This clean looking Hudson is listed here on craigslist in Sacramento and advertised as just being a parts car. They want $13,000 for the car and some additional parts. The seller has other ads on craigslist right now for what appears to be this cars engine. To make it even more intriguing, they list this Hudson as being electric. Maybe they pulled the original engine and installed an electric motor? While it’s not my favorite, the car does look great in the pictures.
The lack of left side photos leaves us wondering if it is smashed, but maybe they just didn’t get any photos of that side. What do you think is really happening with this sale? Is this car really electric or did they just list it wrong?
I doubt there is a lot of damage on left side sense both windows front and back are not cracked at all that’s a good sign car looks very straight
Best looking parts car I’ve ever seen. I’m sure they just hit the wrong button with the “electric” designation. May be missing the drivetrain though.
small block ford w/ C-4 and enjoy.
this is all the seller says
“you billed it LICENSE PLATE SET $300.00 FOR 1934 $ 13.000 for car and parts”
but what does that mean???? well the “you billed it LICENSE PLATE SET $300.00” bit
or is it obvious for a local [as I am from overseas] it its just a common term ,
I am guessing he meant you build it? but whats a license plate set and why is it more important than the mentioning the car first which looks in ok condition.
These and other questions an inquiring mind would like to know…hee hee
this is the strangest advert i have read i think so I must subscribe to understand
I’ll take a shot at what this means…
You billed it = You build it yourself.
LICENSE PLATE SET $300.00 FOR 1934 = he has a set of license plates he wants $300.00 for that are dated 1934.
He is asking $13000.00 for the car and the parts he has for it.
Of course I’m only guessing here.
thanks jw
yes i see he has really only reduced the wording to its most compact form.
fair enough…perhaps not as cryptic as I thought nor some
“in the know” wordage.
its always interesting reading adverts from overseas as no matter how similar Americans and Aussies are there is always colloquialisms that can this case more a case of shortening the advert, though why not make it clearer on this what looks like a good buy. Bodywise looks like it could be got back on the road without too much work?
We got Hudsons here but I havent seen this model but I have encountered a few utes.
Such an interesting car with so little effort put into trying to sell it. Could it be a spouse demanding he get rid of some projects and this is a half ass effort to show he tried?
Yeah good point hence the cryptic
Is this cheap or over the top in its home country
Where I am this would be a good deal indeed.
I’m guessing you’re in Australia?? To offer my opinion in answer to your question this is probably overpriced – others may disagree but ultimately if there’s no one out there willing to pay the price, it is by definition overpriced. Last time I was in Oz I spent many a day combing the junkyards in the Australian outback – I was amazed at the number of surviving cars from the 1920s and on-wards that would simply no longer exist in America!
This is a nice looking car it even has the right number of doors on it. I sure hope it goes to a good home where it will be finished and put back on the road. Nice find.
This ad is so typical of what one finds on Craigslist and eBay – I’ve wondered if these sellers deliberately try to appear as stupid and uneducated as possible?? Or maybe they really are. It’s my belief though that Craigslist is truly ruining this hobby as any idiot with an old pile of junk can list it for free for a ‘pie-in-the-sky’ price – if they actually had to PAY for an ad they’d be much more concerned about actually selling so the crap piles would be more realistically priced. I’m not saying this particular Hudson is a crap pile but given the limited info and sparse photos it may very well be.
hi brakeservo
yep Australia and I am amazed we have early cars left “outback” which have dissapeared from America although i figure that about 5 to 10 years ago that may have changed with the great CHINESE scrap drive which cleaned out a lot of those from the nearer “outback” which we would refer to as the “bush” generally the closer to the coast inland communities [say 5 hours from coast] it was a sad time.
We had a lot of American cars which were coachbuilt here and offered different bodies to the states but with the same front scuttle forward. But only up to generally the war. After the war very few US cars were built here.
To us the price would be probably good although Hudsons are not generally flavour of the month here with Chevs / Fords and maybe Willies being sort after, though that is changing as they have dried up long ago. So a Hudson probably would take a while to find the right buyer being less “in” to the known cars. and i am only going by it being what looks like a decent body to be worth this money here. there has been a large amount of imported US cars in the last 10 years which may contribute to a flooding of our market which would could lower prices overal
But man what a different shape.
I’m sorry to hear that so many of the cars I saw were reduced to scrap . . . and for the Chinese at that. Frankly I was afraid that would happen – I saw Grahams, Hudsons, Pierce Arrows, Oldsmobiles so old they had wood spoke wheels, and then there were the imported cars – Simca, Panhard, Fiats, all sorts of Austins, Morris and Riley cars – it was absolutely amazing. What a shame no one in a position to save them appreciated them. On my last trip I crossed the Nullarbor in the back of a 1913 Rolls-Royce and then transferred into a supercharged Mercedes 630K – it was the trip of a lifetime!
I like the Mustang behind it.
Is the fuel regular electric or hi-test electric?
It does need a new interior.
“Electric” would be the “electric” hand column mounted gear change, which was an option on Hudsons, from about 1934 to 1947. A small 2″ lever mounted on a stalk on the steering column which enabled clutch less changes.
This car has been on Craigslist for 2-3 years. It is an older restoration that was poorly done and is well deteriorated in many respects. It will require total restoration and rarely posted other pics show large areas of paint that have fallen off. Being a sedan (though a 2 dr sedan) it is not especially valuable but a ’34 Hudson with 8 cylinder gas engine is a great driving and great looking car. His problem in selling is that he is truly FIRM on his price. In fact, a few years ago he was asking $11,000 so he actually has gone UP. My hunch is you would waste you time to inquire, let alone go to see the car.