Left To Rot: 1969 Camaro SS/RS 396


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One of the most frustrating aspects of discovering a great barn find is when the owner believes that their car is worth top dollar just because a fully restored one once sold for big money at auction. When Joshua C. found this ’69 Camaro RS/SS 396 he quickly found out that the owner is one of those individuals who would rather see it decay, than sell it for a realistic amount.


The seller has the right to ask whatever they want for their car, but this tale is a sad one that is fueled by hard times and alcohol. Each time Joshua visits the Camaro, it seems that the mountain of empty beer cans piled next to it grows a little taller and the owner seems a bit more fixated on selling it at a Barrett Jackson Auction. It is sad that a rare Camaro like this one has been left to rot away, but unless someone with deep pockets comes along and has mercy on it, it likely will stay in that barn until there is nothing left to save.


This car already has a considerable amount of rust, but considering it has been sitting in this Texas barn since the 80’s, it’s surprisingly intact. Let’s just hope someone can save it before it gets much worse. We want to thank Joshua for sharing his find with us, even if it is a bit of a sad tale. If anyone is in the area and knows more about this story, we would love to learn more about it!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. dj

    That’s the bad thing about Barrett Jackson and the other auctions on tv. They sell cars for unrealistic prices to people who have tons of money to throw away. Then everyone who has an old car, either rare or a p.o.s, expects it to be worth the same price as those on the auction.

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    • Steve Hamlin

      You are right about Barrett Jackson, too many people with too much money.. At least at the mec, car auction the cars there are more affordable but still…

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      • Horse Radish

        mecum…., $100 !! , just to watch and bid ?

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    • paul

      Yes you almost have to think they have an inner circle of people who bid & rebid driving up the prices artificially, but of course I wouldn’t know about that.

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      • Thomas Bean

        I like how you guys think. We all deal with selfishness in our dealings in the market place everyday: too bad a better contract cannot be considered to get the job done. Think about the hoarder’s fears, wants, and locked up mind that needs some silicon spray. How can I give something more….to use the Law of Attraction to slide hoarder boys into the market place?

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    • geomechs geomechsMember

      You know, I’ve been to BJ’s, and even bid on a couple of pickups (that both went over my budget, obviously) and you’re right about people watching these sales on TV and thinking that their rust bucket is worth triple what it used to be. But, if people are willing to pay the price, then that’s the price. If nobody buys it, the price will have to come down; the market will eventually sort itself out, bringing things back to reality. Right now, sales like BJ’s, which is as much a car CARNIVAL as it is a car AUCTION, carries a lot of hype. Go out for dinner in the evening, even in the Scottsdale region, and nearly every TV is tuned into BJ’s. So give it some time. Eventually the TVs will be back to NFL.

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    • TraderJeff

      If you have a willing buyer and willing seller you CAN’T have an unrealistic price. That is how the market works. If some idiot thinks their p.o.s. (insert something here) is worth megabucks it’s not BJ or Christies or RM’s fault. You can’t fix stupid.

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    • joe

      In cases like these one has to forego the initial offer and concentrate on the future. The owner will probably get sick from his habits and it will be passed on to someone else. If you really want that car this is the best way to get it.

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  2. Jeff V.

    The majority of these came with the 325/396 motor with the 350 & rare 375hp motor options much more desirable, too bad no engine info.

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    • Joshua C.

      I know its an auto trans if that tells you anything.

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      • Danny o

        Hi Joshua C

        So how much does it take to buy the camaro?
        Is he thinking 30 grand just the way it sits??

        Its prolly 50 grand away from being a 45000 car!!!
        thanks in advance for any info your willing to share,
        Danny In oklahoma

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      • Zach L

        Hello Joshua C, I know this is a really old post of this car, but I am wondering has anyone rescued the car?

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  3. Mike Hogan

    Pigs get eaten, hogs get slaughtered, stupid is as stupid does. Sorry this “diamond in the rough” as that guy as an owner !!

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    • Tim H

      Interesting that my comments get hidden but this one has not one thumbs down?

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      • Thomas Bean

        There are tricks and examples to Win friends and Influence enemies.

        There are ways to influence hoarders and influence them to change their position…..sometimes. Remember…”you don’t always get what you want, but you might find you get what you need”. I hope selfishness is not being projected onto hoarders (demonize the scapegoat with a categorization to avoid analysis of one’s own internalized defect? “Why do you see the splinter of sin in your brother’s eye, when you have a log of sin in your own?”).

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  4. Tim H

    There is another side to hoarding. I am a hoarder. When the fun of the dream is more valuable to you the the money someone will pay, when your investment was too high and you don’t want to face your poor choice, when the dreams of youth still come but the years have damaged your ability to follow through. It’s not in my way it can just sit there and become a planter.

    I don’t owe the sport/hobby anything!

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    • stp

      yes you do. you owe respect. you have to give it to get it back.

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      • Bryan Cohn

        stp, that is most likely the best response to the selfish behavior that is hoarding I’ve ever read. Done in 15 words. Well done!

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    • Jim-Bob

      I up voted you for giving an honest answer that lets people into the mind of someone with these tendencies. I understand it and have way more crap than I can deal with too. The difference being that I have learned to be honest with myself and if given a reasonable offer, I would take it. The thing is, I have come to the point of being able to see both ends of the equation in life and see most things in terms of both loss and gain and weigh the weight of the negative and positive value of my possessions in the balance. However, for me the problem then becomes that my difficulties with executive functioning and low energy keep me from moving forward because of the enormity of the task. Fortunately for me, I only have 5 cars and a bunch of tools, so the task is not too big, and my house isn’t cluttered. I can understand though how difficult it can be to get out from under the pile of projects when you have started too many without finishing them. Sometimes leaving Schrodenger’s cat in a sealed box is far less stressful than opening it.

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      • Thomas Bean

        “Reasonable offers”? This term of art is open to interpretation….no? Why are you hoarding your home? I gave you a reasonable offer…what is wrong with you? Are you a home hoarder? This is a unique one of a kind home you have..and it needs better care…and I appreciate your home more than you do….and should have it at my price range because I’m right and you are wrong.”

        If I walked on your property with this attitude…where there is no for sale sign……….in front of your wife and daughter…..how long would it take you to put your boot up my ass?

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      • Jim-Bob

        Considering that I am a 40 year old virgin, the scenario you paint is highly unlikely. Also, should a person walk up to my home and offer me something close to market value, I would take it and run! It needs a lot of work and I am too poor to fix it ( I wish I had not had so much crap when prices spiked a few years back because I would have dumped it then. I blame my crap and unwillingness to let it go at the time for ruining my life.). However, that only applies to someone who did so in a respectful manner. I have no use for people who treat me disrespectfully should I turn down their offer with a respectful response. And yes, there are things I own that are not for sale at almost any price because they are family heirlooms. However, violence is not usually my forte so using it to deal with rude individuals is not a likely course for me unless I need do so in self defense- a highly unlikely scenario.

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    • Thomas Bean

      We are all hoarders of something. I collect good ideas and life plans like Walter Middy. In my mind….I’ve won billion dollar settlements for causes of action that I haven’t filed or drafted? Old cars unmolested and patina…look beautiful to me….like old haunted castles and ghost towns. Hoarding of one unique car….is not a crime or sin. These objects conjure memories of better times….who am I to take that away from an old guy that I don’t know well enough to judge?

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    • Thomas Bean

      Anybody who gets censored….is definitely my kind of guy. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s Intolerance of honest free speech. Brave souls tell unpopular truths. Hoarders have rights to their possession…and to the quiet enjoyment of that possession. Municipal Government abuse “Adverse Possession”court orders and also fix the price as they force a sale for the so called presumptuous “better good”????!!!! Anti Hoarders here…would vote for “Gov or car club seizures” of Camaros…..while stomping on individual liberties????

      I notice no one has organized a community bake sale…..to save this Camaro?

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  5. 88R107

    Looked at a fairly intact 64 Impala SS years ago.One owner sitting in a garage. Had 3 flats and a leaking rear end but was all there. Made a fair offer and the guy laughed. Said he could get a lot more for it in California. Hearing that I bumped my offer and reminded him it was cash money, right here right now. Nope. Stayed with his plans. Wished him the best of luck and walked away. That was a day 2 fools met. Me for offering it and him not taking it.
    Hope the owner of this Camaro comes to his senses…doubtful.

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    • Randy

      I love the “Worth more in California” bit. I’ve heard that for at least 50 years, and it hasn’t happened yet!

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  6. Cameron Bater UK

    Don’t let my nationality fool you I am indeed a big fan of American Muscle so its always exiting to see a Camero SuperSports, I however can’t condone an airscoop like that one on the left there, its the size of a Galvanised bath for gods sake.
    I am always hopeful that more will turn up but sadly the more people out there that restore and sell concourse plus for far more than they are worth the more people like this are out there with unrealistic expecations :(

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  7. Rick

    If the owner can’t be saved from Drugs and Alcohol before he rots it will only be a matter of time before someone picks this car at a reasonable price at an Estate Sale. Chances are a family member will just want to get rid of the car.

    Hopefully the car will last until that day comes.

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    • 01J

      The saddest thing about this whole story is implying that the owner has an alcohol problem (and now a drug problem too) without any basis in fact except for the casual observance of beer cans by “Joshua” as told by “Jesse”. What did it say up above? Something about give respect to get respect? Why would anyone let someone see their barn stash just to be subjected to allegations of alcohol and drug usage? I hope my stuff never winds up here. And how do we know if “Joshua’s” offer was fair? We seldom get a report of what was actually offered and rejected. Maybe it was an insulting lowball offer. Put it out there and let the readers decide if it was fair instead of making unsubstantiated accusations just because he wouldn’t sell to you.

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      • Thomas Bean

        Good point. Money talks….selfish anality and insulting tomfoolery walks home alone….to nurse pathetic selfish accusations with special focus on “the wah wah unfairness of a lonely old guy who wants to STILL own his property” free of unannounced, slobbering, opportunists trespassing uninvited with lowball insults masquerading as “good faith” love for the hobby. How many cars have the anti hoarders owned and lusted for throughout their addiction…..and now they want to pick an old lonely guy’s bones?

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  8. Connor

    Just so you guys at barnfinds know, this article isn’t compressed on the homepage.

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  9. Moxman

    This is such a common story. It’s too bad to let a great car like this rot into oblivion. The owner of the car has no clue what it’s really worth. And not willing to listen to the truth, either! Sad.

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    • Thomas Bean

      It’s his car. No law compels the sale of any chattel to uninvited car flipping opportunists. I don’t like to see your home without a new coat of paint and better lawn care: what a shame….”I have to have my way for my own good” and anyone who doesn’t like my low ball offer (plenty of meat on the bone for me to profit, later) must be maligned because they just don’t get it: “I must have others property for my benefit” spun as “historical preservation”. Is this what it comes down to? I used to watch “American Pickers” but got sick of their selfishness and shameless manipulations as they drove away cackling like crows. There is a big difference between “leaving people alone” and profiteering selfishness.

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  10. paul


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  11. AMCFAN

    Ha Ha Good for you Tim H. !!
    Frankly all the talk about beating down the poor drunk or rest home bound owner who refuses to sell his car is getting wery stale.
    A year ago I took my son on a field trip of my youth. I went to visit the town I call home. When I was young my father took another job and we had to move. I had not been there for over 30 years. While driving around the old hood (really a hood now) he screamed did you see that?? I had to turn around and there it was. What a find. In the back yard of a falling down house was an old school custom Ford van. Complete with fender flairs, the aluminum wheels and custom paint. We stopped and it was amazing. It had been in several custom van magizines back in the day. It had attended its last Van in show in 1979! From the tags it had been in the same spot in the yard since 1985.
    The old guy in his late 70’s was very nice and after the excitement of looking it over I blurted out. “What do you want for it?? The answer I didn’t expect was the dollar amount he wanted. It was unrealistic. So I told him I would call him. I did… about every month. Not to talk about the van but seeing how he was doing to everything around town. I enjoyed finding out what had been going on without me in the last 30 years. Last summer I called in the middle of a heat wave. Out of the blue he asked if I still wanted the van. I said Yes Ray,So he says, What would you give me? I thought for a moment and offered 1/2 of what he was originaly asking which was still several thousand too high. He said come and get it. We did. He had been sizing me up. Thanks to all who came before me trying to buy it for junk. Yes I paid too much and there is more patina then I would like but authentic old vans are more rare then any Camaro and is too cool for school.
    So being a stranger flashing your money won’t do. Leaving a card with your phone number (with dollar signs) won’t do.
    Show the guy a little respect. It is his property and may be the last thing he owns of real value. Make friends first and be prepaired to walk away. You will still have a friend! When he is ready to sell hopefully you will be in the right place…at the right time.

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    • Joshua C.

      When I spoke to the owner I took a similar approach in that I said “I have to know the story of this car”. We talked for a bit and it was made clear before I asked that, the car was not for sale, and that it was going to be restored and sold on BJackson for $50k.

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      • James Hairston

        I’ve seen this car, it sat in a barn on the east side of hwy 6 just north of marlin TX. First time I saw it was probably 7 years ago, and I looked for it every time I went to Waco just to see if it was still there. Well, last time I went through marlin was about a year ago and it is now either been moved because it drew too much attention, or it was sold. Either way, it no longer sits in that barn. Ever hear what happened to it?

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    • geomechs geomechsMember

      You did the right thing for sure. It’s very difficult for someone to let go of something they really love. Being the guy’s (genuine) friend is the only way to do it.

      I’ve been guilty of this myself but I see guys show up with a flash roll of cash and attempt to woo the owner for the car. That turns most people off. For a spell my ’47 Ford parts truck sat in the compound at work, quite visible from the street. One loudmouth customer came over to me practically demanding what I wanted for it. I told him that it wasn’t for sale which made him more belligerent. He tried the flash roll with me and I just looked him squarely in the eye and told him: ‘YOU–haven’t got enough money!’ Then I went back to the shop, leaving that A-Ho with no one to banter with.

      One thing that really burns me to a crisp when dealing with a reluctant vendor is when you reach an agreed price then the vendor suddenly decides he needs more for it. A card laid is a card played; you set the price and the buyer agrees, you sell it!

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      • Jamie Wallhauser

        Sounds like the car biz to me!

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      • Thomas Bean

        In law school…first year contracts class was my best subject. You can buy that book of wonderful old cases to read…..or just buy a Gilley’s outline on Contracts. It’s a fascinating analytic course of study used every day in the market place. Google “what and when is a contract formed?”.

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    • Thomas Bean

      Good man. Proper respect. Paid what you could afford….more than he expected…two winners. “How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies” by Dale Carnegie sold millions of books (mostly affordable paperbacks). Money talks…selfishness walks home. it’s about “give before you take”.

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    • Al

      Short story if you have the time. It’s nice when something just pops out in front of you like that. Back in ’74 at 14, dad takes the shortcut to the bowling alley. At a stop sign, directly in front of me 250′ was a 53 Corvette white w/ hardtop sitting there. Over the mos then years when got my license, stopped by to see if interested in selling (1977). No. Couple mos later, left my number, no calls. Then by 1986 driving by, it’s gone. Same period with my cuz a couple yrs older than I, driving his moms ’71 Mustang Grande white, 302 auto floor shift. Tells me about a 67 mustang shelby GT500 white, sitting on side of an old house that was literally 50′ or less, to a heavy housing project building, one of 26 such 2 floor, 16 apt brick housing lol. So we drive by in ’75 & there it is. Tall brown grass growing all around it, almost hidden. I yell STOP! We have to knock on the door. Lets put it this way, unless some white guy was lost while driving, it’s the only way it may have been discovered as its a place no whites go. So unbelievable, an old white fam lived there. Asked & I get a polite smile & a dragged ‘nooo’ back. Again, left my number. Once a yr, I’d stop in, figure the cars gettin older, they too getting older, still ‘nooo’ politely back. Fast forward to 1983 I became a cop. When I had that housing project post/beat, same thing knock knock ‘remember me’? they did. But still smiled & nooo. Told them politely I’ll give extra attention patroling around their home. Wasnt until 1986 or 87, drove by working that area & its GONE! Didn’t look like anyone lived in the home anymore but grass had now grown in where it sat. I was so sad wondering where it went. So always wonder when I see one of those cars, is it it?

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  12. Ray S.

    Is this car at Jefferson, Tx.?? Looks like one I saw on a FM road back years ago.

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  13. LouV

    ill take it as is motor or not been loking for on fo the past year wrecke my 2010 SS and looking for a transpant car.

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  14. LMayo

    It is really sad to see this but some older people just want something from their past to hold onto. I’d probably have deep depression selling this ride too. I’ve seen people who just want someone to come talk about the car and their experiences with it. He could at least put it in a garage with heat and air if he isn’t going to sell it:)

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  15. steve

    The guy will die with it still in the barn and a famliy member will say have the peice of junk hauled to the scrap. seen it happen over and over again.

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  16. Bryan Cohn

    I enjoy cars, the people, the places, the experiences all together have given me. However, cars are tools. A tool can take many forms. Money is a tool. My toolbox is full of tools. People, in general are not tools (bad joke I know…). My race car is a tool. My tools main job is to bring me joy, entertainment, pleasure. They are things. They do not show emotion, cannot show me love. As soon as something (note the THING part of the word) doesn’t bring me those things I’ve no use for it. I like my race car but have no more attachment to it than my ball pean hammer. Why? Both can be lost in an instant with nothing to show for it.

    What is my point? The point is in our consumer society where collection of things has been seen as achievement, as status, you have gentlemen like out Camaro owner. I’m sure he tells his drinking buddies how he plans to restore and sell it over cases of PBR, the same lie he’s told for years, while listening to the same lies his buddies tell.

    He has every right to let it rot into the ground. He does not have the right to expect me (or any of us) to respect him for simply owning a cool car. If he treated his dog this way would we respect him? No.

    Tim and AMCFan are wrong.

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    • Thomas Bean

      I don’t think he much cares what strangers think: I like his stubborn independence. He might be a very wise man…forcing people to think about their values. He might be teaching strangers a lesson about the sins of idolatry? He might resent strangers who want something who only pay respect as part of a social mask so they can get what they want. He might value his solitude so much….that he reflexively punishes flippers with high price….as psy op torture. He may be saving you all a lot of trouble.

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  17. Webby

    Easy to figure out. When the pile of beer cans get big enough, he’ll use the money he gets for them to fund the restoration.

    Ulimately, its a free country and he can do what he likes with it.

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  18. rusty

    Here is some food for thought next time someone negotiates a sale…

    What upsets me more than what was said above is [if these are pics of the actual car]. Is that someone has taken pics on a private property and has now opened them to everyone’s eyes on this site. [not just this listing]

    This shows little respect for the owner if he does not know this was going to happen. It also reduces your chance to get it if someone else recognises it and jumps in front of you..a double edged sword.

    When some one starts taking happy snaps at my place with out asking, I ask them to stop..When someone asks me if its alright to take a photo first.. I weigh up the reasoning for his photos and if I am happy with the reason I say yes but say please respect me and do not pass these on to anyone or the net..A little trust on my part..If its a car for sale I usually say go for your life. [well its already on the net/magazine somewhere].

    I hope you told him these photos are going on the net while taking the shots..

    No one has the right to expect a purchase just because you are there…one fellow here befriended a fellow and they hit it off over a period of time. Whatever you think of hoarders respect can go a long way, imagine they had the reasoning [whatever it was good or bad] to collect or hoard your covetted car, long before you thought to…it possibly would have been scraped long before some of you were born…give some thought to that before making judgement. I love hoarders for saving cars that may have long been scrap…maybe a little respect might mean you get that chance that the scrappers missed out on.30 years ago. Sure it may take a little befriending or simply respect..You may still not get it…but thats life.

    Be decent ask if they’d like your number and let them stew on your offer a bit..you may be lucky down the track..what ever you do for your sake dont tell the world or someone will jump your gun.

    I also agree that sometimes the first offer is the best offer too. .

    If this car was originally had a for sale sign on it then I understand the buyers quandry ,but if anyone walks up to the owner of a car that hasnt been put up for sale then dont expect that the car can be neogtiated..the person probably didnt have it for sale…full stop. Some are happy to get rid of you with a rediculous price and some think its worth that price…but it wasnt for sale anyway.

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    • rustylink

      Alot of these “unauthorized” pics lead to those crazy buyers coming out of the woodwork giving the buyer what they think is the right selling price…just sayin’…

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      • rusty

        Interesting..I love a conspiracy theory…cool

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  19. rancho bella

    let it rot……….as long as it isn’t a pre 75 Lotus ……….

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    • paul

      Uh oh r b, are you looking to be banned for life from here?

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  20. DH in Iowa

    I’ve seen this happen sooooo many times. “I’m going to restore it some day”, and it never happens. Tried to buy a 63 Impala convertible from a guy and he told me that.
    It sat next to his empty garage. He moved it to the garage AFTER the top deteriorated to the point of falling into the car.

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  21. Rick

    I actually do know this car and tried to purchase it. I was informed the owner does not wish to sell. Also this guy would have to trespass to get this close to it and the gates are locked with no trespassing signs. I really hate to see it this way it is but you gotta have some respect for peoples property.

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  22. Gary Fogg

    I have been on every single side of this debate, really. From years of trying to buy stuff that folks let rot, to buying stuff for way too much, buying stuff AFTER it has gone way past its expiration of usefulness, to saving lots of cars from the scrappers only to have people expect me to sell it to them for half what I paid because I am “only going to let it rot and I am not as smart as they are”. I tend to hoard cars and parts, but if the price is right [ and I mean reasonable relative to the value of the car or its combined parts not some idiotic TV auction price ] I have been know to sell a classic or collectible car[ I sell regular daily driver conformity cars a few a year as time and availability of repairable ones allows ]. I own a few Mopars in my collection and when someone hears about one they come running and pour it on like I have NO idea about Mopars because I have mostly GM, Ford and some “orphans” [ AMC,MG,Nash,etc ]. Its fun to let them get spooled up only to bring them back to the reality that I WILL sell it but I will NOT leave money on the table for them to put it on Ebay and make a sizable profit [ I can do that myself if I wish ]. I have dealt with the drunken dreamers, one guy with an almost completely wasted 70 GS455 convertible that was always so hammered when he tried to say “Barrett Jackson” it always came out in a grumbling growl as “Bearjacksn”.. Always thought it was worth millions, truth was it was so far gone it was a parts car and not a great one at that, a GS air breather left on the ground so long the metal bottom rusted out. Bent bumpers, hood and fender, one good fender with rusty bottom, some Mopar rear end fitted underneath the back, a mid 70’s smog 455 stuffed in it, a 4 speed of questionable condition or origin, the original motor laying in the mud with a hole in the block, etc etc. A shed with some parts but literally a huge pile of empty Black Velvet half gallons inside. You get the idea. He sold it shortly before he died, I hear it was being attempted to be restored but the buyer did not hold out much hope and only bought it because shortly before the guy drank himself to death he got realistic and sold it for its true worth which was not much more than scrap price. I have seen it all, and I hope I never become THAT guy or the dreamers that quote auction prices. I too have befriended car owners, sometimes getting the cars eventually, sometimes just making a friend, and a few times ending up pushing the owners to work on said cars and actually helping them out [ twice now seeing after the work started I was GLAD I did NOT buy either car because they were worse than they looked ! ]. For every 3 or 4 you don’t get you then find one you WILL get ! Just don’t get too many like I did, it takes the fun out of it.

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  23. Larry

    Where in Texas is this at? I know a guy that owns one just like this and last I saw it, it was in the same shape!

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  24. Tim H

    I like how the conversation has gone. Haters are going to hate, hoarders are going to hoard. It just seems like people could be happy buying cars from people that want to sell them.

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    • Thomas Bean

      Watched “American Pickers” long enough on cable Tv…..to thoroughly despise opportunists trespassing as phoney, lying, fair weather, self serving jackels that all pickers are, we’re, and will be.

      If I had to have this car….I’d write an airtight contract that fairly compensates the hoarder for profit made after deducting costs: that way…we can both split a 5,000$ loss…as we contemplate ” what a fool believes”.

      Most people here have owned……how many 4 wheeled fantasies? Addiction or hobby or affordable wants as an illusion of wealth that temporarily stems the tide of repressed fear and guilt?

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  25. Steve

    The Camaro owner/hoarder sounds like lonely old guy who likes to drink – – – and therein lies the solution! Bring him a lot of hard alcohol, let him drink himself to death, and buy the car from his estate.

    Re comments above about befriending hoarders over time and eventually purchasing stuff. People who eventually sell aren’t hoarders. True hoarders have severe psychological problems and *never* sell anything, so befriending them won’t get you anywhere.

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    • Thomas Bean

      OCD is a common neurotic fixation in which anality prevents letting go of useless items. It’s fueled by anxiety and fear. Somehow mere possession of inanimate objects provides some illusory comfort from some unseen fear (most likely the fear of death). We all have it…..but it doesn’t get overwhelming to the point of becoming an obvious embarrassment in which respect is loss for displaying irrational behavior…or the piles of crap get in the frigging way.

      When the Camaro becomes worthless with age….a stubborn man will be closer to death…but will have used his fetish of power to survive the quiet desperation.

      Perhaps a trade or barter is in order: substitution of fetishes to confuse fear?

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  26. Charles

    I see a lot of surface rust. Wonder what the floor boards look like?

    A neighbor of ours is the same way about all of his junk. In his mind everything is a treasure. He has a yard full of old cars and a 71 Airstream 23 foot camper. The old camper is gutted and has a lot of body damage. I have seen similar units sell for $1,500.00 This old fellow sells boiled peanuts on the side of the road in front of his house. It appears that he spends most of his money on booze.

    My wife used to have me stop and buy boiled peanuts from this guy, until we found out that the water he uses to boil the peanuts comes from a creek. After several years he started talking to us some when we stopped. I asked him once about the camper, and he boldly stated, “I will take 40K for it.” It is his stuff, and he has the right to asks what ever price he wants for it, however I had a difficult time trying not to laugh.

    After we left, my wife asked “Is that old camper really worth 40K?”

    After that, I did not bother to asks him about the 62 Chevy two door.

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  27. Bruce in Italy

    Many, many moons ago in 1969 I found a true Hot Rod under a tarp next to a small house in a town of big houses. I was a 17 year old that wanted that car so badly and it was obvious that it needed to be saved. The older couple were very pleasant but said that the car was their son’s and it would be waiting for him when he returned from Viet Nam. I drove by daily and stopped to just say hi every now and then. This poor couple held onto that car until the day they both died 15 years later. The house was torn down and what little was left of the car was dragged away and junked. I still get very sad thinking about them and their son. There but for the grace of God, go I.

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    • Thomas Bean

      I would never pick a dead soldier’s assets….if I ever mutated into the human rodents known as pickers.

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      • Bruce in Italy

        I agree 100%. This family has been in my thoughts for the last 40+ years.

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  28. dougmMember

    I LOVE these discussions!!! It is like a free therapy session for us car guys that like to buy, sell, save, restore, etc…. This helps me keep centered and focused. I think I’ll go out in my garage and work on my old BMW 2002 some more…

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    • paul

      Yes that is the trick I use, never more then one project car at a time, don’t over save parts etc to the point that you have little room to work, keep order so you always find all your tools easily, I like to put them in the same place all the time, & stick to the plan every week accomplish something.

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  29. witouttadoubt

    The other side of this conversation:

    I appraised an identical fully restored version of this car recently. Came in a little over 70K. The car was gorgeous. Extraordinarily well detailed and, with a couple of serious exceptions, was as correct as the day it left the factory. Problem was, the owner, a very intelligent professional person, was convinced it would bring over 100K at auction; adamant about it even. It didn’t. Stalled at around 52-53K. Yes, he had WELL OVER the appraised value in the car. Except the market doesn’t always support what you put into your restoration. Frequently not, in fact. And, I am embarrassed to say, my appraisal couldn’t even be supported even though past auction sales said it should be right. Right now these cars have flat lined on prices and sales overall and I don’t see a brighter future very soon. There are so many of these things out there they’ve lost their luster.

    So now he’s wondering, I’d bet, what to do about that. I think he was really counting on the money and I think he’s seriously rethinking what to do with that yard full of cars he has yet to restore.

    If the owner of the subject car here wants to sell it, he will. But he really needs to look at what the market will realistically bear, regardless of what his asking price might be down the road when he does decide to part with it. If that ever happens.

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  30. Joe K

    This is great debate, Emotional car lovers, Pragmatic collectors, Accountants and Fools. Who would have thought a #1 resto on a 21 window VW bus would fetch $95K or more? I think maybe Bitcoin would help some of these buyers….LOL!
    I think it would be better to be on George Soros gift list, and hope for Gold Bars!
    Relativity is a wonderful thing, as long as you are breathing.

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  31. ConservativesDefeated

    Not a lot of facts but lots of hypothesizing………..and some rational observations. Be that as it may, if you’ve been into old cars since lets say .the late sixties or so………what used to be a fun obscure obsession has like so much of modern America become commoditized into insanity.
    The internet just amplifies our insanity and allows us to see cars far away in conditions one way or the other which either infuriate us or make us go……..I shouldn’t have sold mine!………..back in 1973!
    As always while its fun to look at other peoples junk..buy the best most original car you can afford and do it cause you want to drive it like you stole it! :). The rest is just bs

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    • Thomas Bean

      This is not the best time to be buying valuable used cars. Economy is dubious…used cars being examined all the closer. Several TV shows feature car flippers with everyone saying “hey…I can do that too”. Internet listings open the market to more competitive bidding from a wider audience. A brief review of Craigslist showed high starting prices for anything with low mileage. Anything of value had been already been blue booked and eBay results acknowledged. I don’t see a lot deals unless you like 14 year old Hondas with 186K miles.

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  32. skibum2

    Cars are just things…The true art is the ability to create…From your minds eye to the tips of your fingers..yeah, you can buy anything, but someone somewhere creates a masterpiece. And I for one can see the talent of the finished product.. If this man doesn’t want to sell, so be it..Live with it and look elsewhere…

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    • Thomas Bean

      I like your statement. creativity is king. That’s why resto customization (done correctly) appeals to me more than stock. adds value?…curb appeal…a new fetish to alleviate the fear of death?

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    Where is it at I can talk this fella into selling me this car, and he will be extremely happy

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  34. Drew

    I’ve seen different photos of this car. It’s the all to common and unfortunate sad story. Likely another letter car that will rot beyond a point of saving. So, there it will forever rot. Good news is, the market bubble has popped on this year of Camaro. Well, good for someone like me who can finally realize a long time child hood dream to own one. Not to flip like so many muscle car market exploiters, but to actually own and enjoy so long as I’m able-bodied.
    Bad news however for the fools who paid bloated reality TV auction show prices for one, thinking they’d bank roll on it later on.

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  35. RoughDiamond

    Sometimes it’s important to first take the time to cultivate a friendship with honest intentions before someone will let go of their cherished prize regardless of the condition. However, and I’m speaking from personal experience, there is just an uneasiness on both the owner’s and prospective owner’s part and that friendship just cannot be formed. Also, if an individual who has truly owned an old car from a time when it was nice to years later when it is a dilapidated heap, he or she may very well see it through rose colored glasses and be in genuine denial. I am reminded of a true story where a father and son were driving in a rural area and spotted the rear wings on some Plymouth Superbirds sticking up in the distance off the side of the road on someone’s property. They stopped and were met with a less than happy owner. The cars were run down and needed restoring. That was irrelevant because when the father explained the reason for stopping was because he and his son had such admiration for the rear winged beasts, the owner let his guard down. That led to an honest interest and lengthy discussion of how the owner came to love Superbirds in general and acquire them. Just as they were leaving in the father’s truck and saying their goodbyes, the father quickly grabbed a business card and leaned over to the owner and said he knew they were not for sale quickly followed by a sincere if you ever decide to part with one in the future please keep us in mind. That led to a friendship first (that continues to this day) and as the three of them got to know each other, there came a day when the owner took great pleasure in calling and offering one of his beloved Superbirds to the father. Then, sometime later when he saw the son’s interest in the cars was genuine by how much work he was doing in the restoration of the father’s Superbird, the owner blew the son’s and father’s mind when he offered to sell another Superbird to them “specifically” for the son. That wasn’t many years ago so it still happens. I used to get such an adrenalin rush seeing an old car sitting in a yard, field, barn, garage, etc. and without hesitation would boldly walk onto a stranger’s property even with a “No Trespassing” sign posted. I am much older now and things have changed with more and more trigger happy individuals carrying weapons, many of them concealed. I have heavily weighed the option of staying alive vs wandering onto someone’s property without permission. in search of a car find and staying alive wins every time. A “No Trespassing” sign now means to be on my merry way.

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  36. Steve A.

    “I’m gonna restore it,….some day.”

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  37. Mike

    Apoxamatley six months ago on this site I related to one and all that the auction clearing houses are setting the pace. From time to time I check out the classic car magazines in order to see what is gradually getting away from me due price increases that subsequently appear in line to what’s happening at Barrett etc. This is what I find unreal, about ten years ago people within our hobbie all of a sudden begane to except clones or what today is called tribute cars. The price of these cars are going through the roof only effecting the sale of the true model make. Twenty years ago, ask any of us to except anything less then the real bonified thing we’d laugh in the sellers face, well most of would anyway. Today restoreers as example, take stock post 150 fifty seven Chevys swapping out the 6 cylinder for a hefty big block with all the favorite amenities to include suspension, transmission, wheels and tires the whole shebang and call it a black widow, and as knuckle heads, these cars are bought, in other words our necks are being cut by one of our own, another hobbiest, sending the prices of the real thing into another galaxy. What the market will bare people!

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  38. Paul Caubo

    I have loved old cars since I was old enough to know what a car was. Not really sure how this came about, as my father’s only interest in them was that his current one ran; although he did always have Motor Trend and Popular Mechanics magazines. We would pass this huge car junkyard on our weekend summer trips to the nearby Smoky Mountains (1959-65) and I would dream of one day owning a junkyard.
    I built model cars from the ages of 6 to 15, had an older brother hand me down a 67 VW, that an older neighbor helped me get running. I worked after school at a gas station, pumping gas and doing oil changes, etc. I had my heart set on buying a TriFive Chevy, but by 75-76 they were a little steep. Then I saw a black 58 Impala, with a 348 and all that terrific gleaming chrome for sale at a used car lot for 360.00$. I bought it and to this day it is still my favorite car; but I sold it in 79, a couple of weeks after my mother died for the sentimental reason that she hated that car because I worked on it in her driveway all the time because my apartment complex wouldn’t let me work on it there. I immediately regretted my decision.
    Like most car guys, I always had one or two projects, some I completed, some I lost interest in or didn’t have enough time and/or money to finish. I had a 64 VW Bus that I drove into my backyard, and it slowly became a storage shed while I worked on other projects. I eventually sold it to a couple of neighborhood teens because they got so excited when I told them I would think about it.
    I bought a 60 Chevy parkwood wagon, had a perfect body that needed paint, and a complete interior makeover, plus some Carburator work. Did some masonry work in exchange for a primer paint job. It sat in my driveway and people would offer me ridiculously low amounts for it and I would ask them not to nicely to leave. So one day a guy stopped and asked what I wanted for it. I told him a price that was at least 2500 more than it was worth at that time, mostly just so he would leave… and he pulled out the amount I asked for!!! I really didn’t want to sell it, but I gave him a price….still not sure that my wife ever forgave me for selling that car!
    I think all these televised Auctions and Restoration shows have terribly inflated old car prices to the point that a lot of us “regular” guys can’t afford our hobby anymore; now 4 door Biscaynes are being priced higher than what I would pay for a 2 door coupe 15 years ago. But, I always said they are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it, but it’s taken all the fun out of it for me.

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  39. david matthews

    True, I once knocked on an older gentleman’s door to inquire about a 1956
    Bel Air that had been sitting in his drive for a very long time. He happened to be watching Barrett Jackson Auction at the same and though his car was worth what the car were going for on the block………….. His was an $8,500.00 car on a good day. Needless to say I could buy it…

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