What Is It? Mystery 3-Wheeler

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There’s nothing quite like the mystery of what might be hiding in a barn. Typically, if you find something in the barn it’s a well-known classic, but once in a while, you find a vehicle that keeps the mystery going. And that’s the case with what reader Ivan D recently found. This usual 3-wheel is said to have been hiding out for the past 40 years, but that’s all the info Ivan was able to get on it. He thought the Barn Finds Community would surely be able to identify this one, so take a closer look and leave your guesses in the comments section below!

I honestly can’t say I know what this find is, but it’s definitely cool! I do see that the owner has some other interesting finds, including what I believe is a Blakeley Hawk similar to the one I used to own. That makes me wonder if this 3-wheeler isn’t a kit car. It looks well-built and finished, so perhaps it was a production car, but I look forward to hearing what you think! Our thanks to Ivan for sharing his mystery find with us. If you spot a barn find, please share it with us via email here!


  1. Rw

    A fugly

    Like 1
  2. Mike StephensStaff

    I’m thinkin’ the lack of windshield wipers = kit car, or maybe even hi-level home fabricated? Never seen anything remotely similar to this one, especially with three wheels. Very curious about what light Barn Finds readers can shed on this one. Yep, pretty cool contraption!

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    • PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

      Definitely a Triton. Three-wheelers are usually titled/licensed as motorcycles, so winshield wipers are not mandatory.

      Like 3
  3. bobhess bobhessMember

    Don’t know the name but I do know it’s ugly.

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  4. Michael Garner

    Joshua, do you still have the Hawk?

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    • Josh Joshua MortensenAuthor

      No, I sold it a few years ago. I believe the current owner is looking to sell it if you are interested in it.

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  5. Big C

    Could be the long lost Tesla Model A.

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    • Park

      Look at the model names of the Tesla’s..

      Model S
      Model 3
      Model X
      Model Y

      Now spell it out using the 3 but backwards…

      Like 5
      • mstang

        That was the intention but Ford beat Tesla to the punch registering Model “E” name and trademark!

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  6. grant

    He sold it a few years back

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  7. Till J.


    I think this tree-wheeler is a Triton. The book three wheelers A-Z says that Tom Yankaitis of Rockford started such cars in 1985.
    Well, I don t know, it is just a guess…

    Best regards,
    Till J.

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  8. Mark_K

    I think it’s a kit car for an Isetta.

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  9. Rick

    Home built. I have no known images in any of my kit catalogues that remotely resemble this.

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    • Danno

      I’d say so as well. That front window looks like the back window of something else.

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  10. PaulG

    I’d call it Dangerous

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  11. 370zpp 370zpp

    Clearly the love child of a Miata and a wheelbarrow.

    Like 14
  12. CadmanlsMember

    So no information like is it powered by a cycle drive line. Water cooled. Has the looks of a kit but not even a close up, so this is a game or what?

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      Yes, it’s a Triton. All running gear is from a Saturn S.

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  13. Kirk

    Definitely looks like a triton trike to me … same headlight placement and has to be front engine fwd just based on overall room and appearance of everything

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  14. Andrew Allen

    I think it looks like a modified Bond Bug I know in the 1960’s their were different body’s available that’s my guess sir.

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  15. Solosolo UK SolosoloMember

    Try Jeff Packer at Undiscovered Classics. com as I’m sure he will know.

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  16. DonS

    I’t not a one-off as I have photos of one at a used car lot on the main street in super small town Neshkoro, WI.

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  17. Howie

    Not really sure, lets just call it junk.

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  18. Glenn Suprovich

    I think it is a Rolls Canardly ! Rolls down one hill and can hardly make it up the next ! 😎 Lol

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  19. Kim in Lanark

    Yeah, it seems to be a Triton however the Trike didn’t come out until 2007. Yet the article reads it’s been stored 40 years.

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  20. Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

    Kim, good catch!

    Except I heard the Triton is actually a time machine!

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  21. Gray Wolf

    Thunderbolt the Wonder Colt, I believe by Dodge!🤣🤣🤣

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  22. Thomas Pivarnik

    I would say it is a Dale from the 70’S but this one has a steering wheel, so I am probably wrong they also were found to have lawnmower engines in them and often didn’t have accelerator pedals.

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  23. George Birth

    Looks like the Tritons pictured . Probably be an economical blast to drive.

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