Lots of Potential: 1932 Auburn Speedster

1932 Auburn Speedster

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Looking at this pile of parts and rusty metal, you wouldn’t recognize that what you’re looking at is a rare and valuable gem with incredible potential. Seeing how little of the body is left, it might be hard to tell what exactly you are looking at, but at one time this was a beautifully crafted 1932 Auburn 8-100A Speedster. The seller doesn’t provide details on how it came to be in this sad condition or any of its history, but given how rare these are, we hope it turns out to be the real deal! Have a look at the seller’s listing here on eBay where bidding starts at $200.

1932 Auburn Boattail

Like many automobile manufacturers of the day, Auburn was born out of a carriage company. After WWI the company hit financial troubles and was sold. It eventually found its way into the hands of Errett Cord, the founder of Cord Automobiles and eventually the owner of Duesenburg. Before and during his ownership, Auburn was known for building elegant cars, especially their Speedsters.

Auburn Lycoming Engine

Auburn marketed their Speedsters as race cars with the comforts of a closed car. Giving this Auburn its go was this straight-eight Lycoming motor. Power output was around 100 horsepower and gave it a top speed of around 100 mph. In its day it offered impressive performance and was quite durable. Having the correct motor goes a long ways to proving this car’s authenticity and having it intact will make the restoration process a bit easier.

Auburn Boattail

This project won’t be for the faint of heart, as it truly needs everything. We just hope the seller has all the proper paperwork to prove its pedigree. We also wish they had provided a few photos of how they found it. With any luck it will check out and someone will give it a good home. We are pretty good at seeing the potential of a pile of parts, but it’s hard to see the finished product when there is so little to work with here. Still, the prospect of owning a quarter million dollar car make this project alluring. You can read more about these special cars and see what this one could look like someday here on American Car Collector. So, if you had the means to take on this project would you do a full concourse level restoration or would you take it a different direction?


  1. Carlton Madden

    I’m not sure I’d even attempt to “restore” it. It is the makings for a cool custom if the sale price is reasonable. Yes I understand that sounds like blasphemy but you’d end up having to make the rest of the body yourself. I’d rather have some fun with it. How often to you get a chance to build an honest to goodness Auburn hot rod?

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  2. Dave Wright

    Most “speedsters” were one off cars and all high end car bodies of this era were hand built. This could be the start of a great affair……………

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  3. sunbeadon

    With as much heart stopping potential as this one it could be a winner, but my wife threatened to leave me after my last affair – 1964 Merc. Marauder, so I’m inclined to take a pass.

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  4. cory

    so, a pile of parts that need to be modified to fit a speedster, I know there is value here, but not as a car. unless he has some pretty solid paperwork to tie it all together its just random parts thrown together to call a project.

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  5. That Guy

    In the 80’s my first wife’s parents owned a vacation cabin in a very remote area of Trinity County in nprthern CA. On the property were several derelict car chassis including an Auburn. I’ve often wondered whatever happened to it, and if it would actually have been worth dragging out.

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    • DT

      Hayfork ?

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  6. Von

    Fix it up just to where it runs and drives, then enjoy it.

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  7. Dave Wright

    A boat tail built out of a sedan sold several years ago for 150K at auction…….

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  8. jim s

    it may have started at $200 but it is going to get costly before it is over. questions remain about if it ever was a complete car or just parts, title and ownership, and VIN. great find maybe.

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  9. Sir Robo

    It’s now 3:52pm MST, and already up to 5K, and who knows what the ‘Reserve’ is.. but ’tis not for me, been there done that..

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  10. geomechs geomechsMember

    It looks like a bunch of leftover stuff from one of more parts cars. However, I’ve seen projects start from similar origins and turn out really great. It all boils down to: How far are you willing to go?

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  11. Chris

    Only $200,000.00 more to go and you’ll have a really nice car.

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  12. Rotary Mk

    Well, it’s now 11:28am EST (Sun), and I’ll happily take that nice, clean warehouse for $5500.

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  13. skloon

    Yikes a pile of bauxite has potential too!

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  14. A.J.

    I see a chopped sedan chassis and cowl and the only “Speedster” specific thing I see is the word placed in the ad.

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