George Jones Edition: 1979 Ford Thunderbird

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Country music legend George Jones enjoyed a career that spanned decades, landing him on numerous top 10 charts and culminating with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. Perhaps less of a crowning moment is when his friends loaned him the money to buy this 1979 Ford Thunderbird here on craigslist, from a time in which he was still waiting for his first big break on the music charts. 

The deeper you dig into Jones’ biography, the more you learn about his range of talents and also his personal afflictions. Despite a legacy in the country music industry that still inspires artists today, Jones fought numerous demons ranging from alcoholism to cocaine addiction. Unfortunately, it seems like many entertainment stars go down that path, but to Jones’ credit, he righted the ship after several divorces and an impaired driving accident. This Thunderbird is listed for $15,000 on Nashville’s craigslist.

Whether that accident occurred while driving this Thunderbird is left unsaid, but it seems unlikely. The Thunderbird has spent the last several years in museums, including the aptly named George Jones Museum and later the Celebrity Car Museum in Missouri. It’s a shame, but I suspect aside from die-hard country fans, not many of today’s young people would appreciate the T-Bird’s connection to a legendary voice. The mismatched armrests are a bit of a distraction, and the modern floormats look out of place in what appears to be a largely original car.

I do wonder about this badge – if the Thunderbird was purchased before Jones had his big break, I don’t think Ford would feel compelled to whip up a special plaque for an unknown country music crooner. Regardless, Thunderbirds with over 100K on the clock don’t generally command the price asked here, and while Jones’ accomplishments are cemented into country music history, his lack of name recognition among younger enthusiasts may curb demand for such a museum piece. Thanks to Barn Finds reader Steve Toombs for the find.

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  1. ImpalaGuy

    I guess the seller “Stopped Loving Her Today”. ;)

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  2. Danny Older

    George Jones made it big in the 1960’s

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  3. Jaygryph

    These are actually rather nice driving land barges. I’ve owned one and it got good mpg and just ate up highway miles as a road trip couch on wheels.

    That said, 15k is pretty out there at this time, historic or not. You can buy one this nice for 5K or less. They’re still fairly common on the west coast.

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  4. Stumack

    “…if the Thunderbird was purchased before Jones had his big break…”

    ??? By 1979, George Jones had had nine #1 hits, the first in 1959.

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  5. Dusty

    Uh George Jones got his big break in the 50s

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  6. Fred W.

    Goerge married Nancy who straightened him out and kept him that way. Met them both and filmed an interview with him in 2008 when he helped TG Sheppard record a duets album here in Nashville:

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  7. RoselandPete

    Jones had his demons but he hit it big long before 1979 so it’s wildly incorrect to state that he was “still waiting for his first big break on the music charts” around 1979.

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  8. Rodney

    Not getting this one at all. Just a very used car with some funky armrests. I am sure he was a very nice man but that does nothing for this car. Just sayin’…….

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  9. GPMember

    I really don’t think Mr. Jones needed any help from anyone( money wise) in 1979. I still listen to his great songs and voice every day.

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  10. Mark

    George jones is a common name, probably a dentist or proctologist owned it, why put your name on back window and drive around? Seems fishy?

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    • Harvey

      Is that like George Castanza and his “John Voight ” car?

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    • Rodney

      …yes, the name on the back window is weird and most likely an “add-on” later as a way of marketing the car. The whole thing screams desperate and inauthentic. “Step away from the car….”

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      • Mitch

        You have to remember, in the South, things were done to vehicles that seem “goofy” to other car people in other parts of the country.

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      • Eric Wildfire

        I don’t see George Jones putting his name on the back window ~ when he wasn’t on stage, he didn’t want the fans fawning over him ~he wanted to be left alone to drink or party without anyone bugging him but those he partied with so NO the ‘Ol Opossum’ would not want you knowing it was his car

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    • Joe Muzy

      While in the military I worked with a guy named George Jones. We went to a conference together in Gulfport Mississippi and made the reservations in our names. They asked if it was the George Jones so of course I said yes because that’s his name.
      We got to the hotel and on their marquee it said Welcome George Jones. I think we made them mad

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  11. grant

    Really? This is either a misleading or a misguided seller. George Jones was huge long before 1979. And who borrows money from friends to buy a brand new car? A beater in times of desperation maybe but a brand new car? It also makes me wonder if anyone researches anything anymore, before printing it as fact.

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  12. Paul R

    Does it have a breathalyzer?

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    • Eric Wildfire

      I know his 80’s Corvette did

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  13. Oingo


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  14. andrew m

    Not even a shred of research before this was written. First appearance at the Grand Ole Opry in 1956. First #1 billboard country chart hit in April ’59…. we certainly don’t expect everybody to be expert in every subject, but geez in the age of Google, there’s no excuse to not look up things before assuming. I guess the writer must be one of the “young people” who don’t know much of the world before 1990.

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    • RoselandPete

      That thought also crossed my mind.

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  15. ags290

    I thought during this time period Tammy had him regulated to a riding lawn mower for his beer runs. At least that is the story that I remember.

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    • jackthemailman


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  16. Don H

    Bet old George is looking down laughing at this ,our maby he is looking up laughing 😈🍺

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  17. Kenny

    Yes, George Jones was a star before 1979…but, there’s no disputing that after the 1980 “He Stopped Loving Her Today” release…his star power surged!

    I would love to have the car though. I had a ’77 Thunderbird, and the only annoyance was that the “pop up” headlights would freeze down at times during the Ohio winter!

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  18. rustylink

    Does it come with an obligatory John Deere riding mower and plaque? For you young un’s – George was quite a prolific admirer of the distilled spirits. Through many DUI’s and brushes with the law – his wife and management tried to keep the Possum down on the farm by taking his keys away from any vehicles to avoid this issue. Ole’ George being quite persistent in his quest for a stiff drink – saddled up a riding lawn mower and headed into town to find the nearest bar….

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  19. larry

    DrinkinGasoline, whats your opinion? Please weigh in. I anxiously await your approval or condemnation of this car. I’d like to buy it, but won’t travel to Nashville or make an offer without your professional input. You’re the man.

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  20. Neil

    It is possible this was in fact George Jone’s car. There seems to be some documentation that comes with the car, directly from the factory and dealer.
    As to the rear window? Doubt that it came from Ford that way, but, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jones did it himself. Kinda a hill billy thang. And, I suppose there could have been a loan made to him. You have to remember, Jones had a real up and down career, I think widely due to his demons and divorces. I wouldn’t be surprized if he were broke at one time, or many times. I’d check on the docs, but it could in fact be legit.

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  21. Keith

    Are the different color armrests a personal request from George?

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  22. Paul R

    The “George Jones” did in fact live at the address listed on the car title shown in the ad in the late 70’s.
    Car appears legit.

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  23. Dennis Hall

    The car may be legit but whoever wrote the lead story obviously didn’t do his homework. He should be scolded and required to hand wash the car over and over until he gets that tacky George Jones billboard off the back window.

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  24. Jim Marshall

    Craig’s List. Buyer beware. Nuff said.

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  25. half cab

    Remember that it was George that paid for Johnny Paychecks funeral.

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    • James

      Hank Jr said in the mid 70’s his credit was so bad he had to put up a $5000 deposit just to get a phone. His manager had to loan him the money. Not surprised George had to have help to buy a car.

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  26. Bill Owens BillOMember

    The gold engraved name plate was standard on Town Landau and Heritage models. See brochure info:

    I have had three 1978 Thunderbirds, the first one bought new. It is one of the few cars that seems a proper position for the armrest to rest comfortably while driving and holding the steering wheel. My first one had ripped the seams on the armrest by the time it had 50,000 miles, so I went to a junk yard and didn’t get the whole armrest (that would have been the smart thing to do), but got the cover off another one (it unzipped), but could never get it on my armrest. Maybe George’s wore out too. I see George bought his in October 1979 after the smaller 1980 Thunderbird appeared, I’m guessing he didn’t like the new smaller T-Bird. I just bought a similar 1978 Thunderbird Town Landau with 45,000 miles in March for $4,250. The price someone pays for this one is to say someone famous owned it.

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  27. Roy Adame

    You still have that T-bird if you do what are you asking if you like you can text me or call me my name is Roy my phone number 818 681 8218 if I don’t answer just leave me a message of the price if you still have it thank you

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