Pontiac Chieftain

Daily Driver? 1954 Pontiac Chieftain

“Chieftain” is an auto model name, like Super Chief, that likely wouldn’t be used today. But back in 1954, when this Chieftain four-door sedan was built, it was a moniker that represented a stout, quality-built car. The seller tells… more»

Reincarnation Time: 1954 Pontiac Hearse

Call me superstitious but I usually eschew covering a hearse – bad mojo in my book. I made an exception in the case of this 1954 Pontiac as I’m thinking to the future and what this vehicle can be,… more»

44K Original Miles! 1951 Pontiac Chieftain

Considering recent changes in professional sports teams’ names, I’d say it’s a safe bet that we won’t see a return to an automotive moniker like “Chieftain” such as this 1951 Pontiac proclaims. Actually, we won’t see the return of… more»

Lean-To Find: 1952 Pontiac Chieftain De Luxe

I miss Pontiac! They were a substantial marque that morphed from dowdy chrome suspendered everyday passenger cars into GM’s “Excitement” division. The ’60s and early ’70s were their days in the sun thanks to a forward-thinking GM executive named… more»

Barn Finds