5 Window Barn Find: 1934 Ford Deluxe

1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe

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At first I thought this 84 year old Ford was all original, but the seller admits it was restored 25 years ago. That explains both the solid condition and shiny paint. The seller found it in a garage in Iowa, bought it, got it running, rebuilt the brakes and polished up the paint. It has plenty of dents and dings, but looks good overall. Five window coupes that haven’t been customized are getting hard to find, giving the next owner a ton of options for it. Whether you’d like to hot rod it, restore it or enjoy it just as it is, you can find it here on eBay in Plano, Texas with bidding already over $30k!

1934 Ford Deluxe Cleaned Up

As you can see, this Ford cleaned up really well! If you can live with the cosmetic issues, this would be a nice little driver. The only thing I would change is the color of the wheels back to how they were when it was found in Iowa.

1934 Ford Deluxe Interior

While I tend to stay away from already restored cars, you just never know the quality of the work, this one actually looks to have been done to a very high level. The interior is showing it’s age, but with a little cleaning would actually look good. As a matter of fact, the wood work looks fantastic!

1934 Ford Deluxe V8 Engine

One of the reasons so many of these coupes have been modified is their flathead V8. In its day, it was a powerhouse with considerable potential for hot rodders. This engine looks original and is said to run well. It could use a good detailing, but would work just fine as is.

1934 Ford 5 Window Coupe

I’m really impressed with how this Ford cleaned up. Sure, it could use a little more work, but that’s part of the fun of classic ownership! Given that it isn’t original, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to hot rod it a bit. What do you think? Should it stay as is or would you hot rod it?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. JW454

    With the bidding as high as it is, I’m afraid this one is destined to become another cookie cutter hot rod. I don’t think too many people are going to spend that kind of money for an original survivor IMHO.

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  2. Somer

    I’ve seen several similar cars mildly rodded. Up grade the brakes (always good) with post war juice brakes.Put in a post war flatty and it is all bolt on.No DNA hurt.
    This is only a survivor to a certin degree. I’m not sure about the burgundy color.

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  3. Mark S

    I’d fix the dents and repaint it, I’d go with either red, forest green or powder blue body and black fenders. Or maybe saddle brown with dark chocolate fenders. I’d replace the headliner do any needed mechanical work, load up some spare parts and tools and take it on a road trip. I’d take my son with me to make some memories and ultimately give him the car when he was ready to be good steward to it.

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  4. Rick

    Restored or not, one of best barn finds youve ever featured imho

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    • grant

      Absolutely agree. I really hope this doesn’t get cut up.

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      • Goran Lundberg

        I second that!

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  5. brian crowe

    The red rims really pop out at you but I think the creamy colored ones look good as well. A little more old time look to them. Oh and thats Tom from Fired up Garage, he probably the car for like $5000 from the owner.

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  6. geomechs geomechsMember

    Definitely something to keep in shape and driven. Too many of these fell victim to a hot-rodder’s torch and that’s why there’s so few of them left. Preserve history; don’t destroy it; there’s too much destruction going on at this moment…

    Like 2
    • Charles

      Many cars this year and previous years were turned into scrap metal during WWII, especially Ford Models T and A.

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  7. scot carr

    ~ MISFIT GARAGE. Is this a good thing…… ?

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    • JimmyinTEXAS

      Can’t be, they are fall out from A$$ Monkey, that is enough for me…

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  8. PeteMember

    There aren’t enough of these around to cut it up an d hot rod things. I can see improving the braking system. BUT I’d love to have one to run as it is.

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    wow what a find. cant you guys read, , it already has the brakes improved -juice brakes. dah

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  10. bcavileer

    Leave it, clean it, drive it. Just fine the way it is… or a PERIOD intake to sharpen it up a little. Rodding it to modern standards is blasphemy. JMO

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  11. Somer

    Fortunately most folks are going retro on Hot Rods. A lot less billet bombs out there.

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  12. stillrunners

    Pete has this one in Plano, Tx…..he can sure find em’…..

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  13. Prowler

    An 84 year old relatively healthy
    It would be a shame to carve it up now
    I say let it live

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  14. David Frank DavidMember

    It is amazing to see what people are willing to pay for this car. Compare it to the 1937 sedan I wrote up a recently. http://barnfinds.com/?s=1937+Ford They are asking half the price for the 1937 for what what appears to be a nicer car and they cannot sell it. Three years and 2 more doors does make a huge difference.

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    • Al8apex


      The 34 is THE year (next to a 32) to have

      A 37 coupe would have sold already

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  15. Somer

    32-24 coupes have always been extremely desirable.

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  16. Bud Dudley

    While this seems stupid high at the current bid of 32k + and not at the reserve, think what a three window in the same condition might hit on ebay. These cars while always desirable are at an all time high due to the surge in interest thanks to sites like the jalopy journal, events like the hot rod hill climb, dirt drags, The Race of Gentlemen and others. Even Model A’s are gaining value like crazy, and not because of originality. It’s strictly a hot rod thing now, driven by a real resurgence of traditional hot rods, not original cars. I bet it sells.

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  17. Lee

    Glad to see Tom and the car Maybe he and Pete at the Fired up Garage in Plano can sell it to the I,R,S. I heard they are interested in Car Flippers

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