Bob Hope Golf Cart: 1985 Golf & Country by Western

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Western Golf Cart Manufacturing was a leader in the production of electric golf carts and built special editions like this one for the annual Bob Hope Chrysler Desert Classic Tournament. This one is said to be from 1985 and is the Golf & Country edition. It may or may not be one of them that ole Bob himself drove during his association with the event that lasted for more than 30 years. Located in San Diego, California, this nicely preserved example is available here on craigslist for what may be a reasonable $2,500. An unusual tip brought to us by Rocco B.

While there are a lot of golf cart makers, most have more pedestrian products, like EZGO, Yamaha, and Club Car. Western Golf Cart was one of the more upscale builders, which is likely why they assembled a lot of these for the Desert Classic and other courses. They are said to be well-built and long-lasting, fitting into the latest craze where a lot of folks buy golf carts just to tour around their neighborhoods. Western began in the business in 1981 in Hot Springs and annual production may have been as high as 2,000 carts.

The roots of the Desert Classic go back to 1954 and it bore Bob Hope’s name from 1965 to at least his retirement in 1995. He was one of Hollywood’s most well-known and prolific golfers and may have been seen out of the greens not too long before his death in 2003 and age 100. It was a professional golf tournament that drew a lot of celebrity participation, as well as some of the occupants of the White House. “Thanks for the Memories,” Bob.

This cart, presumably built in 1985, looks to be in excellent condition. It was styled to mimic some of Chrysler’s cars of that era, who sponsored both the tournament and Bob for many, many years. It bears original custom-embroidered seats with Bob’s famous caricature and also has fringe around the roof and custom dash work. As you might expect, it also has goodies like a built-in drink cooler, chrome golf tee dispensers, turn signals (though not street-legal), headlights, and more. The tires are in good shape, and we’re told the cart wants nothing.

For those into the whole ecology thing, the Western cart runs on seven 6-volt batteries and will top out at 15 mph. If you need a trailer to haul it, the seller has one of those available at additional cost, though the price is not mentioned. If you need a vehicle like this to ride around the perimeter of your domain or to run down to the convenience store, this could be an interesting addition to your fleet.


  1. Howard A Howard AMember

    Bob Who? Don’t laugh, it’s already happening. I’ve been here almost 9 years, and I can honestly say, I don’t recall a golf cart or a post dedicated to that silly sport. That’s right, another “Ramblings”. Golf is the lamest, but probably the sport where you do the least and could get paid the most. I did golf,,,once. The old man thought it was something we could do, you know, father and son, like bowling, tried that too. They all wore those polyester pants and some patterned shirt and maybe drove 1975 Chargers. Sorry, pops, it, like bowling, just not fast enough, and a golf cart is imperative. THAT was probably the most fun, driving the cart. Golf carts, especially in hoi-paloi places, have become pretty fancy from the humble 2 stroke days, where the motor ran backwards for reverse, I think. I had a friend that had a farm accident, a golf cart saved the day for him, but golfing? On a motorheads website? PUULLEEEAASE,,

    Like 5
    • EuromotoMember


      Like 6
    • john vititoe

      You say that because you most likely suck at sports. Even some of the best sports players cant play golf.

      Like 7
    • PRA4SNW

      Howard A., the ‘ol remembory must be going – there have been many golf carts posted here.

      And I too love the variety here, please don’t ever change that.

      Like 2
  2. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    I like the variety here and I think this fits. Four wheels and a motor, plus a built in beverage cooler. I love the Golf & Country name, pretty fun. If you live in the Villages, Florida this would be a hit. Nice write up Russ and good find Rocco!

    Like 15
  3. JCAMember

    Sure it wasn’t owned by Al Czervik?

    Like 7
    • Exceed Floor and Home/ Haig Haleblian

      “I bet you get a free bowl of soup wearing that hat”

      Like 5
  4. Rw

    Lots of golf carts in barns , bring them on.

    Like 0
  5. angliagt angliagtMember

    And a (Dodge?) Charger is included.

    Like 5
  6. Fred W

    I saw the title and thought it was going to be the famous Bob Hope cart with a front end that was a giant caricature face of Bob. My dad bought me a gasoline cart, powered by a 12 HP Wisconsin, at age 14. Highway patrol caught me using it on the street and followed me home, where my dad got a good scolding.

    Like 8
  7. Tom71MustangsMember

    Fred- Hopefully you learned your lesson… and modded it to go faster and took it back out! 😂

    Like 2
  8. TheOldRanger

    Sorry Howard, I do like playing golf, although I’m not that good at the game. However, I do get to see a lot of the golf course that other golfers don’t even know exist, and as per price per stroke, I get a bargain. The neatest golf cart I can remember looked like a 57 Chevy and it drew a lot of looks and great comments. Most golf courses are very nicely kept, great scenery while touring (looking for my darn golf ball), and fellowshipping with fellow “golfers”….

    Like 3
  9. R.I.P.

    I have a 1966 Harley Davidson 3 wheel golf cart that i’m planning on dropping in my 2003 Sportster engine in and a chopper front end. should be cool when done

    Like 4
  10. chrlsful

    we got 1 w/a 1000cc yamaha motor. Pulls ‘no start’ into the garage, race car to line up, etc. Great lill rig.

    Like 1
  11. Kenneth Carney

    Hi Mike! Good to see you posting here again! As for the cart, it’s just what I need for those short trips to
    the gas station down the street or
    maybe the smoke shop. I could finally take myself there without bothering my neice or my SIL. Sis
    has a lot on her mind these days
    without me adding to it. Just add a
    solar panel to the roof, and I’d be good to go. It really bites being
    sight impaired and unable to drive the
    cars I love so much.

    Like 1
  12. Dr. Bingham

    Bob Hope was famous for never paying — for anything. He probably never paid for this, either. Restauranteurs in Palm Desert used to groan when he’d walk in the door with his entitled entourage.

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  13. Dr. Bingham

    As a techical note… electric golf carts have been around forever. This one used seven car batteries. Makes one wonder if we could make an alternative-fuel hybrid car that uses cheaper batteries…

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  14. Howie

    This looks like a good deal. Never played golf and never will.

    Like 2
  15. John W Kriegshauser

    Mr. Bob Hope was a class individual, always doing shows in support of our military. He was also funny, didn’t take himself so seriously. Today’s “celebrities” should take note of Bob Hope and how he conducted himself.

    Like 2
  16. John Marshall

    I have a 1981 Golf & Country by Western. It has 7- 6 volt deep cycle batteries, which I purchased at Costco for $108.00 each, last Jan. I need a wiring diagram

    Like 0

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