455-Powered: 40K Mile 1975 Pontiac Grand Prix

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This Pontiac Grand Prix LJ came fully loaded in 1975 including the largest displacement engine available on the option sheet.  It is for sale at Streetside Classics for $14,995 showing less than 40,000 miles.

The Grand Prix was offered in three trim levels – the standard J coupe, the sporty SJ and the luxury LJ. This LJ interior is adorned with brown velour deluxe seats which matches the brown exterior. New features for 1975 included GM’s High Energy electronic ignition and a pollution control device known as a catalytic converter.  Radial tires became standard on all models.

For 1975, the 455 cubic inch motor produced 200 horsepower and provided plenty of power for a smooth rise. Pontiac sold 86,582 units in 1975 including 64,581 J models, 7,146 SJs, and 14,855 LJ’s.

This handsome car is certainly unique and reflects the top of the line Pontiac available in this 2 door personal luxury car. So will you be cruising in this 455 equipped survivor?


  1. LARRY

    200 hp 455🤣 those were sad times

    Like 24
    • Dave

      Compared to the pre-EPA/pre-Arab oil embargo era, you would be correct. Auto makers were ill-equipped to adapt to the pace of change and societal norms.
      Fuel economy concerns became paramount, and while automakers struggled the EPA mandated unleaded gasoline and catalytic converters for 1975 cars. Everything automakers did sapped power from the engines, many of which were designed in the 1950s. Some automakers stopped publishing horsepower and torque figures entirely.

      Compared to today, yes, it was a sad time for factory-built performance.

      On the other hand, good muscle cars could be had for a song and speed equipment suppliers did quite the business.

      Like 7
      • Lynn DockeyMember

        If that engine was made today it would be 700 hp easy.

        Like 1
      • Dave

        I googled it, and you’re right. 711 hp on pump gas.

        Like 2
    • Ronnie

      A Datsun 510 with a 4 cylinder came with 120 ho in 1970 , then why such a big 455 for only 200 hp ??? BTW my father owned a 1970,1972& 1974 with 455 , aldd as o a 1979 with 301 and a 1994 with 3.1 all of them great cars

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  2. Miguel

    That seems like a lot of money, but comparing it to even an average used ar today, it is a bargain for a fully loaded car.

    Like 15
  3. Superdessucke

    A brown automotive leisure suit, complete with gold tie. Outstanding! I love this. I hope they get their ask.

    Like 24
  4. Wayne

    I really like this GP. Almost as much as the ’69&’70s. For only about $3,000 more spent on the engine ( doing the work yourself) you could have about double the horsepower and have a really enjoyable vehicle to drive and still have no fuel economy penalty over the original engine. ( it may get even better fuel economy ) Spend another $3,000 to $4,000 and install an overdrive transmission and you should be able to top 20 mpg.
    Hmmm, maybe I should buy this.

    Like 22
  5. TimM

    There are sure fire ways to get a whole lot more horses out of these motors!! Cam, headers, carburetor!! This will make that car move much better!!!

    Like 5
  6. Arthell64

    You could double the horsepower and still not a fast car in today’s world. Why not leave it stock and just enjoy cruising around. I always liked these cars and if you like brown probably not a bad car for the money.

    Like 12
  7. Steve

    Wow. Had one of these in the early 80s. Was a cherry. Just needed a junkyard windshield. I paid $1000. Drove it back and forth to Florida. Loved that car.

    Like 3
  8. Troy s

    Flashy Pontiac, just like the ’75 Trans Am, lots to look at and take in. Step on the gas and well, what’s that smell? Who farted?
    The dreaded pellet style catalytic converter. You could build a custom 3 inch exhaust with a modern high flow converter, choose a better sounding/breathing muffler from any number of different brands and then a oem high flow air filter from like KnN, that’s a start. If, and only if, you’d like to continue where Pontiac left off.
    Believe me, Nobody was doing any better in those years when it came to horsepower, worse I can see. Nice showboater by the way.

    Like 3
  9. Del

    Get rid of Cat and smog accesories and a few other mods and you got a mover.

    Nice car. Colors suck.

    Probably take a few thou less than asking

    Like 3
  10. jerry

    be nice if it had a 4 speed stick transmission in it and the glass T roof

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  11. Lance Platt

    I think everyone is trying to make this car something it’s not. It was a personal luxury car..a type that one can’t buy today at any price. It had sporty styling and the handling was far better than a luxury or family barge but it wasn’t designed to win drag races. The large displacement engines ran all the accessories and still provided plenty of smooth power and torque for normal driving. Today’s cars are lighter and more aerodynamic so that their 4 cylinder engines can keep up with traffic but the style of the Grand Prix still looks beautiful four decades later.

    Like 10
    • Del

      Nice rescue Lance

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  12. Joe

    beautiful car but its so sad regarding that engine……oh what could have been thx to the environmentalist tree hugging wackos

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    • Dennis

      And they’re back! Now they are called Climate Activists. Just worse now, loons!!! I had a brand new 77 G.P. in this combo What a great car, no muscle car but who cared, it was looks and comfort..

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  13. irocrobb

    I had a 1975 GP as a winter car in 1986. Mine had the 400 engine and I doubt I have ever had a car harder on fuel. I doubt it got 13 mpg on a good day.The doors were very heavy and required a acre to open. Mind you,it cruised down the highway nicely.

    Like 1
  14. 86_Vette_Convertible

    Love the colors, looks like a 74 Malibu I once had. Same brown exterior, same vinyl top color and lighter brown interior. Liked the GP and Monte’s of the same era but just a little more $$ than I could afford at the time.
    I like this one though to me the engine is a little overkill in todays environment.

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  15. GrandpaDawg

    do i see something with this car it’s beautiful but whole frontend is cracked don’t see anybody else mentioning that

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  16. JohnD

    @Grampa…might be the way the light’s hitting it. I don’t see cracks anywhere. Speaking of crack, my boss at my first job in high school had one of these w/ t-tops. It was pretty well trashed. But these colonnade bodies wonders were seen on every street corner. My dad even had the Buick version, a Regal with the mighty 350. Brings back memories, but I wouldn’t want to bring one back home. The rattles and creaks drove me nuts!

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    • GrandpaDawg

      Ok John if you don’t see anything must be my eyesight just looked again both front pics both sides to me show lines from headlights to yellow marker lights maybe just Pictures I’m looking at

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  17. RobRoy560

    Another detuned beast from the malaise era. A 4 banger today can have just as much horsepower.

    That said, I liked this body style before the downsizing (I believe 1978?). Personal luxury land yachts, which were comfortable on the turnpike, were not meant for the drag strip. They were for people with a few extra bucks to have something sportier than a sedan, and something nice to show up at work with instead of your people hauler station wagon.

    Leave this alone. Take it out for a cruise here and there. Show your kids and grandkids what Detroit used to build instead of all these crossovers and SUVs.

    Like 1

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