
Time Capsule: 1963 Fiat 600 Multipla

I’m sure Chrysler thought itself clever, coming up with the minivan. But while the Dodge and Plymouth “magic wagons” introduced in 1983 fit the bill for millions of consumers for decades to come, back in 1956 Fiat had already… more»

Tiny Mini-Van: 1958 Fiat 600 Multipla

In case you never heard of it, the Multipla was a 4-door MPV (not much different than an SUV or van today) based on the Fiat 600’s drivetrain and the 1100’s front suspension. It could sit up to six… more»

Turin Taxi: 1967 Fiat 600D Multipla

When I look at the various cars that appear on our desks here at Barn Finds, I always find myself drawn towards those that are quirky or unusual. This 1967 Fiat 600D Multipla is one of those cars, and… more»

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