Geo Metro

Smells Like Teen Spirit: 1991 Geo Metro LSI

Fitting in as well as the baggiest pair of jeans and most flannel shirt in the closet, the beginning of the 1990s can be described as awkward and trendy. The music, the clothing, the culture… it could only be… more»

The Best Geo Metro Left?

When Jim S sent in this ’91 Metro, I knew I’d take some flak for it, but I just couldn’t resist featuring it. Most people hate these little cars, but there are a small group of penny pincers who… more»

750 Mile… Geo Metro?

Well, I never thought I’d see a Geo Metro on these pages, but here it is! Most of these 3-cylinder econoboxes were driven into the ground long ago, so it was a shock to find one with so few… more»

Barn Finds