Malibu Beater: 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle

1970 Chevrolet Chevelle

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Project cars can be fun, but it’s always nice to pick up something that already runs. Take this 1970 Chevelle Malibu that I found here on eBay for example. It has plenty of needs, but the fact that it can be driven around the yard would keep even the least motivated of us going. Looking forward to its first street voyage could make the big tasks seem less daunting. This isn’t going to be a small undertaking by any means, but it could be completed in stages instead of being ripped completely apart right away. So, put that air ratchet and sandpaper away! Address those brakes first and then work through the rest of the mechanical systems one at a time. Then after seeing how it goes down the road, it would be time to start thinking about cosmetics. Some may not agree with my rolling restoration mentality, but I think it’s a more realistic option for most of us who have limited time and money. What do you guys think?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Chris

    Plenty of pics, and in focus (Bonus!) in the ebay listing. A solid start to a project.
    The brakes & the electrical short are a Saturday job. Then start on the body, plenty of part
    available too.

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  2. Mike d

    this would make a looker once it is fixed up . it appears to be mostly solid . I would guess the engine needs more work than the seller admits the anti freeze jug and oil bottles tell me that . if the engine needs to be rebuilt, to tweak it a bit.. and you are good to go would keep the bench seat.. have to go with the ass kickin stereo, and we’re set for the next cruise in for not a lot of bucks

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  3. Mark

    People want this with 51 bids on e-bay already 1970, A/C, and dics brakes make it better.

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  4. randy

    I would never take this car apart.Fix any issues,paint it,and enjoy.
    Too many people take apart cars and never put them back together either because they don`t know how or job is just to daunting.
    If it is not broke,do not fix it.

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  5. grant

    That’s what I’m talking about. If it needs a powerplant mouse motors are cheap and plentiful and the rest of this car can be rebuilt by a reasonably intelligent anyone with a shop manual and basic tools. My buddy chuck had one back in school (early 90s). Tons of fun.

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  6. braktrcr

    4k seems like a gift to me. Yes you will likely put 4-6k more into it to make it a daily driver, but what a nice grocery getter. It doesn’t have to be a show stopper. The ad says it runs good, but ac etc under the hood about 1k interior another 1k body and paint 2k? In nice shape it’s a 30 k car with the small block. 70 seems to be most folks favorite year. I prefer the 66and 69, but this could be a really nice car.
    Now, the rusted Vin plate…THAT is a concern

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  7. geomechs geomechsMember

    Damn! I wish that was a ’69! I’d be all over that if it was. However, this one is tempting. The 4bbl would disappear though; the stock carb would supply everything that engine needs.

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  8. warren

    I sent several of these to the scrap yard back in the 80’s that where in better shape than this on.

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