Old pickups are popular these days, but most are of the Chevy or Ford variety. For those of us who think different is good, there are other choices. For Mopar fans, here’s an old Dodge farm truck listed on craigslist in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is as basic as it gets except for receiving the optional 200 horsepower 318 V8 over the flathead six. It was found in a farm shed near Bristol, Tennessee. The seller (or flipper) bought it from the son of the original owner who remembers when his dad bought it new when he (the son, not the dad!) was seven years old. Got all that? The claim that it has only 36,000 miles on it is plausible and the $6,500 asking price is only a couple of thousand too high. This pickup runs and drives, at least around the yard, and will need the usual mechanical attention after sitting for so long. This could be a good solid pickup if the only rust really is in those eyebrows.
The cab certainly looks tidy and original from here. It doesn’t look like the owner opted to spend about $50 for a heater or about $60 for a radio. It appears he did spring for turn signals, a $20 option.
It’s interesting that only the bed and bumpers have surface rust. Perhaps someone out there has a theory? The owner cleaned a bit off to show it was only surface rust. Why is there surface rust on top of the paint? It would have been useful if there was a picture of what’s under the hood. It could be selective photography to hide something or just an oversight. It’s interesting that just the headlight eyebrows rusted out. They were a styling update added to the C Series pickup design in 1957. This old pickup could be a nice driver if there isn’t too much rust and too many hidden issues. Here in California, we can live without a heater, at least down here in the valley. AC would be really nice though. It will keep up with traffic even on the mountain passes and be OK for the occasional road trip. It will be interesting to see what you think of this old pickup. If the ad is down it’s saved on adsaver.
Posting is gone. Always liked the looks of these.
I might have a theory on the bed and bumper difference. Different quality steel or paint. Years ago Toyota trucks came in without a bed on them and had beds manufactured at a plant in California. It seemed like the beds would rust first.
Hmmmm- found on a farm, and he remembers dad buying it when he was seven years old- question is, was his name Timmie, did he own a collie, and did he fall down wells a lot?
Now that’s funny, Fred..!
Has rusty eyebrows – yeah, well so did my mother-in-law and I can’t imagine anyone ever lusted after her either!
57-60 The neatest looking trucks Dodge ever made. Unfortunately they didn’t sell well, there’s not a lot of them around.