What. A. Shame. Those are the three words that come to mind when looking at this forlorn 1985 ASC/McLaren Mercury Capri here on craigslist, spotted by Barn Finds reader Robert R. I’ve always been a fan of these since they were packed with features that resonated with someone who loves the ’80s: mesh-style wheels, Recaro seats, a Whistler radar detector, big front air dam, booming stereo and body-side graphics. All that’s missing is a pair of Hammer pants! But unfortunately for this car, all of those period-correct details have been lost and stripped away from this stalled project. The seller claims he has those rare bits with the exception of the front spoiler – which, to me, is a big part of the package’s eyeball appeal. If you were to buy this car, hunting down an original spoiler should be your first order of business! For whoever buys this ’85 ASC/McLaren special, you better be prepared to do some treasure hunting to bring it back to spec. The add-ons, no matter how gimmicky, are what made this car stand out. Anyone have a vintage radar detector collecting dust?
May 22, 2015 • For Sale • 3 Comments
1985 ASC McLaren Capri: Stuck In The ’80s
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No cash for this clunker!
Why oh why do people feel the need to disassemble a car down to the point where it’s no longer a restoration project but more like a 3-D puzzle (with only their word that all the pieces are there) and THEN decide to sell it?
I agree Karl. Not for $1500. If that were what I was wanting to rebuild, scrap value, maybe $500 depending on how complete it is.