HELP WANTED: Write For Barn Finds!

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We are looking for a few good car guys or gals to add to our team of awesome writers! You don’t have to be a journalist to apply, but you do need to have an almost obsessive desire to hunt for automobiles. This is a paid position and you can work from anywhere. Keep reading for details on how to apply.

Applicants Should Be Able To:

  • Write complete sentences.
  • Use correct punctuation.
  • Follow written instructions.
  • Research automotive history.

Not Required, But Would Be Nice:

  • Experience with WordPress.

How To Apply:

  1. Find 3 vehicles that you think fit the theme of this site.
  2. Write stories for each using the same format we do.
  3. Email us ( the stories and a paragraph about yourself.

Applications are due by the end of the day Friday (July 6th), so don’t delay!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. John

    Hello,Jesse.I have been a real obsessive car guy since my first car…A 1962 Kentucky State police fury 1 detective car that my friends older brother swapped a 440six pack 4 speed into. I still have the scars from hitting 3rd gear and smacking my hand into the edge of the dash!! Good times..I am literate in most computerspeak but my email is not cooperating with me ,so I cannot load the three cars I think you would like.They are a 1970 duster a 1987 Cutlass supreme broughamand a 1980 turbo trans am. If you can give me an alternate email I shall do my best to get these to you ASAP.Would really like to work for you as I am retired and VERY bored…Thanks,John

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      We would like all the applications to go to the email address referenced above. Thanks.

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  2. Supernova72

    Does having a 1972 Nova for almost 30 yrs. make me a candidate? Ha. I’m an early out IT project manager from a large aerospace company in Seattle WA. Our planes all start with the number “7”. For example 777. Cheers.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Sounds like some good credentials to me! Looking forward to your application. Thanks.

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  3. Charles Ramirez

    I would love to work with you guys I’ve had quite a few rides myself going back many years camaros 442s and chevelles you name it I had it I know my cars big blocks and small blocks if you’d like to talk just ask…know my hemis.tooo

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  4. Sean P. Stevens

    What a wonderful opportunity! I love to write, and love cars. I am constantly buying, trading, selling, and, of course, working on, cars, trucks, and motorcycles. I have been at this since I was 14 years old, and have had over 5,000 vehicles. I will keep the ones I fall in love with. I love 1962 Chevrolet pickup trucks. I just yesterday acquired a super clean 1962 Chevy c20. It has been neglected in recent years and needs some work, but the body is 97% straight and rust free! It is painted all white, and has both a service bed, and it’s original fleetside longbed that was included. I owned a 1962 Chevy C10 longbed in my tender youth. It sported a 300 horsepower 327 with good old “double hump” heads. It also had the old deep dish aluminum slotted mags (which i would spend hours polishing with Mother’s polish). This truck seems to be the adult version of that one, Heavier 3/4 ton suspension, and no bling. Painted grille and bumper as opposed to the nice chrome my young self drove. The old self’s ’62 has a decent running Target 350 V8, but the old, thrifty me has learned a lot about small block chevy engines and has been putting aside go fast goodies when I found them. So, one day soon you may just get passed by a plain white 1962 C20, possibly even sporting a service bed with tool boxes, that looks a lot like a school district truck but sounds like Nascar. Something unique about a 1962 C20 is that it has torsion bar front suspension, and coil spring rear suspension, same as the C10, but 3/4 ton rated.
    My love to write has gotten me an addiction to Quora, where I sometimes sit for hours, reading, and answering posted questions from others on the website. Problem? It does not pay a thing. It has helped me develop my writing skills somewhat. So, I guess it hasn’t been a complete waste of time.
    When I am not on Quora gaining follower after follower for the answers I type, I find myself researching everything. It truly gets ridiculous. I will come across an article somewhere and after reading it I will find myself substantiating the facts, or even some obscure thing that was mentioned in the article. Again, no paycheck.
    Could this be the opportunity that I have unknowingly been training for all of my life? The answer to all of my problems? The key to life itself?? Probably not. However, I do think it would be a good idea to shoot you guys an email with my version of “BARN FINDS”,which, by the way, I have been a faithful reader of for years. Hopefully you find my application to your liking and I can then justify all of that time spent at my computer.
    Please don’t laugh at my mullet, it was cool at the time.

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  5. Mike

    “Write complete sentences
    Use correct punctuation.
    Follow written instructions.”

    I thought this was a given, but in today’s texting world it might be too much to ask.

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  6. Kenneth Carney

    Hey Jesse: If I’m hired, will I get some sort of press credentials? There are
    a lot of classic cars that need to be shown on this site from the Winter Haven-Auburndale Florida area. I would
    need them to approach the owners or
    sellers of these cars so that I wouldn’t
    get shot knocking on their front doors.
    I already have a half dozen vehicles lined
    up to be profiled on this site as they become available. I think the press
    badge would set me apart from all
    the other tire kickers.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      I don’t think press credentials will prevent you from getting shot. If you get hired we will talk. Thanks.

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  7. Mark Nishwitz

    Jesse, I’m curious about “using the same format we do”. Do you need a specific software or can I just put each story in the email?

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    • Josh Josh MortensenStaff

      Good question! No software needed. Just do your best to layout your submissions in the email the same as you would on the site (Title, photo, intro paragraph, photo, and so on). Thanks!

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  8. Michael

    Submitted my application and submissions yesterday. When will the winner be announced !!! ???

    Very exciting stuff … :) I’m sure you guys are going through thousands of entries.!!!!

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      We don’t have thousands, but the response has been overwhelming. Lots of great writers out there! I’ll try to get back to everyone today. Thanks to all who applied!

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  9. Michael

    Awesome … looking forward to potentially writing for you guys. #CorvairVagabond

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  10. Mark Nishwitz

    I’m putting on the final polish so don’t make a too quick of a decision. I’ll send it off after lunch. Hopefully that’s not past your end of day.

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  11. Mark Nishwitz

    I sent my submission a little while ago. Thanks for your consideration. It’s been fun putting together a few car stories that otherwise would not have been told.

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  12. M.J. Cooprider

    It’s to bad I didn’t read this till Sunday. This is something that I’d truly enjoy doing. I love old cars and I enjoy research. Perhaps I’ll catch the next round.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Feel free to apply next time around. Thanks for your interest!

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  13. Michael Bertrand

    Just checking in !!! Have you guys chiseled through the applications?

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Barn Finds