Mustang II Stash: King Cobra with 16K Miles


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Although I love collecting similar makes and models of cars, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to claim having seven examples of the same model in my stash. This listing for a collection of cars and parts here on craigslist provides us some insights into just how far one can take their hobby, with 20 years worth of Mustang II parts up for grabs and a 16,000 mile King Cobra. 


The seller says he has been collecting these cars and parts for the last two decades, and it’s clear from the photos above and below he literally has pieces stuck in the rafters. Although it’s a limited demographic that would be as committed to Mustang II preservation as this seller, you have to admire the guy for at least appearing somewhat organized in his parts hoarding.


I would argue from the listing that he is not really winding down his collection but more just offering to sell parts to anyone who wants them; however, I can’t tell if it’s really a listing put up to drive attention to his claimed 16,000 original mile King Cobra (which I believe is the blue car in the first photo). There’s no price listed and despite the low mileage, it will still need restoration, notes the seller.


This orange Mustang King Cobra is simply thrown in as extra eye candy, presumably to affirm the seller’s enthusiastic approach to collecting and maintaining this particular breed of Mustang. I’m not sure what you’ll find for prices or if there are any bargains to be had, but if you’re Eugene, it could be worth stopping in to see what’s what. Do any of your collections rival this seller’s?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. 68custom

    Some may disagree but to me these cars are nothing more than fancy pinto’s. My sister had a V8 ghia back in the day which a decent DD for a college student but nothing more. Even with the 302 it was still a dog.

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    • MFerrell

      A friend of mine had a ’78 Mustang II, his girlfriend had a Pinto. I stopped by one day, he was doing maintenance on both cars. Looking at the two, side-by-side, the firewalls and inner fenders were exactly the same! Like they were stamped from the same tooling! I was shocked!

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      • grant

        That’s sarcasm, right?

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    • Keith

      It’s weird, but I had my 76 Granada and my 77 Versailles next to each other in the garage….I would have sworn they were almost the same car, too!
      All kidding aside (actually I wasn’t kidding) remember that 1st Gen mustangs were Falcons, too.

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    • rtbyers

      I have a challenge for you. Try removing the psrts from a pinto and install them on the stang. Guess what? They don’t fit. A part can be made to look similar but won’t crossover. Take the Fairmont. Bet you didn’t know that ot was a fox body. And that same fox body crosses over into the sn95 platform all thecway to 2004. Try fitting yhe Fairmont fender on a 2004 cobra. Just saying. You really should learn to fill your tea pot before you allow yourself to spout….

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  2. Trent Poole

    My Mother had a 1978 Mustang II V8 hatchback with T-Tops. I have to agree with 68custom . The emissions strangled 302 wasn’t much of a performer. And with the roof cut for the T-tops, you could feel and hear the body torque every time you hit the accelerator.

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  3. JW

    I disagree as the wife’s new 78 Cobra with the 302 was no dog, it surpassed a lot of the cars of the time. Yes there was some draw backs to the car but still a performer with the right engine mods and seeing how the Mustang ll has made the Mustang the longest running musclecar produced it did it’s job at the time.

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    • Scot Douglas

      Is the Mustang a muscle car or a “pony car”?

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      • JW

        Actually the car manufactures used the Pony Car name for the Mustang’s first few years of production because it was built as a secretary’s car but as it morphed in to a musclecar by 67 it became known as a musclecar by the Ford enthusiast and public.

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      • Scot Douglas

        Heh, but calling a “Pinto” derived MustangII a musclecar makes me smile. I had a friend that built a stout 302 and 4 spd for his and would surprise just about everyone that tried to race him.

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Hi JW, I agree, the Mustang ll V-8 was no slouch, at a time when fast cars were dead. I had a friend with a Cobra ll, and like my ex-wife’s Monza V-8, it had power to pass. Like the Monza, it was front heavy, had funky handling, but in a straight line, it was a fun car. Also, I read, the Mustang ll was much more than a glorified Pinto.

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    • Rick LoeraMember

      Thank you for your response. It’s like everyone treats the Mustang ll as if its a leper. Lets take a trip back to September 1973 when the 74 Mustang ll was introduced. Right car for the times. Obviously people liked them because they sold well over three hundred thousand of these Mustangs in just 74. Plus it was a bridge car until the car companies could figure out how to get more horse power out of the smog choked engines of the day Ta da. Fox body Mustangs as well as every other Mustang from 1979 on exists because of the Mustang ll. So instead of criticizing the Mustang ll, let’s celebrate the Mustang ll. And don’t get me started on minivans. Another vehicle that doesn’t get the credit it so deserves.

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  4. Fred W.

    If nothing else, the Mustang II must have had a decent front suspension or it would not be the go to front end for hot rodders for the last 30 years!

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    • Vince Habel

      Before MustangII came along Corvair was the go to suspension .

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  5. GhiaBill

    I do have a collection similar to this and have been collecting parts since 1984 when I got my first car which was a used 76 Silver Luxury edition Ghia. I now have six Mustang IIs in my collection including my 76. A concours restored King Cobra and an extremely rare 77 Convertible. In my experience, collecting and taste in cars in general usually follows what you grew up in. as people my age gain more disposable income and get more nostalgic for the cars we had back then, the value of these cars will grow. Most people who fault these cars have never driven one (they drive great) and fail to remember that during the 70s oil crisis no cars really had any decent performance. The 302s in these cars can easily be upgraded however to be pretty stout performers.

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  6. z28th1s

    The blue car in the first photo is just a regular Cobra II, not a King Cobra.

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    • RichS

      Right – KCs had the front air dam which looks great on these IMO

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    • terry

      King Cobras were also wallpapered with graphics.

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  7. Rolf Poncho 455

    So menny Ford’s so little time!!

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  8. Rustytech RustytechMember

    As to performance it depends on what you are comparing them to. If you compared them to earlier Mustangs or later Mustangs, performance was not good. But if you compare them with their contemporaries these were fast cars. I didn’t care much for the coupes or the 4 bangers but the 302 could and still can be made to scream. I wish the seller had included more pictures and a price for the car.

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  9. David meichelbock

    I’d like to find out if it is real I’m looking to find a oraganel King cobra to restore I’m willing to spend 1000for one any info will be greatly excepeted

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  10. ROARMember


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  11. Al_Bundy John m leyshon

    @ ROAR…relax dude! You said long ago what you bought…that was long AGO
    it’s2018 dude. Happy Independence Day ! Would not be possible without your service and all those who serve !

    Like 0
  12. Al_Bundy John m leyshon

    Thinking about my 20 year old Sailor in the Norfolk ship yards

    Like 0

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