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Sometimes the best things in life really are free. DH found this 1943 Seagraves fire truck that has been listed here on craigslist for, get this, free! Thanks for the incredible find sir! It needs to find a new home soon, otherwise it will be scrapped. It’s 27′ long and has a 6 cylinder International engine that might run. I’m working with the museum I volunteer at to see if there’s some way they can help. I’ll try to get out there tomorrow and take more pictures. What could one do with this? It could make a cool tanker I guess.
Sell the tank for scrap. Put a ramp on it and make a great hauler for a track car. Otherwise there is a large community of collectors for these.
Gone, gone, gone! Hope it has a good home now.
Glad it found a good home. There are PLENTY of towns in other countries that would be DELIGHTED to have this nice of a truck. Unfortunately there would be shipping to consider…
The last I heard today, I believe I got the museum to take it. I’ll follow up with more pictures and info. It will be sold, the museum doesn’t have funds to restore it.
Do you have a update? Did it go to the museum? DH
hey david, So did the museum take the seagrave after all?
my nonprofit would love it, if they are not willing to do the restoration.
My Department uses an old Seagraves as a Casion or Funeral Truck all fixed up and polished…
I hope it get’s restored too, as Seagrave ( no “s”), was a respected name for years in fire fighting equipment. I’m not too sure about the 6 cylinder, as many years ago, my dad’s business partner had an early 50’s Seagrave ladder truck, with a V-12 flathead, which, I believe was made by Seagrave, with 24 spark plugs ( dual ignition). I remember, I drove it around a parking lot once, and it was a beast. Since the truck was kind of one piece, it would be hard to make it into a flatbed, and should be restored as a tanker.
A ramp truck with no cab, ha I’d go with the tanker and keep down the dust at the race track or water the clay. :)