1931 Ford

Rebuilt Engine and Transmission: 1931 Ford Model A Coupe

As much as we would like to see every classic car restored to Pebble Beach Concours perfection, only a small percentage get the beautification they deserve.  The largest number eventually end up rotting away, while many are cared for… more»

Down on its Luck Sixties Hot Rod: 1931 Ford Model A Coupe

Every once in a while, an archaeological find of recent vintage hits the internet.  Be it an old dealership that closed its doors and never opened back up again, or that suburban garage that finally opened up to reveal… more»

A Worthy Project: 1931 Ford Model A Pickup

In one of the mysteries of life, Model A Ford prices are on the rise.  This is in almost direct contrast to the rest of the prewar herd.  Why is that?  Perhaps the simple, elegant simplicity that made the… more»

Barn Finds