This 1978 Cadillac Eldorado is a looker in white over blue, and it’s stayed in near-mint condition with only 14,000 miles on the clock. Sent in by Barn Finds reader Deahomes, the listing found here on craigslist for $12,950 in Grand Rapids, Michigan shows a car with a gorgeous exterior, as-original interior and a fresh set of whitewall tires to shuttle around in. Apparently, the original owner bought it for Sunday drives and then passed away, with his widow only adding a scant 500 miles after his passing. When these cars are treated right, they look amazing and not like the clapped-out junkers so many of them become at the hands of cheap owners. Hopefully, this Caddy coupe finds another proud caretaker the next time around.
Aug 13, 2015 • For Sale • 4 Comments
1978 Cadillac Eldorado: Sundays Only
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Looks like they just took it out of the wrapper…
Nice car, stupid price. I bet he paid $2,950 for it.
Beautiful car. This car should sell quickly. $12,950 was about the sticker price when new. It sounds underpriced to me.
Unless you’re absolutely set for a 1978, you could buy one of those low mileage 1976 Eldo convertibles that everybody put away for an investment for a cheaper price…