Barn Finds Rally: Want To Drive With Us?

Our Mustang

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It may be short notice, but Josh and I have been kicking around the idea of hosting a driving event for a while now. We normally try to attend some sort of rally or big car show every summer, but this year we want to put something together that we can do with you guys! It would be an opportunity to connect with our readership in a more personal way. We have already started the road reconnaissance, but need to know how many people are interested before we start booking lodging and meals. The starting point would be in Boise, Idaho and we are tentatively planning for the weekend of May 15-17. In an attempt to mimic rallies if old, our route would take us on some amazing mountain roads before arriving at a beautiful lakeside resort. The reasonable entry fee would cover meals for two people on Saturday, rally plate, stickers, and any other goodies we come up with before then. So, who’s on board for the first ever Barn Finds Rally?


Rather than try to organize a full on TSD rally, this would be more of a fun tour. After exploring our new home of Idaho, we have found some great roads and destinations that will provide us with a weekend jam packed with fun driving, amazing sights, and lots of fun! The only problem is that we need fellow enthusiasts to make this event happen. You don’t have to own a “barn find” to participate, but we would like to keep it to cars built prior to 1980. We are going to try to have a sweeper truck on hand, but it would be a good idea to get your car all sorted out before making the journey. There are lots of elevation changes and curves, so safety is a must. A route book will be provided for those who want to pretend they are rally heroes and CB radios are recommended for those you prefer to BS. If it all works out, this should be a fun event with lots of intense driving, good food, and maybe even some intelligent conversation!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. William

    Please consider letting a 1984 Volvo Turbo participate.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      I think that should qualify William! It’s 30 years old and interesting. Can you email us a photo?

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      • William

        here is a photo, 260,000 miles and runs like a champ!!

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      • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

        Looks great to me! Can we count on you being there?

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      • William

        I am in Seattle and it the drive to Boise should be very doable. Just checking on my rally co-pilot’s work schedule and hope to line it all up. Once I know for sure I will confirm. Thank you for considering the ’84 Volvo. This car is very period original in nature, has a real “patina” and is a true survivor that has been kept from the salvage yard because of it’s fantastic character.

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  2. DT


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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Is that a good “wow”?

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  3. Thatcarguy41

    Sounds like a great plan. My wife and I would be interested. Count us in.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Sounds good! We will keep you updated.

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  4. Jarod Rose

    Sounds like an awesome idea but alas I live on the wrong side of the country and do not own a running classic

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Too bad! Get that runnthig running though because we might be coming your way if this first event goes well.

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  5. Chris

    I love the idea, alas I’m in the wrong country & wrong hemisphere to participate!

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Well, keep your fingers crossed that the rally is so successful over here that we are able to come over there and run it with you!

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  6. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    It is exactly 2,445 miles from my home to Boise. Darn.

    Can we have an East Coast version? Please? :-)

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      That’s the plan Jamie! We thought we would do one here close to see how it goes. If it’s successful we would like to venture out to other areas so everyone can get a chance to participate.

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  7. Wil

    Jesse, do you have a cut-off year or cut-off value of car for your rally? It is BarnFinds afterall…..

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Pre-80s cars would be best, but obviously exceptions should be made if the car is interesting and the driver is willing!

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  8. francisco

    Would love to participate, however, it’s too far for my 1930 Model A pickup. Let me know when you schedule an event for East Coast. Will give my vehicle more to do than haul firewood.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      will do!

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    • francisco

      I’ve been hauling manure too.

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      • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

        Haha, well at least you are using it!

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  9. rich

    Depends on pricing and date but May might just work. If we how will be in a 68 Datsun Roadster modified (Barn find ) or a 79 MB 450SL . Keep us posted

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      We are going to try to keep this very affordable. Probably $250-$350 depending on if we pay for the room or not.

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  10. cliffyc

    Have a great rally!,will be “riding along” as it were,in spirit ,from the UK. Great sticker too!

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Thanks, we will try to do updates along the way fit everyone who can’t attend.

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  11. Paul

    Good idea, but like others I live too far away to take part. Live in NC. But do have a 65 Mustang Coupe.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Looks like we are going to need to organize two events each year!

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  12. Robert R.Member

    Jesse, I like to make it but it’s too far and my ’84 MB 300SD Turbo is too young.
    Great plan and keep on driving. R

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Too bad Robert, you and your Benz would be more than welcomed!

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  13. Chris A.

    William! You bought my ’84 Volvo Turbo! Perfect rally car. My 240T was the first car I ever put 200K miles on and the first Volvo I ever bought. Only additions were a spin down pressure oiler for the turbo bearings and an intercooler kit. 4 spd and overdrive. Enjoy it and keep it, I wish I had.

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  14. Jeff LaveryStaff

    Jesse, good luck with the venture. If you did an East Coast version, you could coordinate with the folks from Grassroots Motorsports – they supposedly have a very popular tour that runs through Florida, but perhaps you could become organizers for the mid-Atlantic / New England leg.

    Exciting stuff. Would be happy to help organize an event for the East coasters.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Good idea Jeff. We will have to discuss this more!

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      • Paul

        Maybe something traveling down the Blue Ridge Parkway.

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  15. Tim H

    Great idea! I like the format (no time/distance). I am only 6.5 hours away. But I am already signed up for Portland I’ntl Raceway, Track Night in America on May 15.

    If I came I would want to drive my Miata. I just did a track day with a friend who drove an MGA, we mixed together very well. Is there a reason you would not want a Miata or a new FRS for that mater? Do we define ourselves by who we keep out?

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Too bad you can’t make it Tim. I wasn’t trying to keep people out by limiting the eligible cars. I just thought it would be more fun if we are all running the risk of a breakdown together! Heck, I think first generation Miatas should be allowed run participate. What do you guys think?

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      • Jeff LaveryStaff

        Yes! While I didn’t love my Miata, they are the most affordable/reliable way into classic motoring. I’m sure you’d find lots of Miata drivers excited to join the tour.

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      • Tim H

        Thanks for opening up the field a little but I got a miata to avoid the risk of breakdowns, Just sayin.

        Excerpt from Datsuns Northwest club for their After Taxes Tour – April 18
        “If your Datsun or Nissan isn’t roadworthy, drive what you have”.
        I drove my MR2 last year this year my Miata.

        It seems like from a group named “Barn Finds” some of us might have the same problem.

        I hope all goes well!

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      • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

        Good reasoning Tim. How about, if your barn find isn’t road worthy, bring photos!

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      • Tim H


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  16. Quinton B.

    Coming through Nebraska? I am 16 so I can’t go out of state..

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  17. Andrew Minney

    Love to come but I live on the wrong side of the Pond and my 2007 Vauxhall does not really count as a classic!
    Great idea though.
    Good luck


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  18. Rev. Rory

    Sounds like a trip up 55 to McCall, the Shore Lodge is nice this time of year…Wish I could make it (’57MGA or E36 328iS convertible) but our big car show up here is that weekend. Lost in the 50’s…

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      That would be too simple Rory! We are going to come up with something much more interesting. Wish you could make it.

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  19. jim s

    i am glad you are doing the rally but i will not be able to make this one. if you do an east coast event you could also try to team up with Carlisle Productions, Hershey car show or one of the race tracks. i look forward to reading about and viewing the photos. thanks

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  20. Blake

    Man you have got to come to central or east Texas. The country is so huge! My ’66 F-100 is ready to go, she is a work truck and will go anywhere. I don’t think I’m tough enough to drive her to Boise though! Good luck, I’d love to see some stuff like this expand into my part of the country.

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  21. Gaviin

    Pity I’m on another continent. Would be a good event to participate in

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  22. Bryan Cohn

    Too short a notice and I don’t own a classic right now BUT if you can make this a yearly deal and schedule it well in advance my wife, daughter and I would make the trip to take part as part of a long vacation.

    We love doing long drive vacations. In 2014 we did 9 days from Joplin to Roswell to Tucson to Carlsbad (LegoLand) to Joshua Tree NP to the Grand Canyon to the Petrified Forest/Painted Desert to Cadillac Ranch and finally home. It was an epic journey.

    This year we are heading out from Lawrence, KS to Car Henge in south central Nebraska, then on to Crazy Horse, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands, NP, Corn Maze, then on to Duluth, MN to visit my father’s hometown then Brainerd for the Trans Am/NASA Pro Race weekend, then home.

    Jesse, you make the date in mid summer and give us a years heads up to plan and we’ll do our best to be there assuming you’ll let us run our 2011 VW Golf TDi? Special dispensation for coming from such a long distance? Pretty please?

    PS: Not even my race car is old enough, its a 1995 Miata that I race with NASA. Where is my 1974 Autodynamics MkIV FV when I need it? :)

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  23. Lionel

    2700 miles and 40 hrs to get from Florida to Boise, That in itself would be quite a trip in my ’87 Citroen CX or ’72 Rover P6, let alone the return trip! Can’t wait for something closer!

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  24. Steve

    I have to take care of a sick senior dog but would otherwise try to make it over from Seattle. I’ve participated in similar events in Nor-Cal (California Melee, Motherlode 400, Snowball Rally, etc.). Next year. . . .

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  25. lawrence

    Sooo tempting to bring the Mustang back “home” and see that part of the world (finally), the bonus would be finally meeting all you crazies.
    I’d give you all an update but I.haven’t really done anything but drive it on cool quiet mornings or for quick runs through San Fran, and plan on teaching my 13 it soon. If he can master the 3 speed he can drive anything. I love my Barnfind Maxine the Time Machine.

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  26. Rocco

    I fall into the Southeast coast division(Florida). Maybe next yr. on the Southern Gulf Coast.

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  27. Joseph Sadowski


    Sounds like an awesome idea but alas I live in NEW YORK that’s the wrong side of the country and I will not drive my 66 SS or 70 SS, Chevelle that far, I have to buy a trailer before I can think of this venture as your dates are to close to rig this out now, Imagine the Gas I would run through it as it’s an L88 engine all out hehehehehe! in both cars, Would be fun but when I got there My Body would be shaken like a mixer, You know the Gig. You have to count me out this time but I will be there in Heart and Mind! God Bless and Have Fun! Joey

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  28. Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

    I’m happy to report that after driving a few potential routes yesterday, we have found a winner! We also decided on a great venue for our awards dinner and lodging. This is going to compete with the very best low-buck rallies out there so hopefully a few of you can make it. We will have an entry form up shortly!

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  29. Don

    I would really like to go but my best road car is a 2007 Shelby GT, my 41 Packard & 65 Barracuda are not good enough for a long trip from Nevada City, Ca

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  30. Ron


    I live NC and I would definitely interested if you came to the east coast. Thanks.

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  31. Woodie Man

    Guys Great idea!]

    If I had more lead time…… a year! , I would drive the old beater 911 out from the West Coast. Would be a great adventure and I’d love to see Idaho…….

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  32. Bob Hadley

    Would love it, but my 49 Suburban may not be ready yet, I’ll try!
    Does sound like FUN!!!!

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  33. Scott S

    I have a 84 Audi GT and looking to see if I can get a co-pilot to go with me .

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  34. Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

    For those interested, we have posted more information and an application form here:

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  35. Mike Stinson

    I just got the info this morning, is there space available or have you sold out? This event is right up my alley…Idaho resident, vintage one owner of the right year,already given it a shakedown cruise for the year (1800 miles), AAA not used! 1979 Fiat Brava…what do you think?

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      There are still slots available Mike, so please feel free to sign up. Your Fiat would fit right in!

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Barn Finds