Garage Art: Burger King Sign

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This seller is cleaning out his barn and it is your chance to purchase a double sided Burger King sign. I remember these signs sitting at the entrance to the parking lot at the Burger King that we cruised through on the weekends. The seller is only asking $75 but the sign needs to be cleaned up and repaired. The ad can be seen here on Facebook Marketplace and is located in Orwell, Ohio.

Burger King has been around since 1954 when it was started by James McLamore and David Edgerton after the purchase of Insta-Burger. I thought Burger King was started in the Midwest but it was actually started in Florida. The company has had five ownership changes in its long life.

The sign is 48 inches by 48 inches and is about 12 inches thick. It should fit in the back of your pickup but not in most trunks unless you own at 1979 Lincoln Continental! I have fond memories of Burger King. I was in high school in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. We were allowed to leave campus for lunch and often went to Burger King for lunch. I would order a Mustard Whopper, Coke and fries and then we would cruise around town before heading back to school in my friend Russell’s 442.

So the King gives it two thumbs up! Wouldn’t this look good in your garage?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Howard A Howard AMember

    In the 80’s, I used to live on double Whoppers. Today, all their food makes me sick. Best fast food chain? No question, Culvers, from Sauk City, Wis. Primarily a midwest chain, I see, they have them in Denver now.

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  2. Scotty GilbertsonStaff

    Nice work, Bruce! I tried to buy this from the seller but they said that they didn’t want to deal with shipping it, bummer. It would be great garage art.

    Burger King has a bit of a tie to my hometown of Duluth, MN where the Patronas family owned Mr. Nick’s Burger King, home of the famous “Char Burger”. From what I remember while growing up there, Burger King purchased the rights to use the name when they were owned by Pillsbury, also a Minnesota company, and the Patronas family received the go-ahead to open a few Burger King restaurants in the Duluth area.

    Oddly enough, there has been a “Whole Foods” co-op in Duluth for 50 years, long before the juggernaut Amazon-owned Whole Foods existed.

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  3. Geoff

    In my garage right now I have a “Thank You” arrow sign from a McDonalds drive thru that lights up, found it in the dump 20 or so years ago and thought it was a great conversation piece. I have to agree with Howard, Culver’s is awesome, however they haven’t made it as far as NH so I have to settle for eating there whenever I go to Florida.

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  4. jerry z

    The best part of this deal is buy the sign, split it in 2, keep one side and sell the other. Winning!

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  5. i8afish

    Looks funny without rock holes in it.

    Like 7
  6. Ken Carney

    Mike and Frank would be all over this. But they’d low ball him by
    offering him $50 for it. Great piece of signage though. As for the food, it’s all a matter of age Howard, we’re all getting older up here and the things we ate as as youngsters are slowly and
    certainly coming back to bite us.

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      I hear ya’, Ken. The biggest casualty, is I can’t eat pizza anymore. :(

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  7. Ian C

    While I am not interested in this… it would be cool to have some of the old McD’s items from the “playground’s”. The only one I have seen recently with any type of playground was an indoor one in Charlotte NC when I was passing through.

    I remember the outside ones around here back in the day with the slides, monkey bars, and the characters on the “springs of death”! You fall off of the spring toys and those things would beat the unholy snot out of you just the way God intended! Good times!!! HAHA

    Like 3
    • leiniedude leiniedudeMember

      Hi Ian, my buddy has an 8 foot tall Hamburgler and a couple playground items at his farm for the grand kids. You guessed it, not for sale. Take care, Mike.

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    • AGS

      I always wanted to steal a sign from my local McDonald’s that said “Why McDonald’s flies the flag 24 hours a day”. It was mounted on the flagpole, and had a message about how patriotism never sleeps.

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  8. Chris Webster

    My favourite fast food! Known as Hungry Jacks here in Australia, since ‘Burger King” was already trade marked when they opened in the mid 1970s.

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  9. JoeNYWF64

    I’d rather have a Burger CHEF sign. Or Wetsons. Or GInos.
    For some reason, 15c white castles back in the day(they had curb service too!) tasted better than today’s 89c? castles. I don’t think THEY got smaller, but the Mac & Whopper sure did.
    A few days ago they closed even the WALK-in counter service at McD’s here & i have to use the drive thru!

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  10. UK Paul 🇬🇧

    You are lucky .. our McDonalds closed completely about a month ago.
    Sounds like we are in lock down for at least another 3 weeks and we are ahead of you guys.
    Let’s hope a miracle clears it up quicker than we expect.

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  11. Steve BushMember

    Howard; bummer about the pizza! Always enjoy your takes. Stay safe.

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  12. Clinton

    I love signs! I have tons of them. I actually have a 4ft x 8ft lighted Ford Lincoln Mercury dealership sign I refurbished and mounted in my house! I traded an old desk for it! Maybe I can get my friend in Ohio to grab this one for me.

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  13. JoeNYWF64

    Why did burger joints look so much better back in the day!? – such great designed big signs & lots of glass on the buildings
    The brand new McD’s by me is a terribly boring rectangular brick building that could be ANYTHING with joke size cheap golden arches on it.
    & ugly “cars” in the parkin lot & drive thru.

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  14. John

    Stick to vehicles, please. This is absurd.

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  15. Little_Cars

    There are Culvers in middle Tennessee now. Not sure they are any different than any other restaurant except for slight variations on a fast food menu. This sign it well-priced but I think since it is still the logo they use there isn’t much period kitsch to it hanging on ones’ shop wall. Oh, and we still have the playgrounds at the McDonalds around here, but like a hamster aquarium they are all enclosed.

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