Impressive Kit Car: 1978 CCC Auburn Speedster

One of the hottest and most interesting segments of the collectible car hobby is that of kit cars.  From accurate recreations to aesthetically questionable representations of classics of days past, these vehicles have become popular once again for the… more»

Alice Cooper’s? 1936 Ford Tudor Restomod

Despite earning the nickname of the “Godfather of Shock Rock,” Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Alice Cooper (born Vincent Furnier), is more or less a regular guy offstage. He’s a family man living in Arizona who plays golf… more»

Aged but Mild Hot Rod: 1936 Ford Five Window Coupe

Despite what you might see on television or the internet, not everybody has an unlimited budget and mad skills when it comes to building a hot rod.  Many times a hot rod is a vehicle that has been updated… more»

Older Restoration Done Right: 1936 Ford Roadster

Anyone who has completely restored a classic car can tell you that the process always requires a lot of money, time, and parts.  Finding good parts can be the most frustrating part of the process.  Sometimes the parts you… more»

Rare Black Bowtie: 1936 Chevrolet 1 ½ ton Gillig Bus

One of the fun parts of writing for Barn Finds is the occasional “now for something completely different” vehicle that comes up for sale. This one got my attention because in my so-called retirement, I’ve been driving a school… more»

Hot Rod Project: 1936 Ford 3-Window Coupe

There are certain years of prewar Ford production that attract hot rod builders like flies to a picnic.  1932, 1934, 1936, and 1940 are all banner years for Fords, and within those years, coupes and roadsters reign supreme.  For… more»

Barn Dust and 36K Miles: 1936 Chevrolet One Ton Flatbed

Vintage trucks are a hot segment of the collectible vehicle marketplace.  Everyone wants a quaint old half-ton pickup in a bright color complete with wide whitewall tires, a small block Chevy, and an automatic transmission.  Once they see the… more»

Refresh or Refurbish: 1936 Ford Pickup Hot Rod

In the yin and yang of the automotive world, the salad days of old car restoration of the sixties through the eighties were met with an equal and opposing force in the form of hot rodding.  Thousands of old… more»

Desert Baked Business Coupe: 1936 Plymouth Coupe

For those of you who have been faithful readers for a while, I am again getting back up on my soapbox concerning prewar Mopar coupes.  I believe that these overbuilt but handsome coupes are one of the best choices… more»

Barn Find From 2005: 1936 Ford Five Window Coupe

During the thirties, Ford was in a cycle where bodies changed every few years, and you could always count on a refresh in the second year of that body.  While the 1935 Ford managed to look far more expensive… more»

Missing in Action for 20 Years: 1936 Ford Cabriolet

In many ads, sellers will claim that their car is 1 of some number of survivors of that particular make and model.  While those numbers are probably in the ballpark, it never ceases to amaze us just how many… more»

Bring Your Own Drivetrain: 1936 Ford Roadster

We see all manner of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other forms of transportation on Barn Finds.  However, you would have to look back a long way in our archives to find a vehicle with not only no drivetrain but… more»

Maybe Original Paint: 1936 Ford Tudor Touring Sedan

As time goes on, more and more older restorations are advertised as original.  There are always unscrupulous sellers out there, but many legitimately believe that the vehicle they are selling still wears the original finish and parts from the… more»

How Much is Too Much? 1936 Ford Cabriolet

While there is a certain elegance and charm with every prewar automobile, Ford V-8s from 1932 through 1940 are considered standouts.  From the first V-8 in 1932 to the indelible image of a 1940 Ford coupe burning up the… more»

Barn Finds