Monster Wagon: 1952 Dodge Power Wagon M-37

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For anyone that believes that Dodge may have left the power out of the Power Wagon, this might just be the wagon for them. Many of us may not know how to justify purchasing such a machine or why we need it but the truth is, we just need it. For those who are actually serious about needing it, it can be found here on eBay as a Buy It Now listing.

Not that any of us would expect many creature comforts when the door is opened up and yet, this rig has been fitted with what looks like a fairly modern set of seats. One might expect to see an ancient shifter located inside there but it instead appears to be something from a late-model Ford. The seller states that the M-37 is powered by a 460 cubic inch engine, which helps to further confirm the Ford powertrain. Fortunately, it is said to be in excellent running condition.

This picture may give some a little testosterone boost in seeing it loaded up and being pulled by a dump truck, while others immediately question what it would take to transport such a hulk. The seller does suggest that this truck could be used for events and advertising, which is an intriguing prospect. Capable parties could use it for fun as well as moving it around to various events if needed. The possibility to generate a little extra revenue in the process wouldn’t be out of the question either.

When was the last time you could say that you saw a Power Wagon as a monster truck? If the reason for purchasing this truck is purely recreational, plenty of fun could be had. The only unfortunate part would just be having a place to actually use it. Some acreage with mudholes would be fun and potentially hauling it to the sand dunes could do the trick as well. So, is the $15k asking price fair? If so, what would be your plans with such a unique truck?



  1. Howard A Howard AMember

    Nothing screams USA like an old monster army truck with an American flag out back. Be perfect for traffic jams,,,

    Like 15
  2. Classic Steel

    Hmm 🤔 how can one put this…

    Are we compensating for anything here? 😏

    I am sure someone could have an interest but i have never had an inkling for monster trucks or shows with them .

    Good lick with the sale and thanks for not using a classic car as the vehicle .

    Like 4
    • Dave

      I don’t know…I once bought a radio controlled Jeep that had the exact same wheels and tires, so maybe whoever built this also owned a RC Tyco Jeep and wanted to build one you could drive?

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    • Chris M.

      While the stadium fills with a hoard proudly sporting mullets with the latest mossy oak fashion outfits. Not to stereotype but just sayin…

      Like 7
      • scrapdaddy

        Hey Chris M.

        Did you text that while driving your Beemer on the way to the club for your spinning class? Not stereotyping, no really, just sayin… :)

        Like 16
      • Chris M.

        No not at all lol Why? did I hit a nerve with the mullet comment? Too close to home huh? :)

        Like 6
      • BR

        Only a certain demographic wears mullets. Hey, you brought it on yourselves.

        Like 1
      • scrapdaddy

        No mullet for me. I was a tad late for those, 67 years old now. I wanted to point out how easy it is for someone to make an asinine statement about people they know nothing about. My kids loved to go to the monster truck shows as did thousands of other people’s kids. I don’t remember judging what everybody was wearing at the time, too busy having fun.

        Like 9
      • Dave

        I think you meant “horde”, and mullets are also ascribed to fans of early 1980s Z28s, especially those with T-tops.

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      • Chris M.

        Not quite so asinine as the statement is based in fact. I attended a show as a kid and recall the general audience fitting into the description in my post. Lol Pretty fair assessment as most would agree. But again I think I struck a cord with you. No offense intended. Happy New Year!

        Like 4
    • Bear

      These “Monster Trucks” certainly DO have an enthusiastic audience.
      & this Seller is very wise to market this as having possible use as a promotional draw vehicle.
      I can imagine that simply parking this in front of a business (car dealer, hardware store, sporting goods store, restaurant, etc. etc.) on a weekend WOULD successfully increase the number of people who would stop and take a selfie with their kids.
      Would they also actually buy anything from that business? That remains an unknown.

      Gotta admit, I almost want to buy this thing JUST to park it in my front yard & thereby piss off my neighbors & the (overbearing) HOA!! :-P

      Like 9
      • Johnny

        Bear, you reminded me of the selfie shot. I had a friend who was traveling to Florida with his friends. They stopped off in Cherokee,Tn. They saw this big indian teepee. Him and his friends satered taking one anothers pictures in front of it and this huge indian comes out of the teepee and walked up to them and held out his hand–palm side up. The man asked the indian what he watned? The indian said $10. The man said what for? The indian said “For the pictures you all took standing in front of my teepee? I asked my friend what did they do. He said” We paid the indian. He was a big sob” hahahaha

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    • geomechs geomechsMember

      A few years back, my SIL and I were all set to go to the Monster Truck show in Aztec, NM. Just as we headed out the door the granddaughter decided that she would rather watch monster trucks than go fabric shopping with the wife and daughter. I think we created a couple of monster truck fans that day…

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  3. glen

    It doesn’t actually say you get the dump truck and trailer.

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    • Bear

      WHERE was anyone suggesting that the dump truck & trailer were included with the purchase?
      Did we read the same write-up?!? :-O

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      • glen

        I’m just saying, the purchaser will have to consider how they will be moving it around, right? didn’t think it was a big deal.

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  4. CanuckCarGuy

    I really like these old Dodges, and perching the body on a newer 4×4 chassis and powertrain set-up would have sufficed for me…without the monster truck conversion, this could have been a very cool truck.

    Like 6
    • Bear

      At first read I thought “maybe it wouldn’t take much work to fit a more reasonable set of tires/wheels & make this a trail capable vehicle”.
      …but THEN I looked at the photos in the eBay listing that show the truck’s suspension. It is a HOT MESS under there! It would take SIGNIFICANT work to make this a trail capable vehicle again.
      I’ll Pass.

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  5. Fred W

    No flamethrowers? I’m out…

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  6. Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

    These things are all over down here in FL, driven by guys named Brandon.

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    • Bear

      …& “Bubba”. :-P

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  7. Chinga Trailer

    An M37 is NOT a Power Wagon!

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    • Bear

      Made by Dodge, similar styling of the front clip, therefore almost an acceptable error. …almost. :-)

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    • Johnny

      Better read up on it. It IS a power wagon. I,d like to see a new Dodge Ram Diesel in a pulling contest with the old m-37. They had the weight–torque and proved themselfs. Where the new ones have not lasted but a short while and are junk. Look how fast the new ones rust away—it says alot about the new Dodge

      Like 1
  8. Bear

    Gotta wonder what the SHIPPING COST would be to get this beast from Iowa to Georgia.
    I’m BETTING that factor would add SIGNIFICANTLY to the acquisition cost. :-(

    I also HATE TO THINK what the cost of a new set of tires would be.
    Maybe I’ll check under the “M37 Monster Truck” vehicle category. :-P

    Like 5
  9. Johnny

    This would be perfect to use smashing down brush on peoples property and they would have to have alot of ground. You know it would take alot to roll those big wheels. I have a friend that put a 440 in a Dodge Raider–with 4 wheel drive. He said he made some money with it racing . I don,t know if he still has it It was a good looking-. ,but it would cost alot of money and time moving this thing from place to place. Special permits . I couldn,t afford it–I,d have a hard time getting in it. I wonder if it has a sleeping bag in it? After the hard time I would have getting in it. I,d stay in it like a couple of weeks before I,d get back out. haha Who nows-maybe you,d have to have pilot liscense for it.As high as it is hahaha I like it though. Its a BIG HOOT

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  10. Steve Taylor

    Neat concept. Ford running gear is unfortunate.

    Like 3
  11. ButchbMember

    Maybe he’ll find someone with $15k laying around that just can’t live without it… but my guess is this beast will be traded for something else. Or a few something elses. And the deal may include some shotguns and pistols and a bass boat. Maybe a Harley too.

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  12. Karl

    I have owned and still own a M37 and YES ITS NOT a Power Wagon, I own one of those also! It’s different but you definitely see some M37s that are like this nothing like they were although the driveline is built extremely durable if it were original you would get tired of replacing axles (safety break point)! I am a little of a purist in restoring back to original but it’s not my truck so each to his own. An M37 isn’t like a 70 Boss 429!

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  13. dogwater

    Its good for a parade throwing candy…..

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  14. the one

    Ok, so where do you park this dang thing? I would have to buy another piece of property! I have been to 2 monster truck shows, my buddy built Battle Beast in the early ’90s. He was kind enough to drive it in a local 4th of July parade. My kids my wife and I were on board.. I still have the banners that were attached to each side of the truck.. Kids love monster truck shows. The engineering that goes into these vehicles is amazing! Nothing is for everyone.

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    • Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

      You don’t need to buy another piece of property! We have 5 acres out here inThe Great Basin (it’s a DRY heat.!) that we’d let you park it on-if you leave the keys and keep it registered…😎

      Like 6
  15. BR

    I used to own a M37 too. It is NOT a Power Wagon. A Power Wagon is a non-militarized version of the updated Dodge 3/4 ton WC truck and has “Power Wagon” on the hood sides (this version was also used by the military and other government agencies). It was made between 1945 and 1980. What’s ironic here is that a nicely restored Power Wagon can fetch up to $59 large on Hemmings. Is this a good deal? No.
    I would love to see the engineering math papers that went into that truck.

    Like 1
    • Karl

      Thanks BR I find it irritating when people without real data start to get uppity because THEY KNOW AN M37 IS A Power Wagon! Really???

      Like 1
    • Johnny

      The WIKKI information IS NOT completely accurate. The m-37 was also used in Viet Nam .The Kaiser m715 was also used buy the military in the MID-60,s and later on in the 70.s. The M-37 was used past the 70,s. Wikki ommited some information -Maybe by mistake.

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  16. john c

    No cup holders? I’m out. Needs a step ladder and then someone needs to move the ladder before movement… and on and on. Peace

    Like 0

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