90 Year Old Driver: 1926 Ford Model T Roadster

left front

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The 1926 Model T was the fourth version and almost the end of the line. The 5th generation was released later in 1926. Although the Model T was improved over the years, other car companies had moved onto far more advanced cars with 4 wheel brakes, standard pedal arrangement, modern transmissions and so much more. Improvements had been made to the T, including an electrical system and starter in 1921, but it was still far behind other cars of the day. In 1927 the model A was introduced and was such an improvement over the T that the Model Ts were soon obsolete. This T is listed on craigslist in Cream Ridge, New Jersey with an asking price of $7,500. It looks like it’s complete and ready to drive. It is likely an older restoration. These Model Ts are easy to repair, but driving can take a bit of getting used to, especially with the odd pedal arrangement. Thanks to Mswink for the tip on this old Ford.


The engine is very simple. There is no fuel pump or water pump. Don’t expect to get anywhere real fast, but that isn’t the point of a car like this.


There’s not much to the interior. This one could use some cleaning and perhaps repair, but it appears useable as it is.

right rear

The wheels and body look to be in good shape. That paint looks like it could even be original. What do you think?


The value of the Model T along with other early cars has fallen off in the last few years. The Model T is not a car most would want to drive on the highway, so it is even less popular. This would be a fun little driver that would be inexpensive to maintain. It’s probably not worth restoring, although one might want to make improvements over time. Do you think this might be a fun car to own?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Bill

    If I had a shorter commute, i’d daily the heck out of this!

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  2. Rick

    What a bargain! I love a stock T Roadster, and ’26 is the best year IMHO. And this one would attract as much or more attention as any Italian exotic costing 25X as much! (if you wanted attention that is)

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  3. DirtyHarry

    I don’t think it is much fun if you get in an accident in something like this. Belongs in a “closed course” event or on a farm somewhere. I know of a retired couple who both died in a Model A accident, if they had been in anything else they would have walked away.

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    • Matt Tritt

      Venturing out into the modern world in ANY pre-70’s automobile is risky, except for maybe a Saab or Volvo, not just A’s and T’s. I wouldn’t commute in this car, but it’d be great for trips to the store, friends and other casual use, and at least it’s safer than a motorcycle. But what’s all this about “1927 Model A’s”? I’ve never seen one older than ’28, and I suspect that none were actually sold to the public in calendar year 1927. They probably produced some toward the end of the year for sale in ’28, but Ford spent much of 1927 re-tooling their factory for the A, not building production cars other than the T. I’ve encountered a number of 27 T’s, but never an A. My grandfather on my mom’s side had the Ford agency in Garden Grove as a partner of a Mr. Smith, and knew all the cars Ford produced thoroughly. He had no problem driving or riding in a T, but wouldn’t set foot in an A because of the gas tank being, quite literally, in your lap. He saw a man driving an AA truck hit another vehicl right in front of his shop one day. The interior was immediately engulfed in flames and the driver, who managed to get out of the cab, ran down the street on fire until grandpa – who had chased him down with a blanket to smother the flames – tackled him, only to have the poor guy leave his clothes – and skin – behind him to run until he fell dead. He told me this when I told him I was going to buy our neighbor’s ’29 Victoria for $50.00. My mom put the brakes on my plan as you might imagine.

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      • geomechs geomechsMember

        Hi guys. Old vehicles are a lot of fun to drive around but they do come with their hazards. The best thing to do is to get a bunch of buddies together for a run. When you’ve got a line of them going some place, you are at least visible. True, there are a lot of people on the roads with nowhere to go, yet they want to get there at 150 mph. And then there are those who get mad as hell when they find themselves stuck in behind a lineup of plodding relics. But with a bunch of us travelling in a group, at least the speed demons cannot say that they couldn’t see us.

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      • z1rider


        You’ve got the chronology of the end of the T and beginning of the A down pretty well, but I think you should go back and re-read the sentence about the A. I don’t think the author meant there was ever a “1927” Model A, though certainly production of the Model A had to have started sometime in late 27 as you and the author both state.

        As far as the gas tank location in a Model A, if the conflagration you mention really happened it must have been a real freak accident. A Model AA truck sits higher, and due the rear end gearing likely could go no more than 35-40 MPH. That tank is actually pretty well protected by virtue of being close to the middle of the car. You would need a pretty severe crash for the damage to extend that far back. I just never hear of Model A’s catching on fire, though no doubt it had to have happened at least a few times.

        And one last thing. Model A Victorias were only produced in 30 and 31. No 29 Vicky was ever made.

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  4. Graham Lloyd

    I live in the country and the back roads are ideal for my T. Yes, they fold up in an accident, but drive anything older or anything small and there is a risk. I don’t drive mine when the cottagers are participating in the Toronto/Peterborough Grand Prix every Friday night and Sunday afternoon, but any other time, it’s fun to go for a tour.

    Price is right. They are simple. Once you get the hang of the controls, it becomes second nature.

    Everyone should own a T at least once in their life. They are just too much fun.

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    • geomechs geomechsMember

      Anyone I know who owns a T will tell you the same thing. I’ve come close to buying one many times but it seemed that every time, something else came up that was more important. One of these days before I get too old to learn how to manipulate the pedals…

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  5. Dave

    If this car was in the UK i would love to clean her up and take to shows. Dave

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  6. z1rider

    Fourth version? Not sure what that means. Besides wire wheels, (optional in 26 and standard in 27 as I understand it) how did the 26 and 27 differ?

    I can only think of 3 “versions” of the Model T. The early brass cars from 09 to 15, the all black ones, 16-25, and finally the last two years, 26 and 27 which Henry allowed Edsel to add some style and color to. As the author states, there were continuous changes made such as electric starters, different body styles etc, but I can still only break down T’s into 3 versions.

    Please elaborate on the 5 versions mentioned.

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  7. Matt Tritt

    z1 – OK – you’re right on both counts! The neighbor’s A was a 4-door with a leather-like body covering that came down to the waistline in the rear. She called it a Victoria, but she WAS in her 80’s at the time and likely didn’t remember. Coincidentally, she had actually bought it from my grandfather when it was new. And the truck could have been an A, not an AA. However, according to my grandfather, his daughter (my mother), and my dad, Model A’s had a reputation of being a bad car to be in in an accident because of the location and design of the gas tank. This was one reason why the Model B tank was moved to the rear and under the car where it was safely out of the way. In the A, the rear wall of the tank was an actual part of the dashboard, with the only separation between you and disaster being a thin sheet of steel. Instead of a Model A, my first car was a 34 Packard V-12 roadster with a custom aluminum body which, had I had the intelligence to keep it, would now be worth about as much as my house. :-(

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  8. ricky pasket

    Any model t is worth saving, i Rebuilt one form a frame.Because i was too poor to shell out 10,000.Any person can rebuild one. There is blown up diagrams all over the internet.you can get it fast. try a Zhead,14mm sparkplugs,and Aluminum piston heads.and getting the carb rebuild……you can easly hit 60‎. it depends on if your passionate about it :)

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