Name That Car

What Is It? Mystery 3-Wheeler

There’s nothing quite like the mystery of what might be hiding in a barn. Typically, if you find something in the barn it’s a well-known classic, but once in a while, you find a vehicle that keeps the mystery… more»

Is That A GM “Old-Look” Transit Bus?

This is definitely something that we here don’t see often… it appears, to our untrained eyes, to be a public-transit bus from the 1940s and 1950s – specifically, an “Old Look” GM, for sale here on Craigslist near Reading,… more»

Can You Identify This Swedish Barn Find?

We all enjoy a good car spotting challenge! This one comes from a reader named Oscar and it’s sitting in a barn somewhere in Sweden. You can view the ad here on Blocket. Please enter your guesses in the… more»

Name This Mystery Find

Reader Guy H recently messaged us with a find a friend of his had made in Israel and I have to admit, I had no idea what it was! Clearly someone turned it into their own version of the… more»

Can You Identify These Wheels?

From David S. – I’m an avid (daily) reader of your e-mails and hope to make a FIND/BUY in the near future.  Thanks for doing such a great job.  It’s a kick looking at our auto history through your… more»

Mystery Car: Could It Be A Devin?

From Blaine S. – So I bought this… The guy I got it from said it was a Devin, but on the back side of the trunk there’s a laminated paper that reads “Moderncraft Fiberglass LTD”. What do you… more»

Can You Identify This Pre-War Barn Find?

From RT W. –  I travel for work and found this gem on my recent travels.  I was not able to talk to the owner but his wife said it would be ok to take pictures. The owner is… more»

Can You Identify This Crazy Cruiser?

Here’s a car that I bet few of you have ever seen. That’s because only five were ever built. It was designed in the late seventies, it cost more than a Ferrari 308, and it had a top speed… more»

What’s Under That Tarp?

Barn Finds reader Forrest S. just sent in this photo of a car he is currently digging out. He is going to send more photos soon, but we wanted to post this to see if any of you can… more»

Name That Car: Camping Trip Find

From James C. – Hi, Love the site. Always love reading the stories. This weekend myself and a buddy were out 4WDing in the blue mountains outside of Sydney and down a track we found this. Not sure what… more»

Can You Identify These 5 Classics?

From Eric J. – I bought this collection of vintage color photos. I don’t know much about vintage autos so I would appreciate it if you could help me identify the make/model/years of the 5 vehicles. Somebody told me that… more»

Name That Car: Mystery Micro Plow

Winter is on its way and I’m already dreading my least favorite aspect of the season, shoveling snow. Having an ATV with a plow can make the task a lot easier, but the interesting little vehicle you see above… more»

Identify This Mystery Scooter

Update 9/26/14 – Bruce would really like to get this scooter into the hands of someone who could use it. He would like to get $500 and can assist with shipping. You can email him here if interested. From… more»

Help Identify Jason’s Mystery Car

A big part of what makes our hobby so great is meeting new people. Being a car guy means instant membership to a community of dedicated car nuts worldwide and most of our fellow motor heads are just down… more»

Mystery Fiberglass: 1959 Corvette Clone

We aren’t typically fans of replica cars, but when Richard B tipped us off to this fiberglass car pretending to be a 1959 Corvette, we took notice. At first we laughed but then we became curious as to its true… more»

Name That Car: Mystery SUV

The other day one of our good friends, Bradford, emailed us this photo. He had spent some time trying to identify it, but decided it might be easier to just ask for our help. He knew that our reader’s automobile… more»

Barn Finds