Huge Project: 1969 Camaro Z/28


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It’s pretty sad when a seller has to use a photo of just the grille of their project for the first photo in their ad, but once you see this Camaro in its entirety, you understand why. This might be a real Z/28, but it’s extremely rough, with tons of rust and lots of missing components. If you aren’t scared of fixing rust and tracking down a new engine, this might just be the project for you! You can see the rest of this Camaro below or here on eBay. Bidding is currently just over $5k and the car is currently located in Staten Island, New York.


And here is the rest of the car. I warned you that it’s rough! It appears someone began restoring it, but gave up after cutting open this rear fender. I’m not sure if they just got tired of working on it or if they found something that scared them away, but at least we can see how serious the rust is.


Fixing this thing back up is going to be a massive undertaking. Given that you can buy reproduction bodies, I’m not sure it would even be worth all the work to fix it up. It would be easier and not a whole lot more money to just buy a new body. Whether you restore it or replace they body, how much would you be willing to spend to get this Z/28? And how much do you think it will cost to get it back on the road?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Dave Wright

    Big profits require a lot of risk and work. I am not a huge Camero guy bit the 69 Z28 has to be as good as it gets………..this car is really ugly right now but many better looking projects will need to look like this before being finished.

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  2. Woodie Man

    Looks like a Sandy storm survivor…flooded. The seller is a shop…wonder why he doesnt want to restore it and sell it himself? Hmmmm

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  3. RoughDiamond

    Looks like another body shop commandeered Camaro as they offer to restore the car for the buyer. It would be stressful to see that body come out of the acid dip.

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  4. michael streuly

    4 wheeled rust bucket. Just another piece of crap. Melt it down.

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  5. JW

    This scenario is heart breaking but a sensible person would know when to say when with a project as big as this, BUT if there is someone willing to tackle it good for them by saving another classic.

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  6. roger

    I have never got used to seeing these cars rusty.
    When I was teenager they were just used cars on every lot you went to.
    Makes me feel old to see rusty ones.
    Hope someone saves it.

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  7. JW454

    With this one being an X33 coded car it has a good chance of being restored.

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  8. Luke Fitzgerald

    Don’t care what it is – it’s rubbish

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  9. Joe Btfsplk

    What’s the problem? Just order up a replacement body from Dynacorn and enjoy building a Z-28 using what you can salvage…

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  10. Matt

    The most important part of the Z-28 is missing…the motor. As much as I hate to say it, buying the Dynacorn body would make the most sense in this case. As long as people are honest I don’t have a problem with building with a body in a box.

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  11. JCW Jr.

    I think this looks worse than it really is. Once you take the interior out and clean everything it would not be awful, agreed a lot of work. With the value of these even with a new LS in them it will be restored although not to original.

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    • Mark S

      JCW Jr. My thoughts too get it stripped to the shell and it probably look way less daunting. There is a valid argument made to scrap it or to replace the body out right. But I think there is a better option, give it to a high school auto body / automotive program and let some up and comers learn on it. With a good couple of shop teacher this would be a fun and challenging project. Can you imagine being those kids that got to be in on this, great experience for them. Once it was completed the school could sell it and start again with another rust heap.

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  12. Tim W

    I agree with Roger. In the late 70s’, they were everywhere.I worked on them, cruised in them, tried to buy one.(Bank wouldn’t loan on a 8 year old 69 Z-28 to a 16 year old kid) It does hurt to see them like this. Hope it gets put together

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  13. Jay Reynolds

    Hurts my heart to see a Z in this condition. May it rest in pieces.

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  14. stillrunners

    stop crying… a new shell…..

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    Check back in the next 10-15 years and see what kind of vehicles are left! This will be a good find!!!

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  16. Thescott632

    Why replace the body? IF there is no motor and no transmission who cares what the code is.. you don’t have anything here to justify spending the 200k it would realisticly take to put this back to the state where you could even entice a buyer to be interested in an all original Z28. Good luck whoever takes it on, you have alot of frustration and heartache and a possible divorce if your married..

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