here on Barn Finds, and not in a good way. That’s why I come here and I don’t go there.

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    • Horse Radish

      maybe those guys did not like what you were writing ?
      I know they did not like what I wrote.
      Censoring at it’s worse.
      Now what you have is a bland mix of idiots commenting @BaT (mostly)
      Just the way they want it, I guess

      Jesse/Barn finds has done a lot better.
      Better picks, better description and write-ups. He’s leaving ALL comments alone, I think.
      An all around great car site for all kinds and not just snooty 356 ‘owners’ and the sorts……

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  48. Billy

    Scot – what is DT? Another of the more pedestrian sites I like is Curbside Classics.

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  49. junkmanMember

    Great place to visit on a daily basis. and for a look at some cars that you would never have any idea what they are. Great site ,Great crowd of contributors. and hey “where’s the calendar?

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  50. Rancho Bella

    I “only” come to Barn Finds. The batty folk lost their way, I no longer go that website.
    Continue on……………
    People need to remember that not everyday is there “barn find or garage find” You do what you can…………..

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  51. Horse Radish

    ditto !

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  52. Elizabeth

    I L-O-V-E this site!
    It’s not bring a financial statement and a know it all pissing match in the comment section.

    Here..I can afford and make dreams real.
    And here, I have learned loads from the amazing comments and posts.
    And I haven’t been called stupid for my 8-Series love (I know it’s insane. I’ll get help one day ; -D).

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  53. Mark E

    Thank you for refusing the way of the BaT and the dark side! BaT used to be my most favorite site but by the time I stopped checking in on it daily (around 2010) it had lost its way and now, when I check it every month or two, I find it’s like thumbing through one of the ‘connoisseur’ car magazines at the grocery store. Yuck…

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  54. Mike L

    Guys, I love the “barn finds” but I also like a little variety, the “unique finds” along with your comments and those of your readers are to me interesting and very educational. Every motor vehicle has a story, some more interesting then others. Keep up the good work and I’ll hang around for the ride!

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  55. Lawrence

    Hey J&J, I wouldn’t be where I am, doing what I’m doing, if it weren’t for you guys, so I vote for ‘keep on doing what ya’ve been doing.’
    Completely loving the Barnfinds Mustang, learning a ton and getting my hands dirty. Can’t believe it’s been almost two months, and all I’ve done is change the manifold, paint the trunk, and cruise the city in the early morning before the city wakes.
    There are other sites, yes, but none like yours. Community is key.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Thanks for the update Lawrence!!!! It’s good to know that you are addressing a few of the little things and enjoying it. If you send in more photos, we will run a feature for everyone to see. You had better get those new hand brake cables installed!

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  56. Cranker

    I’m new to this site, but it seems more down to earth and friendlier than the ‘other’ site. I don’t even visit that ‘other’ site anymore because there’s the occasional bullying or trashtalk on it.

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Barn Finds