1939 Cadillac Limo: Grand Again?

left front cad

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UPDATE 8/29/18 – After almost three years and a $6k price drop, this Cadillac is still on the market. Find it here on craigslist with a $5,900 asking price. Do you think it might be worth dragging home now?

FROM 12/25/15 – This once grand old limo listed here on craigslist in Cascade, Idaho could be grand again, but at what price? The $12,000 asking is a steep price of admission. It seems like it might be mostly complete, but perhaps they’ve begun a conversion to a later 472 Caddy engine and transmission? He also has a Nova front end and an S10 rear end if the buyer wants to resto-mod it…

There are no pictures of the inside, but one would assume that it needs rust repair and a completely new interior on top of all the mechanical, body, and paintwork. Could this be restored to any level for less than what it might be worth? For this Caddy, it’s perhaps not how much the car might be worth but is it worth anything? This is way too cool to scrap, so I hope there is someone somewhere willing to take this on!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. p

    Too many typos in Craigslist ad.

    Like 2
    • Al

      Gess ther spullchucker doon wirk zo whel.

      Bean zu longue 2 zee CONNERS a gayne.

      Like 12
  2. jeff6599

    Difficult to tell if it is a limo or a formal sedan. Naturally, limos have a divider window. The Old Cars Price Guide shows the value of this car at around $7500. Why asking so much over it’s value? And why put that engine in now when it all has to be disassembled for cleaning (blasting), painting, front end work, etc.? And that S 10 rear end with a 7.625 ring gear is simply going to shuck the teeth right off with the torque of the big cu. in. Cadillac engine and the torque multiplication of that TH400 and converter. It should have a 12 bolt or a Ford9. This car appears to be a mess and is not likely to be bought by anyone smart enough to afford to restore it.

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      The firewall data plate says it all – it’s a body 7519, a Series 75, 7-passenger sedan without division window. Also note the front seat is adjustable fore-aft, the limousines [if I remember correctly] have a non-adjustable front seat.

      This is one of those cars that for every $1 you invest, you will be lucky to get 40 cents back when you sell it. And that’s assuming you did the work correctly and to high quality levels.

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  3. Mark S

    This old Caddy looks like it is fairly solid car with not to much rust at least from what can be seen from the pictures. There are far to many pic’s of the inside of the grille and no pic’s of the inside of the car. This would be a great project for someone with the means, a shop full of tools, the skills to take it on, the cash in pocket, and the will to do it. Well 2 out of 4 is where I’m at so it won’t be me. I have to wonder though what’s going on with the engines why does our seller have the heads off of both engines. When I see a project being handed off all a ripped apart state my first concern is what has he found that has made him stop, and what has he lost while the car has sat around in that state. I do hope that someone wants it though, it would be a shame to see it go to the recyclers.

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  4. Alan (Michigan)

    12 BIG ones?
    $1200 (yes, delete a zero) makes much more sense.
    Then someone might be found to take this one on.
    So much work needed to do pretty much any type of resto to this car, whether to stock or modified specs. I really don’t understand the “needs all glass” part of the (poor) description, all of the windows appear to be there. Are they in that bad a condition?

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  5. Trickie DickieMember

    Just a couple years ago it would have cost the owner to have a junk yard haul this car away. I just don’t understand the prices that people expect to get today for cars that a virtually a basket case. It seems to the like the “Porsche Phenomenon” Price it High High, it MUST be good!

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  6. Nessy

    Alan, only 1200 for the entire car you think? Did you know that those side mounted front fenders alone fit many model Cadillacs of this era and when you can even find a set up for sale, they sell for several thousand dollars alone? Trickie Dickie, funny but I don’t remember just a couple of years ago, full classic cars like this being sent to the junk yard at a cost of the owner…. Maybe 60+ years ago for the war scrap drives. This is a 39 model 75. I don’t know guys but this car does not look like a junk to me….

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  7. bcavileer

    Nor to me, my ’39 Dodge was similar albiet running without a working clutch. In fact it was being used as a dog house. But I saw potential, potential that took 20 years to restore to AACA condition. But during the resto were many years of just driving her, years of parades with the kids hanging out the windows with plastic tommy guns. Years of cruising around town looking at the Christmas lights and a wedding thrown in the mix too. PUT A PRICE ON THOSE MEMORIES. Again, the hobby is not just about profit. If that is what your about, fine.. But I truly wish you find another investment and stop ruining it for the next generations of restorers.

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  8. Francisco

    I wunder wat kuntry dis guy is frum?

    Like 3
  9. Ross W. Lovell

    Greetings All,

    Agree with Alan, drop a zero. Seen cars like this going for $1500-3000 here in New England. Understand the parts issue on those fenders but that’s on any car that doesn’t have the aftermarket making parts for them like a Mustang, Tri-Chevy or Camaro. These are orphans for a reason, doesn’t change the value.

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    • Carsofchaos

      Really? What part of NE is that? Not in the NJ-NY-CT-PA metroplex they don’t, that’s for sure. But $12k on this car is a bit nuts. But keep in mind where this car is located: Idaho. Cars like this, in that market…this is probably 1 of 1 in a 1,000 mile radius. Also, I wouldn’t call a Cadillac an “orphan” as the company is still in business. Jus sayin’…………….

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  10. rancho bella

    Anyone that is interested in this would be in adult diapers or deceased. There is no market.

    The deceased was a joke…………..don’t get mad

    Find me one someone under 50 that would be interested. As for the rest I got nothin’

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    • Wayne Thomas

      Interested? Yes. Willing to pay that price for that condition? No. This could make quite an interesting family car with a STS-V engine swap and 2015-ish interior complete with entertainment system. Would be different than what everyone else has.

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  11. Charles H.

    I jist wunder ifing this dood nos hal guud at spellun he is?

    Like 2
  12. Nessy

    Mr. Ross, the big 75 model late 30s Cadillacs are not only going for 1500 to 3000 anywhere these days. Rancho Bella, you said to find someone under 50 who would like this car? I am only 30 something and I love big classics from the 1930s and I have not worn diapers for at least a few years now. Ha.

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  13. Jason Houston

    Anybody who would ‘restomod’ (sic) this car should take that exercise in spending money and have his head examined… like the geico cave man on craigslist who is selling a 1956 Lincoln Capri and throwing in a 1986 Camaro motor/trans. or that other jerk who puts late-model Mustang wheels on his 1959 Rambler American. What type of rocks do these termites live under, anyway?

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  14. Darel

    Grammar is exactly what I’d expect given their drivetrain choices.

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  15. Andres

    PS, the car is back up for sale. Asking price is now 7500.

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  16. socaljoe

    Now 5900. I don’t see too many people putting this Humpty Dumpty back together again.

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  17. Mike

    I just want to check it out just to see who still writes in ALL CAPS.

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  18. Daniel

    The link to the Craigslist ad is dead

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  19. David Andrews

    I don’t care for Cadillacs much but I like cars like this to look at.

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  20. TriPowerVette

    After a complete and proper restoration replete with Army green paint, American and U.S. General of the Army fender flags (left and right), and headlight blackouts, it will be de rigueur to have mannequins dressed as General Dwight D. Eisenhower in the back, and Kay Summersby in the front, driving.

    Now THAT’s a picture!

    Like 4
  21. David Vizzini

    The Craig listing does not exist. Why do you continue to list cars which are no longer available?? This happens frequently. What’s the point? If we can’t buy them…we do not need to look at them..seems to be common sense. PLEASE …do not list cars that are not currently available for purchase. Thank you.

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    • David Vizzini

      Is it limo …or a 7-passenger Sedan? No one ever pays any attention to these important differences.

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      David Vizzini,
      There is always a bit of a time lag between posting a listing and when you see the listing. In many instances, by the time YOU see the Craig’s List, eBay, or other website’s listing, it’s no longer available because it’s been sold.
      There is valuable information in that situation, as it gives many Barn Finds viewers the knowledge of the vehicle’s true value because it DID sell.

      You said: “If we can’t buy them…we do not need to look at them..seems to be common sense.”

      As I understand it, Barn finds is a website designed first & foremost to provide enjoyment for readers, in presenting great listings and allowing some of the most profound, entertaining, & interesting comments I’ve seen in years.

      I think the vast majority of Barn Finds readers are looking at these posts because they like reading about the vehicles and their current situation/location, not because they are interested in buying those vehicles.

      I see regular statements here about readers wishing they COULD buy a listed vehicle but can’t for various reasons, [married, broke, retired, too many projects, etc.], but it’s clear they enjoyed reading about the vehicle anyway.

      If the only reason for you to be a B F viewer/member is to buy vehicles, and you don’t have the time or interest in looking thru a few great Barn Finds listings that may have already sold, then perhaps B F isn’t for you.

      I can tell from the constant positive comments about how well B F works, that the great guys who put together the listings and website in general, should keep it it exactly as it is.

      Like 1
    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Many of the cars featured actually do sell to our readers. Perhaps we need to run more success stories? You can get the jump on stuff by becoming a member as they can see everything as soon add it’s written.

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      • Jesse MortensenStaff

        Btw, the link in the first paragraph is still active.

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  22. socaljoe

    David Vizzini Not a limo. Look at back of front seat, no divider window.

    also, the listing is there. Check your spell check….

    Like 0

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