1965 Chevelle Malibu: A Bargain?

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This one’s for all you folks who claim you can’t get an original two-door V8 Chevrolet for a reasonable sum of money. This 1965 Chevelle Malibu is listed for sale here on eBay and the buy it now price is only $3,275! Of course, you can make a lower offer and you might improve upon that figure. It’s even located in Jackson, New Jersey for all of you that complain that we only find cars in California. Sure, it has some issues, but let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Yes, there’s some rust. The car seems relatively straight though, and you can certainly get patch panels for these cars, and this trim level has those nice strips to hid your patch panel seam under. Not that I’d ever say hide my welding, but, well, I’m a functional welder, not an artistic one.

I wonder what happened to the trunk lid? Perhaps a falling tree? I might choose to look for another one rather than trying to repair a compound dent like that–but perhaps you are a better or more patient body person than I am.

The seller tells us that two areas on the frame have some rust–they describe one area about as being about 10 inches long and the other is about 6 inches long. I’d certainly want to fix those, but I’m thinking after looking at where Chevelles rust they should be fairly straight forward repairs. Any experts out there that can give us some more information? The seller also says the trunk floor will eventually need replacement. Hopefully you can do it with patch panels like these, but if not the entire floor is available (at a substantially higher cost). Based on this picture, you’re going to have to do something just to hold the gas tank in place permanently!

As you might expect with a car of this price, the interior has seen better days. The seller tells us that the floors have some rust, but have no really major issues. As I’ve noted before, when you can hide your welds under the carpet, it’s a good thing.

Here’s the really surprising part; this car actually runs well. Quietly even. Brakes are good, it shifts well, and the 283 V8 is presumably the original one. So what’s holding you back? Send an offer–what’s the worst that can happen?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Superdessucke


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  2. lawrence

    Just getting harder to find untouched virgin’s….reasonably priced.

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  3. Steve R

    No thanks.

    Rust on the frame, floors, every panel, plus engine issues (if all it needed was a tune up why didn’t they do it).

    Dry southwest 64-65 Chevelle’s with crusty original paint show up on eBay on a fairly regular basis in the neighborhood of $10,000-$12,000. One of those would be a much better buy.

    Steve R

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    • grant

      Unless you don’t have 10-12 k to drop at once. But if you’ve got 3 grand and can grab a little OT here and there; and are willing to put in some sweat equity you could have a pretty nice car in a couple years that you will be rightfully proud of. I just did precisely that with an old 24 foot Sea Ray that i probably should have left in the barn i found it in. Took 3 1/2 years but we had a TON of fun last summer. This car is pretty rough. But it isn’t gone. Come on! One of you East Coast guys grab this, and show it to us when you’re done.

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      • Steve R

        The last two pictures of the ad tell the tale. The half eaten frame rail with the sway bar hanging in mid-air, then the last picture which shows rust coming through a previous repair are pretty strong evidence the car is worse than most of the pictures make it look.

        At a minimum an in person inspection with the car on a rack should be done.

        Steve R

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  4. Sam

    Hey Howard, I think a Wisconsin gal sat on the trunk lid.

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    • Sam Sharp

      Jessee, I really wish that some of the people who post a reply would read your admonishment before posting.

      I’m breaking my word just this once by replying about ‘Sam’s’ remark to Howard A from Wisconsin, so that other readers will not associate my real name with ‘Sam.’

      Remember the “backout shuffle” the morons did when Karen who had the Jag called them out on their remarks. The stupid remarks made by your readers who don’t have the ability to think in three dimensions.

      Lessee; 1) lets make comments about a lady who was a centerfold for Easy Rider. 2) She and her friend are wearing guns. 3) Karen probably has friends all over the planet who ride powerful bikes who are just itching to smash your faces in. They probably know where you live by now.

      Jessee, you have a great website. I was hopeful that this site would remain a site for enthusiasts. Your readers should realize that other people under the age of 18 read your finds. A 13 year old doesn’t want to hear about a man’s husband allowing him to buy a project. Or how somebody from Wisconsin sat on a trunk lid.

      As Buford T. Justice said, “you ain’t as big as you sound on the radio (post) is you BOY!?”

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      • grant

        I cannot disagree with any of what you just said. But at least the morons can spell “Jesse’s” name, and pay enough attention to realize that Josh wrote the Jaguar post.

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      • Sam Sharp

        Grant, typo and generic admonishment. I had observed who had written the posts, but chose not to mention their names with the exception of ‘Sam.’ Again, I do not wish to have my real name associated or confused with this individual. We have a grandson named Josh. He said that he did not post the Jag rant. If he had, I would have taken his Pan Head away.

        It’s too bad that this site has become something other than it was intended to be. It was a lot of fun. Not anymore.

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    • Sam

      Sam Sharp.

      The Howard “Wisconsin gal” thing is a bit of a running joke. Howard periodically refers to “large” Wisconsin women in his comments.

      My mothers family is from Wisconsin, we also own property in Door County Wisconsin/Fish Creek and spend a fair amount of vacation time there.

      I enjoy Barn Finds as well and find it educational and entertaining.

      I can change my “name” to SAM61. I enjoy your comments and don’t know you but I may not want to be confused with you.

      Sorry all for the rant. Scott A. Miller Noblesville, IN. Unfortunately there a few other Scott Miller’s in central Indiana.

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      • Sam Sharp

        Scott, thanks. You really don’t want to be confused with me. . I’m already confused.

        I like poking fun at others as much a I do poking fun at myself. However, I try (emphasis on try) not to used ‘boat talk’ in open forums.

        “What’s the hardest thing to do at an Iowa/Wisconsin/Indianna wedding? When the groom puts the ring over her hoof. ” Our oldest grandson who had just gotten married (both Ioweenia natives) thought is was funny in the boat. He didn’t think it was funny when I gave them a can of barn and stable fly spray for a wedding gift.

        So I took the spray home and used it on the barn and stable.

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      • SAM61

        I can speak from experience about denting things as I am 6 foot 290 pounds.

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  5. Madmatt

    $3275.00 doesn’t buy much alot of the time now,
    My $200.00 67 Malibu had a much worse body,
    but not as bad rust,bad interior,and smoked like
    a train,but I bought it from customer,and drove it
    away….on 7 cyl…this was back in 1989.I spent about
    1-2 years of my young social /fun life fixing everything.
    When I bought it I had some friends that laughed at me
    and made fun of it………about a year later they all wanted a ride!

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  6. Nrg8

    Wow. Trunk pan with 2 – 1×4 w/carriage bolts at either end supporting a tank. Pan looks like swiss cheese like the frame. Sure it may run, but nothing special besides being a hard top. I’m with the other comments about a southern car. While yes they aren’t making them, I’m thinking 500 dollar car. It’s too far gone even with sweat equity. If the frame is looking like that so are the body mounts, brake lines, suspension bolts and bushings. The brakes musta been just beaten with a hammer to unfreeze them. Carefully retracted as to not cause the wheel cylinder to start leaking. There’s a reason he didn’t include bottom pictures.

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  7. Madmatt

    This car looks very saveable,but is it better to pay a little more and get a western/southern car,Yes I believe so.There is likely
    a lot of young people,in their early 20’s-that would love to take this on,
    but at that age ,we are all still developing our skills and knowledge.
    I hope the new owner can make it a nice driver,
    and plan a nice driver resto,and “learn” a lot on the way…..I sure did!

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  8. Greg Mason

    I’m in the middle of doing a body off frame restoration on my wife,s 65 chevelle. Trunk floor and main floor already installed frame stripped and powder coated rebuilt 350 LT1 and turbo 350 installed all new correct wiring harness steering column rebuilt and 70 disk brakes with split system master cylinder and new booster. Biggest problem is finding a replacement trunk lid that,s not rusted out under the rear lip. There not made aftermarket and when you do find a good used one they want a small fortune for it. So if your considering buying this one have a lot of extra money to restore it. Your going to need it.

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  9. John

    I wish I wasn’t so old. I remember seeing these in the showroom. One of these with a four-speed and bucket seats, and I would have had my life fulfilled. A few years later, I bought the four door version of this for my sister-in-law. It was a 283 w/powerglide. It had 40K miles on it, but was in perfect shape, even the add-on Sears AC worked. It was a totally boring car. She kept it 18 years and drove it well over 200K miles on top of the 40 K it started with. They were excellent cars. Its sad to see one in this shape. I hope someone with a welder, some time, and a few dollars buys it and brings it back to life. Unfortunately, it cannot be me.

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  10. Kimbo

    Ya for an amateur this car is not! For a semi or real pro walk in the park !!
    But !!! Before purchase to me it’s all about the Crome trim the bumpers not crumpled ! Metal is the deal on this one ! To me a priced a little high ! I’d take something in better shape ! Bigger engine !! Hell ya ! And of coarse 4gear ,ya ya
    All in all if I was 19 again I’d buy it / cause these cars are cool .. period …..👍

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  11. Utes

    If this was a MoPar & Mark Worman had it….it’d be “brought back to life!”

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