This Jeep Commando has a 32-year history on and off with its current owner, who has kept it in stunning almost-faithful-to-original condition. It is for sale here on craigslist for $25,900, and it’s set up with a towbar in… more»
Nicest One Left? 1972 Jeep Commando
The Commando was Jeep’s response to the Ford Bronco, Toyota Land Cruiser, and International Scout. From 1967 to 1973, there were several body styles and two models offered, the C101 and C104 (which stood for the length of the… more»
Tidy Driver: 1970 Jeepster Commando
We’ve recently seen a few examples of the Jeepster Commando crossing our desks at Barn Finds, and this 1970 example stands out courtesy of its excellent presentation. It isn’t perfect, but it would need little to lift it to… more»
Rust-Free Californian: 56k Mile 1968 Jeepster Commando
If you’re the type of person craving a vintage off-roader but don’t feel motivated to tackle a restoration, this 1968 Jeepster Commando deserves a close look. Recently liberated from a Californian collection where it spent years in a dry… more»
All Original: 1972 Jeep Commando
Two categories of older classics that are prone to becoming tired and battered are Pickups and off-roaders. This isn’t typically due to abuse or neglect but is an almost unavoidable consequence of the role they play in their owner’s… more»
Rare Hurst Edition! 1971 Jeepster Commando
From the 1960s into the 1980s, Hurst Performance was famous for its muscle car partnerships with Oldsmobile and American Motors. But few remember they did a one-time deal with Jeep (right after it was acquired by AMC). The result… more»
Off-Road In Style! 1967 Jeep Jeepster Commando
Kaiser Jeep was one of the pioneers in Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs), but they weren’t called that back in the 1960s. The Jeepster Commando debuted in 1966 to give Ford, Toyota, and International a run for their money with… more»
Rare 1971 Jeep Jeepster Commando SC1
This 1971 Jeep Jeepster Commando SC1 is located in Walla Walla, Washington. Matt H. found it here on Craigslist with an asking price of $20,000. The Jeepster Commando was first manufactured by Kaiser Jeep in 1966 to compete with… more»
BF Auction: 1969 Jeepster Commando
The Jeep Jeepster Commando was developed by Kaiser-Jeep and production continued under the AMC nameplate after AMC bought Jeep in 1970. It is somewhat unique to find a Commando in this condition. It just needs some mechanical work to… more»
Rare 4WD: 1971 Jeepster Commando SC-1
This is a 1971 Jeepster Commando SC-1 located in Dallastown, Pennsylvania. If you are not familiar with the Jeep Commando, it was produced from 1966 to 1973. A total of 57,350 Jeepster Commandos (C101) vehicles were sold from 1966-1971…. more»
Worth Restoring? 1971 Jeepster Commando
There are many cars that claim the name of “first SUV.” The Jeep Cherokee is what’s mostly credited with that, but the AMC Eagle also shows up from time to time. SUV, a relatively new denomination of vehicle, already… more»
1 of 65! 1971 Jeepster Commando Hurst Edition
The 1971 Jeepster Hurst Edition seems like a pretty rare bird. According to the seller, you are looking at one of only 65 known survivors! Although they seem to be exceedingly rare, we featured one here on Barn Finds… more»
1 Of 100 Built: 1970 Hurst Jeepster
Jeepsters are some of the most visually-unique vehicles out there. A 1970 Hurst Jeepster is that and then some, and there is a darn good reason that we don’t see them very often….only 100 were made, and only 65… more»