EXCLUSIVE: Rare 1973 Hurst/Olds (Price Drop!)

UPDATE 3/23/17 – Ron has lowered the asking price to $2,100. The Hurst specific parts have to be worth at least that much?

FROM 2/27/17 – Ron B had quite the thrill when he discovered some type of classic car hiding under a tarp in an old garage. As he rolled back the tarp, he discovered what was underneath it was a fairly rare and special car. It turned out to be a 1973 Hurst/Olds Cutlass, one of the last big block muscle cars! It sadly lacked a title and has serious rust issues, but he decided he needed to save it from further deterioration. He admits it’s probably just a parts car at this point, but it looks like it has lots of good parts to offer up for someone with a Hurst/Olds or for anyone looking to build a clone! It’s located in Elkhorn, Wisconsin with an asking of $2,650 $2,100 or best offer. Please use the form below to contact him if you are interested!

Even if this Olds still had a title, I’m not sure it would be worth restoring. The body is just so rusty and you would end up having to replace just about every panel to fix it. Looking it over, I have to say, if you have a classic covered with a tarp please remove it before your car rusts from the inside out!

It might be rusty, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth picking up. There are a lot of good parts here still, many of which are specific to the Hurst/Olds. These were equipped with all kinds of cool Hurst bits, from the swivel bucket seats to a worked over 455 V8! This one could provide you with all the parts to convert a regular Cutlass to a Hurst car or if you happen to already own one of the other 1,096 Hurst/Olds built, it might have parts you need to restore yours. Converting a regular Cutlass will involve pulling the center console, seats, the 270 horse 455, the Turbo 400 transmission with its Dual Gate Hurst shifter, the rear end, front and rear sway bars, the heavy duty suspension and the louvered hood.

It’s sad to see this rare muscle car parted out, but I’m between the lack of a title and the rust, I don’t see much hope for it. With so few built, I’d rather see it used to save another one than to go completely to waste. I’m just glad Ron had the sense to save it before things got any worse! So, do you happen to have a ’73 Oldsmobile Cutlass S that needs to be converted to Hurst/Olds spec?

Thanks for listing this with us Ron! If any of you have a classic that you are thinking about selling, please consider featuring it here on the site as an Exclusive. There’s no risk and as long as your car is priced right, it should find a buyer quickly.

Contact The Seller

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Oingo

    Imho the tarp should be underneath the vehicle. I never understand why people don’t do a little PM. Even once a year could preserve these.

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  2. Car Guy

    Seeing this poor car makes me glad I live in the desert soutwest. Paint, weatherstrips, and upholstery can be replaced. Rust like this is the death knell for this car……..This and the 73 Grand Am coupe were my favorite Collonades.

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    • Jeffro

      My 1st car was a 73 Grand Am. Loved it! Worst part of car was the center nose piece. Always deteriorated.

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      • DrinkinGasoline

        I loved the Pointy Ponchos ! My ’76 Grand LeMans 4 door HT was one of the best vehicles that I ever owned. She was a baby blue on baby blue beauty with skirts and Rally II wheels. Rode like a dream. I left her all stock except…
        I removed the reflectors from the rear bumper and exited my dual exhaust through the openings. Yep…..was always cleaning the bumper but it was different from everyone else’s !

        Like 0
  3. ccrvtt

    The hunkered down stance on this car actually makes it look pretty cool. I always liked the Monte Carlo and the Buick GS colonnade cars. I’d like to see a Chip Foose interpretation with those ugly 5mph bumpers tucked into the bodywork to make it sleeker. This particular example, however, is toast.

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  4. ccrvtt

    And what happened to the thumbs???

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    • bill

      I suppose the thumbs are gone because someones feelings were hurt because they got a thumbs down. even though 99% of us enjoyed the thumbs feature, these days we have to cater to the 1%..

      Like 0
      • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

        Jesse posted in another thread that they are working on a server change and the thumbs feature was causing a problem. He said they would be back soon.

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      • DrinkinGasoline

        I could do without the “Thumbs Feature”. If someone wants to express their opinion regarding a post, there is the “Reply” feature. Everyone is certainly entitled to an opinion and if they are adamant, then I believe they should verbalize it instead of just hitting a thumbs down icon. I for one, enjoy the differences in opinions that BF’s brings to the table concerning Our passion, hobby, whatever term You choose to describe it.. It’s easy to hide behind a thumbs button without an opinion. Share Your experiences and knowledge…”Evolution Prohibits Perfection”.

        Like 0
      • DolphinMember

        Drinkin, I definitely agree.

        I hope that readers with a differing opinion would step up to the plate and explain what they think instead of just clicking a negative button. Put it into words, and not just a negative….whatever it is a thumbs down is supposed to mean.

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  5. DrinkinGasoline

    I had two Cutlass’ at the same time, both 75’s. One was a Supreme and the other, an “S” model. Both were 350 cars. There is a reason why “breathable” car covers are manufactured and this is the poster child for why folks should use them.
    What a shame.
    I realize that this example of the Hurst Olds was restrained compared to it’s ancestors but, it was still a slick ride in it’s day. 2 things…never leave it parked on gravel and never tarp it.

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  6. Glen

    I’d like to leave Jamie a thumbs up for the update, but, well, you know.

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    • DrinkinGasoline

      You just did, by saying it :)

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

      Thanks, Glen :-) Lately I’ve attracted some of the other kind, so I’ll take the thumbs up!

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      • MorganW Morgan Winter

        “Thumbs Up”, Jamie!

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  7. Nova Scotian

    Friend of mine back in late 90’s has…had… a light green Cutlass, looked just like this. It was mint…and green…he thought it was going to rise to collectable status. It was a time machine of sorts. His wife thought he was nuts…and road his ass over it a lot in front of his buds…He drove it around gingerly for a couple years then sold it for just a couple hundred bucks…it was a 2 door in very, very good condition. He let it go cheap. Not sure his head was thinking right. He didn’t want his buddies “burdened” with owing an old car. It certainly was an eye catcher! Memories.

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  8. Jay M

    No pics of the engine?
    That may be the only valuable part left of this parts car.
    This is simply not a restoration candidate.

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    • JesseStaff

      The engine is in there and the seller knows that this is most likely only good for parts. There are quite a few bits that were unique to these though so that’s where the value is.

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  9. ccrvtt

    Having been flamed to the point of having a comment removed for too many thumbs down I guess I take a certain perverse pleasure in inciting such reactions, though it does little to validate my opinions. I do agree that if you’re going to downvote someone you should have the cojones to sign your name and give at least a semi-coherent rebuttal.

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    • Bea South

      Sign your name like “ccrvtt” you mean?

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  10. JW454

    I good friend of mine bought one of these new in 1973 with his H.S. graduation money. He still has it today. His is the white/gold flavor but, otherwise, the same car. It went into protected use in 1980 and it looks like brand new today. It will be become his oldest son’s car some day as it was the car the boy came home from the hospital in.

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    • David WMember

      Thumbs up to your friend. Love hearing about cars cherished and preserved and passed down to the next generation. Especially Oldsmobiles of any kind, and better yet it is a Hurst. Thanks for sharing this story JW.

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  11. Cubs win

    It’s a shame. The 73 was the only yr. that had the rear bumper molded around the tail lights. This one is rotted and looks unsaveable.
    I think this car was rotted long before it went under the tarp. Road salt

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      All the comments about the use of tarps, but that is not the cause of this car’s problems. This car was “salt wet” many times, and not washed off. To me, the tarp scene appears staged anyway. A new-looking tarp, a few random items on top, and not a speck of dust. I choose not to believe.

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  12. Mark P

    The tarp is really clean, objects on it look placed. The first picture looks staged. I wasn’t expecting that body style, I thought it would be a Cutlass on the lines of a ’73 Chevelle. The Chevelles didn’t get that treatment until ’74. Maybe this is a ’74.

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  13. Cubs win

    No it’s a 73. One yr only rear bumper

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  14. AutoArcheologist AutoArcheologistMember

    I love and hate these stories. Of course, I love (and live) the idea of rolling that tarp/car cover off and finding a hidden “treasure”.. but often, as in this case, the treasure wasn’t treasured and now its probably not long for this world… To be parted for whatever small bits may be savable. As mentioned above, rust will take that car from savable to scrap.

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  15. Ross W. Lovell

    Greetings All,

    Bring back the thumbs!!!!!!!

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  16. JBD

    Hurst/Olds badges and trim, motor and drivetrain are the only thing salvagable.

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  17. Rustytech RustytechMember

    The blue tarp strikes again!

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  18. Jimmy

    My first car was a ’75 Cutlass Salon…my second was a ’76 Cutlass Salon with T-tops. I had always wanted to convert my ’76 over to some sort of clone Hurst/Olds but never got the opportunity and never could afford the muscle car itself even if you could find one. I can not for the life of me understand why people don’t take care of these cars!! The ’73 Hurst Olds was one of the BEST looking Oldsmobile muscle cars on the road…ever. And to just let one rust away like that is just so sad…

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  19. Blackta1

    Tin Roof…Rusted.

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  20. glen

    The dreaded blue tarp of death.

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  21. Paul

    What a classic 1973 Hurst Olds cutlass.Too bad the Wisconsin” salt monster”destroyed it.This car will live on as a parts gold mine for another cutlass.Like my 1975 Cutlass 442.😎

    Like 1

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