Happy Halloween! 1991 Cadillac Hearse 4×4

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Another Halloween hearse appears out of the gloom that is the genre of jacked-up car bodies on truck chassis so beloved by you Barn Finds readers. Okay, some of you don’t love them so much, but this vehicle was a rather unique approach to the idea. It’s for sale here on eBay where the buy it now is $7,499 while lower offers can be submitted. The hearse/truck is in Cedar Bluff, Alabama.

The seller calls the creation “99% done” with the items necessary for completion including fabrication/installation of a front driveshaft, creation of shock mounts  and design and fabrication of a shift linkage for the transfer case. However, the body seems to be in nice shape albeit with faded paint in places, and that expensive-looking vinyl top is nicely intact.

The interior looks nice as well in this grainy snapshot. No other interior pictures were posted.

The seller does include plenty of shots of the vehicle under construction. The frame is from a 1994 extended cab GM pickup while the engine and transmission are original to the hearse. The transfer case was added afterward, and the seller comments that the engine and transmission are located in a similar fashion to what they were in the original vehicle. All the front suspension bushings were replaced and the frame and parts have been nicely detailed. Would you drive this monster hearse? More importantly, would you get off your “high hearse” and buy it?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. J.T.Wilson

    Been stareing at this for awhile now. I still cant think of anything to say except WHY???

    Like 11
    • Rob

      Why Not :)

      Like 15
    • Steve

      Agreed . Why ? Ain’t practical and won’t pass a lot of state inspections. A waste of a good car.

      Like 5
  2. Madmatt

    When someone needs this to get to the graveyard…,
    It must be really far in the woods.With all the bouncing
    around that this probably does..,the casket could pop open..!
    Just perfect for those hard to reach grave sites…Lol…

    Like 11
    • Madmatt

      Maybe an individual….wanted one last ride around the ol’ swamp…
      Or….to sit “above” thiers peers…and nay Sayers….on the
      Last trip to heaven’s ozarks. Maybe they get thier excersise by climbing in and out…??i hope its along time til any of us need this vehicle…for anything.!!!…..Can I get an amen…??…right on…right on….

      Like 5
      • Neal


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  3. chrlsful

    “…It must be really far in the woods…”
    Yup, specialty is 4 da newer “Green Burials”.

    Justa nother ‘station wagon’ 2 me so I, of course, like it. Just wish they found a way that would not ‘jack it up’ so much (sm.er wheel, flip shackle, shorter coils?)..

    Some times the small stuff is the hard part “…“99% done” with the items necessary for completion including fabrication/installation of a front driveshaft, creation of shock mounts and design and fabrication of a shift linkage for the transfer case…” May B the reason for the stop – if not mocked up 1st?

    Like 4
  4. Classic Steel

    Son bury me up on Devils mountain highest peak but first to earn and be heir to my fortune of the double wide trailer , hunting rifles and four wheeler shows me you can build a vehicle to get me up in thar hills 😮😉

    Once you prove it to me the fortune is yours as well as ur half sisters /cousin hand 🤚 in marriage.
    That’ll make me and your Ma so proud ….

    At least that’s the story in my mind with the redneck hearse creation 🎃

    Like 14
  5. Andre

    Think of it as a luxurious crew cab with a cap on the bed.

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  6. CanuckCarGuy

    When “over my dead body” is taken literally, things can get serious real quick.

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  7. Mark

    The age of my friends will probably be to blame for my casket being dropped as I’m loaded in, and for the broken hip as the assigned driver tries to get on board.

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  8. Brent

    To do things like this to a motor vehicle is NOT why man invented tools.

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    • TriPowerVette

      @Brent – I think there needs to be a selection window, in order for us to choose the number of thumbs up to give someone… I’d give you a million.

      Like 3
  9. James Haviland

    One for me and one for my baby, his and hearse!

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  10. Nick

    A d’Elegance hearse? Usually they used a base model Brougham, unless the seats were switched out at some point. And, I have to ask the same question as above, WHY????

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  11. notdeadyet

    I wouldn’t be caught dead in that thing.

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    • Neal

      Oh, I see what you did there!

      Like 1
  12. Kenneth Carney

    Showed this to my BIL and he came up
    with the Redneck Funeral Plan. Told him
    that in order for that to work, we’d have
    to wrap it in cammo! Just imagine taking
    this to Oldtown for the Friday night cruise.

    Like 6
  13. Keith D.


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    come on people, where’s your sense of humor? i think it would be fun!

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  15. Wayne

    Just another Bamacrusier! There, I just added the term word to my dictionary!
    Actually camo paint, a small winch on the roof to haul up “the kill” and a removable ladder to the rear sleeping area could make this a decent hunting rig.
    It would be the envy of all the pig hunters!

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  16. Del

    To high to load coffins.

    It needs another feature like a DUMP capability.

    No mafioso in his right mind would buy this.

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    • canadainmarkseh

      Not if you put a power lift gate on the back.

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  17. Hector Chaparro

    One of a kind. Love to have it just ’cause! Ice breaker! Head turner!


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  18. Peter K

    the perfect vehicle for those states where there is no inspection like Arizona or Maryland if you know somebody that can inspect it for you. Its outside of the emission era so there are no worries there.

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    • Bruce Fischer

      Peter K. or in East T.N. either.

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  19. John C Cargill

    Here, hold my beer, I got me an idear.

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  20. Mark

    Vehicle like this is illegal to use on public road
    Federal regulation

    Like 3
    • BR

      Where? Nothing in the CFR’s about this vehicle.

      Like 2
      • TriPowerVette

        @BR and @Mark – It falls (I believe) under Article 2, Section iii of the Federal Code, specifically: “A Fool and His Money” subsection ‘A’; “Soon Parted”.

        Also see; Article 5, Section i; “Vehicular Maximum Stupidity Capacities to Access Public Highways”.

        Like 7
    • Bruce Fischer

      Mark, not in East T.N. There is a fellow down the road from me the drives a speed boat that’s a car, also he made a pontoon boat in to a car and a round princess carage in to a car and drives them here all the time. I drove this car all summer here with no problems. Bruce.

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  21. BR

    This is the result of what happens when you give a monkey a bucket of money and then twist it’s tail.

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    • Mark

      Perfect comments

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  22. Del

    Clint should have had this in his Movie ,

    The Bad and the Ugly

    Like 1
    • Mark

      Bry good humor TriPowerCorvette
      Just have a imagination:
      Wife or Mother or Father have a frontal collisions and the airbags deploy……, under this vehicle- just half of the second late

      Like 4
  23. Miguel

    Too bad he used a good year of the Cadillac.

    If her would have used a mid ’80s car, it wouldn’t have been so bad, but this 1991 model was a very nice car as built as a hearse.

    Like 1
  24. Richard

    I’m still amazed that anyone who would go to this much trouble and not spend another 30 minutes to paint the pinch seam flat black.

    Like 0
  25. Richard

    This fella has a ton of trophies for something. Maybe waterskiing?

    Like 1

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