BF Auctions Are Back – List Your Car Today!

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We are excited to announce that BF Auctions are back and we’re kicking things off with a bang by auctioning off multiple large collections. First, we had the seven-car Indiana barn liquidation and then there was the triple Challenger barn find. We are currently running a nine-car Firebird/Trans Am warehouse stash and after that, we’ll have another five-car collection coming. Holy cow, that’s a lot of auctions in less than two weeks!

We ran our first auctions over two years ago but ended up taking a break to focus on other things. A few weeks ago we decided to give it another try and things have since exploded! It could be because we’re now getting over 5-million page views per month, but I think the real reason might be because we’re able to auction large collections, like those mentioned above, for a lot less money than our competitors.

We charge $99 for a single car, but we’re able to offer huge discounts to those with multiple vehicles to list all at once. And what better place to sell a large stash of cars than on – the most popular car hoarding site in the world? Be sure to read more about what makes our auctions different and feel free to contact us ( if you have any questions or would like to auction your collection. Happy bidding!


  1. ScottMember

    How do you know if there is a reserve? How do you know if a car sells at the bid price? Thanks

    Like 1
    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      We are actually going to remove any mention of reserves and have the option to make offers on cars that do not meet their reserve. Stay tuned for updates!

      Like 0

    That’s not a huge brag because I know I view the site pages at least a million times a month myself ! :) Keep up the good work.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Good one JACKinNWPA!

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  3. Will Fox

    A sign of the times in one respect. Collectors are aging; they may have found these cars 30-35 years ago with the greatest of intentions & dreams, but there they sat. And sat. And sat….pretty soon, that collector develops medical issues and cannot tend to his cars, and (quite honestly) could probably use the money for their medical treatments/surgeries. It’s an unfortunate fact. Heck; I’ll be 60 next birthday already! No 9-car collection to liquidate, but time marches on for me like anyone else. Tick tock, tick tock…..

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  4. Danger Dan

    Did the challengers sell?

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      They were close but didn’t quite make it. We are working on a way to make offers on cars that didn’t meet reserve though.

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  5. Billieg

    You should make a separate auction link to another page instead of listing them on every page. It’s a pain to scroll down to see the featured car and comments and the list is getting longer and longer.

    Like 7
    • AMXBrian

      I agree. Obviously you want to show off the auction cars available, but having all of them listed as now there’s more than a dozen active auctions if a pain.

      I think a better way would be a few,like 4-6 preview boxes like you have now, but the boxes rotate through the available auctions on their own as you scroll by

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      • leiniedude leiniedudeMember

        Why not move them to the right of the comments? As a member there is a lot of empty white space there. And you would see them when reading the first couple comments.

        Like 3
  6. Jesse MortensenStaff

    We didn’t anticipate getting so many auctions all at once and our current layout may not work the best for it but we will work on solutions. Or maybe it did work well because you all noticed them…

    Like 1

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