BF Exclusive: 1965 Shelby GT350

1965 Shelby GT350

From Matt S – Coming off the line near the end of the 562 car production run, this car has been in the same family since birth, owned by two brothers. Those two brothers were my father and my uncle. The story of how my dad came to be the owner of this car always amuses me. His older brother originally bought the Shelby when it was brand new and the first of a new kind from Shelby. From that time, my dad acquired some Mustangs of his own; a 67 convertible, two 68 fastbacks, and a 70 Grande with the 351 Cleveland engine. But never a Shelby…

GT350 Emblem

Then one day in January of 1974, my dad and his older brother were talking. At some point in the conversation, my uncle began lamenting that he had no vehicle with which to transport his dirt bikes to and fro. My dad, jokingly, offered to trade my uncle the Shelby for his own Ford. A Ford Ranchero, as it happens; was perfect for hauling around dirt bikes. My uncle thought it over and to my dad’s shock agreed and like that, my dad became the new owner of this beautiful piece of automobile history.

GT350 Stripes

Fast forward to today, I hadn’t seen the Shelby until my dad passed away earlier this year from cancer. He had spent the last 15 years building and flying an experimental airplane and the Shelby got relegated to the small barn on our property to make room in the garage for airplane wings and fuselages and the like.

Hi-Po 289

I pulled the Shelby out of the barn, dusted it off, and pushed it into the garage with the help of a friend. I have not so much as turned the key in the ignition. As I haven’t wanted to touch the engine, I can’t say what state it is in. However, we recently got the car appraised by the Auto Appraisal Group to document that it is, in fact, authentic. Here is an excerpt from the appraisal that was recently performed on the car:

GT350 Interior

“Not running for several years. Garage kept. Exterior displays an older partial repaint, fiberglass hood, and rusty Shelby mag wheels. Interior shows normal wear. Replacement Cobra steering wheel and Hurst shifter. Features include tubular exhaust headers, front fender brace, front sway bar, front disc brakes, tachometer, and AM radio.”

Le Mans top stripes

It is painted the traditional Wimbledon White with Guardsman Blue rocker stripes and optional Le Mans top stripes. She’s seen better days, but for a 50 year old muscle car she is awe inspiring nonetheless; a dream project for the true admirer.

Blue Stripes

This one is located in Texas and more photos can be found here on Dropbox. Matt is asking $115,000 and you can contact him via email if interested. Thanks for giving us the privilege of featuring your father’s car Matt! We hope it finds a good home. If you have a classic that you’re thinking about selling, please consider listing it with us first!

UPDATE: Matt has been inundated with emails, but he is currently working through them in the order received. We have pulled the link to his email address temporarily so he can have a chance to catch up. We will update the story once we hear more.

Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 3.42.41 PM

UPDATE: Here’s the number (SFM5S553) that everyone was asking to see. I’m sure the registry guys will be excited and it should help clear up any doubts. Looks legit to me. What do you guys think?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. James

    I will trade you a Ranchero for it.

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  2. sunbeamdon

    Probably OK, if the Ranchero is full of greenbacks!

    A few years ago I “gave away” (OK, approx 1990 – $35,000) 5S034 to Brian Jackson, deceased, Barrett Jackson fame. Car was “full-race”, webbers, etc with all the Shelby Mods for racing. I still have the original hatch back-glass

    Wonder what’s happened to it since Brian’s passing

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    • DolphinMember

      I hope you bought something else with the cash that eased the pain.

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    • Jeff Barnes

      5S034 was at Sema Show this passed year in Vegas in the Ford booth. My dad raced against / with that car in the early 90’s in SVRA.

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      • sunbeamdon

        SEMA 2015 – I’m curious as to who now owns 5S034; may well be still with the Barrett Jackson family. I bought the car from an attorney in Las Vegas probably in 1980. Drove it on the go-cart track at Tigers United on the way back and occasionally terrorized the locals in The Highlands, Seattle. Stored it at the old Bill Boeing, Sr. mansion there for a few years. The original tri-y headers were shot which I replaced with some cheap old headers. Them were the days!

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      • GPBarnes

        5s034 was at the Monterey Historics in 2015…..being driven by Craig Jackson. It has been untouched”cosmetically’ since the days when Brian raced it. The car is a part of Craig Jackson’s personal collection.

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      • Jeff Barnes

        Here you go.

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      • sunbeamdon

        Thanks Jeff; in the back of my mind that’s what I thought. A nice memorial – if they monitor this site they should contact me for the original hatch-back glass

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  3. Car Guy

    How about an El Camino?

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  4. Russ Salisbury

    We can come look at your car today.
    Very serious buyer!!

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  5. JW

    Great story as well as the car.

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  6. David

    This has to be one of the most amazing stories (and most fun!) ever on barnfinds! Stories like these make barnfinds such a great site. Thanks Jessie for bringing us Matt’s story.

    By the way, have you seen this latest episode of Barn Find Hunter with the Shelby? It’s not nearly as cool as this story, but interesting. (It’s near the end of the video)

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  7. sir mike

    amazing story..and weber only
    has one B in it…

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  8. Joe

    No more Ranchero trades. Now Matt is looking for a Texas Ranch at that price! Nice car.

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  9. Chris

    Hello Matt,

    I would like to purchase your car but the link on this site to inquire over email does not work for me. Could you please call me upon reading this post? I am a serious buyer and have been hoping to find a 65 GT350 for some time. My number is 913.687.1668.


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  10. Michael V.

    Great car. The fiberglass hood reminds me that the way to tell an original hood from a reproduction is that the original is always ill-fitting and wavy looking compared to the reproductions.

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  11. Texaswarlord

    This is just too cool! This is the kind of car dreams are made of! I guess if I had won the mega millions this past week I know where part of that cash would be going!!

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  12. sunbeamdon

    Sir Mike – good ketch – I was confused between my BBQ and the Carbs!

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  13. Jeff LaveryStaff

    Sweet Jesus! This is worth all the $$$ and then some. What a great story. Nice catch, Jesse and Josh!

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  14. Jay M

    Just think…
    One Day someone will say
    “I remember when I could have bought one for only 115k way back in 2016”

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  15. Paul Allen
  16. John

    I had not realized the Shelby produced any of these with the “vents” on the rear sides. I had only ever seen the ones with glass. This must be an early production car and probably all the more valuable because of it. As I remember the front suspension pick-up points were revised on the early cars to allow a but more camber.

    This gentleman has an automotive gold mine sitting in his driveway. Great find. Thanks for sharing.

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    • Al D

      The quarter windows commenced in the 1966 run.

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    • moosie Craig

      John, It states in the description it was made nearing the end of production. I often wondered, still today, which is correct, vents or see thru i/4 glass ? Was it an option ? Inquiring minds want to know.

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      • Rocco

        All ’65 Shelby GT-350’s had the vents. As Al D said, all ’66 Shelby GT-350’s had the 1/4 windows. Period.

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  17. stillrunners

    what Paul said….good history to boot….

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  18. Rocco

    I can’t seem to get connected to his e-mail. What city in Texas is it?

    Interested party.

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    • JesseStaff

      Here’s the email address if the link won’t work above: (temporarily removed to give Matt a chance to respond to everyone)

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  19. Michael Flatley

    What is the VIN #

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  20. RoughDiamond

    Matt, thanks for sharing your story and sure hope you find a buyer on here. Neat back story and my favorite story yet on Barn Finds. I will never forget riding in the passenger seat of a Black and Gold ’66 Shelby GT 350H 4-speed with my late father piloting it down a straight stretch of road with the pedal to the metal. The speedometer was pegged out and all I remember is the roar of the engine and that we were going to die because the only thing I could clearly make out was that the road appeared to coming to an end.

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    • Matt S

      I got to ride in this car only once when I was about 7 years old. The only thing I remember is that I couldn’t lean forward and I couldn’t see over the dash. Maybe that was a good thing.

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  21. rick brewbaker

    would like to talk to you about buying it. thanks rick

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  22. FastFords

    Can anybody verify if this is a real sale? or is this just a scam, this sounds to good to be true.

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    • JesseStaff

      It’s the real deal.

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  23. Jay E.

    Would like a poster of the first photograph! Someone had a great eye.

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    • Matt S

      Thanks, Jay. Taken on my trusty iPhone and cropped by Jesse of BF.

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    • Matt S

      Thanks, Jay. I took the photo, but Jesse (of BF) gets credit for artfully cropping it.

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    • JesseStaff

      That’s a great idea Jay! What do you think Matt – can we have your permission to use it for a few prints and t-shirts? I think a lot of our readers would really like that.

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      • Matt S

        Sure, I think it sounds like a great idea. Save a shirt for me!

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  24. Victor Hutchins

    Matt, great story and car. Shot you a couple of emails yesterday. Please contact me if still available. I am seriously interested.
    Thanks Vic

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  25. John

    He is not a serious seller. He has had people contact him offering him his asking price upon verification of the Ford numbers and he is not responding. Cool car but not for sale or at least not at 115K

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    • JesseStaff

      I don’t think that’s the case John. Matt has just received more interest than he thought he would. I just spoke with with him and he said he is currently working through emails in the order they were received.

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      • Michael Flatley

        If he can answer emails, he can post the last 4 digits of the Shelby tag. Takes 5 minutes. Those are not secret #s, the Ford VIN sequence under the Shelby tag is what should be kept private.

        Starting to sound like a clone. Still neat, but without verification……………….

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      • JesseStaff

        Understandably, he is very cautious about his privacy. I’ll ask about the number on the Shelby tag though.

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      • Rocco

        I can tell by the pics, that it is NOT a clone. I’m an interested party and I would bet any amount of money, that it IS a real Shelby. I would like to know the Shelby VIN# SFM5Sxxx I’ve asked for over and over and where the car is located so I may inspect.
        It’s like Michael Flatley said, it would take 5 min. to respond on BF’s to answer most people’s questions.
        I’ve been e-mailing since yesterday the 11th.
        Has anyone had a response?

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      • JesseStaff

        I just posted a photo of the tag above. It’s SFM5S553

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  26. Chris A.

    Per Jay E. That is the perfect Barn Finds poster picture! Put it on the next “T” shirt. One of my prize auto library items is the mid ’60s Shelby Mustang parts catalog. Severe damage due to drooling on the pages.

    Regarding the back quarter windows for the fastback body, were they available as a dealer installed option on regular fastbacks?

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    • Matt S

      That’s a cool piece of memorabilia, Chris. About a week ago, I was cleaning my dad’s garage and ran across a May 1965 issue of Road and Track. Carroll Shelby is on the cover along with the 427 Cobra, the Shelby GT-350 and the GT Coupe. I plan to give it to whoever takes the car.

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      • Rocco

        Where are you in Texas? What is the Shelby VIN#? SFM5Sxxx? I want to come see it in person. I’m a very interested buyer.
        Please respond to my e-mail.

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  27. Chuck Foster Chuck F

    I remember a co-worker at 122d Fighter Wing IN ANG had a Shelby, he wanted $9,000 for it around 1988 or so, the good old days, although I bought a 65 Fastback a few years ago for only $500. To clone or not to clone? My wife wants it red with white stripes like one we had.

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  28. Rocco

    Well, I got my response. It’s just about like Jesse said word for word. But still no Shelby VIN#. I don’t get it. All the time it took to respond to me, how much trouble wood it be to type SFM5Sxxx?

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  29. Victor Hutchins

    Guys, it’s 553. There’s an updated picture of the Shelby plate.
    Take a look

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  30. JesseStaff


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    • GPBarnes

      This car is worth well beyond the 115k being asked. The seller now knows this with the response and remarks being made on this post…….. 175—-200—-215k could be attained….. Find me another with this unbroken chain of “ownership’ …..With these cars bringing 385k restored……. There is plenty of room for a ‘concours” restoration…….and still be considered a “safe investment”. Good luck to the seller……… ps. I’m interested should the seller care to contact me.

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      • JesseStaff

        Well, I wouldn’t give lofty evaluations like that unless you are actually ready to pay them that much. It only confuses the seller and makes it harder for the buyers. Some people use this technique to prevent other people from getting a car. I’m not sure if that is the case here, but this is the first time you’ve ever commented and we have never communicated before. If I’m wrong, I apologize, but it would have made more sense to just email us if you were really interested.

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      • Rocco

        Thank you Jesse for that. You are so right.
        It causes confusion and rejection.

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      • Jeff Barnes

        @ Jesse @ Matt S.

        As stated above you can contact my dad (GPBarnes) or myself at the supplied email addresses. Not looking to cause confusion or rejection as Rocco stated. We are just looking to purchase the car. Being that this is the comment section I have no issue in taking it offline. If you are looking to qualify a buyer look no further. Thank you.

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      • GPBarnes

        Well Jesse………I had a very enjoyable talk with Matt for 45mins after leaving my “post’…It was clear to me that some “expert” appraiser gave him this 115k number. Young Matt, hadn’t a clue what his Dads car was worth. My post was to give him “insight” to its actual value. Your “lofty evaluation” comment made me laugh! Thank you for that! Showed me that you’re as ‘clueless’ to value of this Shelby as the appraiser! Research before commenting is recommended! GPBarnes Btw. The car sold for “north of 200k”….so much for my ‘lofty evaluation’…….and yes, I did make him an offer “north of”……..

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      • JesseStaff

        GPBarnes – You’re the one who made comments about the value without even inspecting the car. If you had seriously been interested in purchasing it, you would have contacted the seller quietly, made your offer, and then showed up the next day to retrieve it. That’s what the eventual buyer did and now they have the car and you don’t. I may be “clueless” about a lot of things, but you wouldn’t have even known about this car if it wasn’t for me. So, next time maybe you should do your “research” before commenting here…

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  31. John

    Date received at shelby American June 26, 1965. Date work started June 29, 1965. Date work finished July 2, 1965. It was used as a public relations car. When received at Shelby American it was missing the cigarette lighter. Date ordered November 16, 1965. Consigned to high performance motors EL Segundo California.

    Shipped to Mark downing Ford Huntington Beach California, March 8, 1966 as a demonstrator. Present owner whereabouts not known. There is a car in Belgium owned by Ronald and Niels Leerdam, that has an incorrect Shelby VIN tag and the incorrect export brace. This car has been prepared for Vintage racing with Webers, 66 side scoops, roll cage and a race instrument panel

    There was another car on eBay with a closing date September 30, 2007 claiming that Freddy Van Beuren was it original owner and the present owner had photos of the invoice, original certificate of origin and a check which was used for payment. these items the Shelby serial number tag, invoice, certificate of origin and export brace are not originals. this car did not meet Debra’s are at the auction with the high bid being 180,000. It was again offered for sale on eBay, this time with the starting price 180,000 and a closing date of October 11, 2007

    The above info is from the latest 65 – 67 SAAC registry.

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  32. Michael Flatley

    Thanks for posting the VIN.

    I am guessing a reassessment of how this is going to get sold might be in order if everything continues to check out.

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    • JesseStaff

      Reassess what? If they want to pay auction fees? We have a handful of qualified buyers lined up and Matt is just working out the details.

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  33. John

    Maybe not auction fees but this car will sell for more than 115K. This seller is just getting people in line to see who will pay the most. At 85K (give or take) below market it is to good to be true. I hope whoever (if anyone) purchases it pays for an inspection from a 65 – 66 SAAC expert. Cobras and vintage Ferraris sell with a lot less drama than this car.

    Good luck to the seller and the buyer.

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    • Rocco

      “Well, I wouldn’t give lofty evaluations like that unless you are actually ready to pay them that much. It only confuses the seller and makes it harder for the buyers.”

      I hope you don’t mind Jesse, I borrowed your quote.

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      • Jeff Barnes


        Reading your comments on here has confirmed to me that you don’t own any ’65 Shelby’s. Spoiler alert…Original asking price of $115k X 2 = Will be what this car will bring. I hate that I even have to write this but anyone with real knowledge of these cars know what they bring even needing restoration. “Yes” the so called lofty evaluation is true. Keep dreaming……

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    • JesseStaff

      The seller already paid an “inspector” and that’s the price they came up with. All the big players that would be at an auction are already here and they are willing to pay what it’s worth.

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      • Rocco

        Where is HERE? What city and state? I have to plan travel arrangements.

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      • JesseStaff

        The car is in Texas, but you will need to setup things with Matt.

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      • Rocco

        I’ll keep trying.

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      • John

        According to the SAAC forum (granted I can’t verify the info, but no reason to believe the poster is lying) the seller is now wanting nearly twice his original asking price. Not a soul on the SAAC forum would believe a real 65 in that condition (assuming no rebody or authenticity issues) would be that cheap. I hope this inspector who estimated 115k was not paid a lot of money as anyone with little knowledge of these cars knows 115 is very low.

        Like I said previously this car is not for sale at 115k.

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  34. John

    There is nothing lofty at all about that evaluation.

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  35. Jay M

    The history and documentation is what drives up the value.
    Although it might have been interesting too see how high the bids would have gone on EBay, the owner has set a fair price and gets to choose the new owner.
    This should ensure a good home and weed out the speculators/flippers. They know what they have, and have the right to sort through the potential buyers.
    The serious collector waits patiently…
    Just my observations…
    Jay M

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    • Mike H. Mike H.

      The advantage to NOT selling on eBay, Barrett-Jackson, or wherever all else is that the seller doesn’t have to pay a final value fee or commission. Jesse and Josh have created a forum where it gets seen and they only ask a flat fee. Who cares how high bidding may have gone, especially on eBay; the seller and the buyer will come to mutually agreeable terms and the seller doesn’t sit in limbo waiting to see whether the seller is a deadbeat or not.

      With a proper valuation and a fair asking price everyone here is happy except for the spectators. If it were mine, along with the story and history, being able to “select” a buyer would hold a premium over watching a bidding war.

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  36. Vance

    I used to live one block from Carroll in the 1960’s when he drove the early Shelby’s and Cobras to work at the LAX facility. Shelby Corp. PR let me borrow the 1966 prototype (first automatic and clear rear quarter windows) for a weekend for the homecoming parade at Santa Monica College. We bolted on a clamp type trailer hitch and towed a parade float with it, plus had it in the SMC quadrangle while revving the engine during lunch.

    I 1970 I got returned from Vietnam and bought a 1965 Mustang Convertible and slowly converted it to a Shelby clone which I still have today.

    So based on that experience, here are some observations about this car:

    Hood seems accurate – the fiberglass scoop always drooped a bit.

    Hood pins seem to be missing. Don’t drive it or the hood will flip backwards and break at the hinges.

    Why is there a Mustang emblem in the grill? Don’t remember that being there.

    The tach pod seems legitimate.

    In the engine picture, there is an unfamiliar box in the upper left. Also one on the ride inside fender (perhaps a later electronic ignition?). It looks like the plug wires were disconnected from the plugs and draped over the bar running across the engine bay (forgot the proper name for it). If you look by the alternator, it looks like one of the old button type remote starter switches is hanging down. We used those to turn the engine over when testing compression.

    The quarter vents were stock Mustang vents in 1965. As mentioned above, the clear quarter windows were added by Shelby as a Shelby design in 1966.

    I don’t think the steering wheel was a true Shelby item. It could be an after market Grant or other make wheel.

    For the 1965 Shelbys, I question whether Shelby would have left the front bumper underride bars there. Did he leave them? They are a stock Mustang feature, I believe.

    You need more pictures of the full rear end, the underneath, details whether this car had the lowered A-arms developed by Shelby, details on the transmission, if it has the correct 1″ front stabilizer bar, the larger brakes at rear, and all of the other standard options listed from many sources. There is no picture of the rear seat – is there a seat, or perhaps the owner added the fiberglass rear cover. Are there any R parts? I wouldn’t buy this without verifying more details and that the picture of the ID tag was actually from this car.

    I am writing this from memory, so anyone can chime in with corrections or additions.

    Here is a picture of my 1965 Shelby Clone owned since 1970 – has a Paxton Supercharger also. It has a built 302 and Ford AOD 4-speed automatic.

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  37. Robert_B

    Have not touched the engine? I can tell you this, and you should do it NOW.

    Drain and refill the coolant with fresh 50/50 mix using top quality anti freeze and make sure it is not filled with just water. If you don’t know how, find some one who does.

    This is to combat corrosion that will occur due to old or no coolant. I found this out the hard way after buying an old race car [1966 A-sedan] that only had water in it.

    Now on my race cars, after race season first thing that happens if I am not tearing down the engine right away is I drain the water and refill with 50/50 coolant to prevent and possible corrosion.

    To any of you who buy old cars, no matter what it is, drain and fill with fresh coolant first thing to protect your investment.

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    • Rocco

      You are so right!!!!

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  38. Cattoo Cattoo

    I wouldn’t mind finding one of these in my old garage out back.

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  39. Shilo

    Is this car still available?

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  40. JesseStaff

    This GT350 has sold. Please stay tuned for updates…

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  41. Jbones

    Looks like Dennis Collins and Richard Rawlings were the first to buy it. This car can be seen on his show. If I’m not mistaken Craig Jackson now owns the car and it has since been restored.

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