Normally we think of big American cars and trucks being found in barns and garages, not something like this 1967 Toyota Corona Deluxe 1900. But, there it is. This one is listed on eBay with a single bid of… more»
33,187 Mile One-Owner 1960 Rambler Six Super!
This color isn’t actually called pink, it’s Festival Rose. Hmm.. I don’t know if that’s any better for those of you who shy away from pink cars. In any case, this car is worth a look. It’s a 1960… more»
Swedish Project: 1966 Volvo 122
88,776 miles is barely broken in for certain cars. Think of some of the vehicles that you’ve had and how many miles that you put on them. This 1966 Volvo 122 Sedan seems like it would be barely broken… more»
In Dry Storage: 1977 Ford Maverick
It’s hard to believe that Ford originally thought that folks who were looking at imported cars would be swayed by a Maverick, but it’s true. This 1977 Ford Maverick looks like a nice car in its own right, imports… more»
Tasty Vanilla: 1988 Toyota Camry LE All-Trac
The Camry isn’t exactly on everyone’s cool cars list, at least a standard spec one isn’t. A lot of people blame the Camry for dumbing down vehicles, which is probably more a case of Toyota making them so drop-dead-reliable… more»
‘Fridge White Vanilla Sedan: 1978 Dodge Aspen
Vanilla may be the best-selling ice cream flavor, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the favorite flavor. Speaking of vanilla, this 1978 Dodge Aspen is one plain-looking car, but it still looks pretty sweet. This undercover special is listed… more»
Rust-Free Survivor: 1961 Chevrolet Corvair 500
For a car that’s a year older than I am, and made of metal that usually rusts and dents, this 1961 Chevrolet Corvair 500 sedan is in much better condition than I am. This mind-blowing survivor is listed here… more»
Patina-Heavy Hardtop: 1964 Mercury Park Lane
This is another one of those car names that people seem to spell in a couple of different ways. Is it one word or two? De Soto or DeSoto? ElDorado or El Dorado? de Ville, De Ville, deVille, or… more»
Scotty G’s Garage: 1984 Nissan Sentra
Let’s take a behind the scenes look at a little car from Scotty G’s (that’s me!) garage. This is not an exciting car unless a person happens to be a lover or collector of vintage Japanese vehicles, so don’t… more»
1967 & 1968 Opel Commodore Projects
Do you have a hankerin’ for a winter project? Do you have a lot of room and a lot of skill in restoring cars? Do you like unusual (at least in the US) German cars? If so, than this… more»
Whole Lotta Love Needed: 1962 Cadillac Series 62
For decades, Cadillac could legitimately use the slogan “Standard of the World.” General Motors took pride in their top tier division, and the whole company was set up to provide vehicles for customers from cradle to grave. Your first… more»
Beautiful B-Body: 1969 Dodge Coronet 440
This is the sort of vehicle that most people dream about finding, sans two extra doors. Being a four-door sedan, most people will pass right on by, and that’s fine, not everyone likes everything, that’s what makes the world… more»