CLASSIFIED AD: 1957 Facel Vega FV3

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We’ve had some amazing finds come through the Barn Finds Classifieds, but this could be one of the rarest and most incredible yet! With just 45 Facel Vega FV3s having been built and 30 remaining, this is one rare find. It’s going to need a full restoration, but a car like this deserves it. Between the beauty of the Facel Vega FV design and the seller’s photography, this thing is pure art! You can find it here on BF Classifieds with a $52,500 asking price and it’s located in Bodegraven, Netherlands.

The seller appears to run a business that deals in restoring Facel Vegas. As a matter of fact, they state that you can also have them restore the car for you. While that might be a good option, since they actually know these cars, we would be tempted to leave the exterior alone and focus on restoring just what needs to be done to make it a driver. Can you imagine pulling up to events with it looking barn fresh? People would go wild! Either way, you can find more photos and info here on JB Classic Cars.

When the FV was debuted it featured the perfect mixture of French styling and American power! This V8 was pulled directly from the Chrysler parts bin. By the time this one was built, Facel was using the 331 cui Chrysler V8, which was rated at 200 horsepower. Power was sent to the rear wheels via a Chrysler provided Powerflite transmission and rear end. Given the rarity of this car, the fact that it was powered by an American drivetrain will make restoration a bit more affordable and straightforward.

While there’s lots of mechanical work to be done here, the interior is likely going to be the most challenging part to complete. These cars were quite luxurious and returning this one to its former glory will be no small task. Thankfully, it appears that some of the major components are present and could be restored.

What a truly remarkable find! It’s not going to be cheap to restore, but in the end you will have one special vehicle. And chances are it’s only going to go up in value, as there just aren’t many of these left. So, if you’d love to have this FV, be sure to contact the seller!


  1. JohnD

    30 remaining? Does this one count?

    Like 7
  2. Chris M.

    Cool Joe Machado has one. Bought it new.

    Sorry Joe, I get excited and stole your cool thunder.

    Like 2
    • William

      Why is there not a thumbs down button on this web site?

      Like 11
      • Jean Guy

        There was one a while back, but some whingers had it removed.

        Like 0
      • Chris M.

        Why would you give a truthful comment a thumbs down??

        Like 2
      • William

        Because Chris, you were being mean and sarcastic. I was told there are to be no personal attacks here. If this person whom you so often chastise here, says he has had all these cars, who are you to say he has not? Lets just talk cars here, and only cars.

        Like 3
      • TCOPPS TCOPPSMember

        I stand with Chris. I laugh everytime :)

        Like 1
    • CVPantherMember

      Sooooo obsessed! Get some help, man.

      Like 0
  3. JohnfromSC

    200HP foesn’t sound right. The 331 hemi was easily capable of 300 HP. Same engine used in the ’55 Chrysler 300 and New Yorker Deluxe.

    Like 4
    • Steve S

      That’s not a Hemi, it’s a Poly.

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    • Will Fox

      I think that was a mis-quote. It should be the 300HP engine. By `58 The Facels had the famous 392 Hemi. This `57 model was likely built in either late `56 or very early `57 to run a 331. This is one car guaranteed to have a value of near $500K once restored. You don’t ‘leave’ the outside “as found” on these–defeating a purpose indeed. These are concours cars and are shown at the most prestigious car shows in the world. Worth every penny to restore.

      Like 5
      • ChingaTrailer

        There is only one unrestored 427 Cobra competition car left. It runs very well but looks quite ragged. Most knowledgeable people agree that to restore it cosmetically would devalue it. Perhaps the same is true.What I can unequivocally say is that at any event it will attract much more attention looking like it does now.

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    • Steve Clinton

      200HP as it sits now. LOL

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill L McCoskeyMember


      The engine sitting in the car right now, is NOT a MoPaR hemi of any size. Might be a smaller MoPaR V8 from a Dodge or Plymouth. Need to do some research to determine if this was a special order engine, or someone replaced the original Hemi with a different motor. [I had a ’61 Facel Vega years ago.]

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      • Husky

        Looks like somebody made a 318 Poly Swap even before I came up with the (very seldom) good idea.

        How about a 10 liter Jaguar V12 and make it a Resto rod?

        Like 1
      • T. Murphy

        The 1957 FV3 came stock with the Polydome not the hemi. 200HP was the claim from the factory. In 58 they came out with the FV4 or FVS that had the 392.

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  4. Allen L

    Facel Vega restomod anybody? Gen III Hemi?
    Hot rod it? Hilborn stack injection? Gasser?
    As the restoration of the interior would be horrendously expensive.

    Like 2
    • Timothy Phaff

      Resto-Mod all day long, I mean, you not going to your local car parts store or FoMoCoParts, etc, to put it back to %100 factory. 800hp roots blown aluminum v8 with all the goodies and down the road we go.

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      • Mike

        Getting it back to original condition would be a huge undertaking, so go resto-mod. The big problem would be trying to get the right look of old and new. A fire breathing drivetrain for sure, but not straying too far from its original look.

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    • JoeBob396

      For a restomod I think I’d start somewhere south of $52K.

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  5. Jon B

    That’s not a hemi.
    Its a 331 Poly head, like the 318 A block.

    Like 7
    • stillrunners

      No it’s just a 318 poly head. Look at a 331/354 poly and you can see the difference.

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  6. scott m

    I’ve seen a couple of these and love the history- this has so much potential, but I hate that potential is now spelled b-i-l-l-i-o-n-a-i-r-e

    Like 9
  7. Jon B

    The 331 hemi was discontinued for 1956.

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    • CJinSD

      I agree with you that the engine currently installed isn’t a hemi. Production records indicate that it took a long time for an engine to get from its Chrysler production facility to being sold in a Facel Vega. They were still selling 354 hemis after Chrysler had switched to 392 hemis and then 413 wedges. I don’t know if they bought them in batches, or just took forever to complete cars and then sell them.

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    • Will Fox

      Not so much ‘discontinued’ as it was enlarged in displacement to 354 cubes. Obviously some internals changed too.

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      • Jon B

        Did they produce the 331? No? It was discontinued.
        That’s like saying GM didn’t discontinue the 283.

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  8. Dual Jetfire

    30 of them left? Heck, I’m surprised I haven’t tripped over one in the dark. Unlike the 1954 Nash Ambassador Country Club Lemans, wit continental styling, Select-O-Start, and optional Opt-O-Shades.

    Like 2
    • IkeyHeyman

      I have a 1954 Nash Ambassador Country Club Lemans in my backyard, getting swallowed up by the weeds. I think it’s still there – I used it for target practice for awhile, but I eventually ran out of ammunition.

      Like 6
      • Turbo

        why is there no thumbs down button on this website?

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  9. CJinSD

    It looks like a retired Spectator or Bomber class stock car.

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  10. Martin

    This is the restoration companies parts car perhaps.

    Like 3
    • Martin M

      Martin, my thoughts exactly. We are looking at a shell on a chassis. This this is picked clean. (who says great minds don’t think alike)

      Like 1
  11. Rodney - GSM

    Two things I never do. Clean my gun while it is loaded and restore a car in Europe while living here. That’s just me…

    Like 5
  12. Mike Hawke

    I thought this was a Beverly Hill Car Club offering at first. Or Gullwing…

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  13. luke arnott

    A friend of mine had one.They look nice,but….

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  14. Cliff Ballard

    The motor looks more like a 318. I had a 58 with a 354 dual quad hemi. Still had the two speed powerflite.

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  15. Maestro1

    Absolutely save this car. Get references on the restorer and if they are good let him restore the car. You will have a unique and magnificent car, and yes,
    they are worth upwards of a half million dollars. If I had the room to store it I
    would get going on this project. And yes, I think it’s overpriced in its current state.

    Like 1

    The car to own in any setting. Grand European design of the period. Expensive but worth the restore.

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  17. Jon B

    Y’all need to read the thread.
    Note the time stamps.

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  18. stillrunners

    Seen many a Facel for sale right here on barn finds !!!!

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  19. Phlathead Phil

    Fast forward, year 5022 A.D….

    Archaeologists discover an ancient Facel-Vega buried in the rubble of time, dust and debris.

    They attempt a “Reconstruction” however, they notice the original parts have been picked clean from grave robbers.

    Frustrated, they erect a monument instead to the God of Facel and charge admission.

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  20. chrlsful

    guys dida great job today – 10 out of 14 vehicles on the face page…

    this 1 is nxt to another fav of mine the lancia integral. Two very different applications (what automotive is all abt in my box) but this one is so great in its approach. Loved them as much as the ’56/7 Continental (similar app). Too bad it’s roached /or/ may B I can finally afford? aaahahahaaa

    Like 0

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