My Saab Story


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If you have followed the site for very long, then you know I have a peculiar interest in old Saabs. It hasn’t always been that way though. Saabs and the people that drove them had never really appealed to me. The marketing campaigns about the car’s connection to jet technology never really convinced me either and the yuppie image was not something I desired to project. That all changed though one dark night many years ago…

Throughout my life, I have wasted many hours scouring the back-lots of used car dealers. That was where the bargains could be found. One night while on one of my typical hunting missions, my headlights caught the awkward silhouette of a Saab 900. I had never given these cars any consideration, but there wasn’t much else of interest on the lot, so I decided to stop.


The first thing I wanted to see was that famous ignition between the seats. I had heard about this curiosity before, so I wanted to get a closer look for myself. As I pulled the latch, I noticed that the door handle had a jewel-like quality, but as the door opened, I saw the door sill. Where did it go?! It dropped off abruptly and was unlike any I had ever seen before. I scratched my head for a minute, glanced at the comfortable looking seats, then slammed the door and ran to my car!


It was all a little too much for me. It was a little too quirky for my tastes. I obviously wasn’t as open minded about automobiles back then as I am now. That memory made an impression on me though, so a few years later I gave the Swedish brand another chance. Someone had an early 900 listed for sale in the local classifieds and I needed a car so I went for a test drive. The engineering intrigued me, but I still couldn’t bring myself to purchase it.

Well, last week the bug returned and I caved.  I used the insurance check from my Mustang to buy a clapped-out 1987 Saab 900 S. I didn’t want another loan, so I figured a beater was the way to go. It was probably a very bad move, but it was time to get this out of my system.

Cars are more than transportation to me. Every one is an experience and I want to have as many as I can before I die. The process is always the same; buy a car, fix a few things, enjoy it for a while, and then sell it on for something else. It will be in better condition than when I found it and hopefully I will break even or come close. I learn a few things along the way and it is just one more way I can help keep a few more old cars on the road.


As I mentioned before, the thought put into these cars by the engineers is what intrigues me. The wagon back design of the Saab can swallow just about anything while still maintaining the dynamics of a car. The seats fold completely flat and even the front passenger seats can go all the way down for extra long items. Who needs a truck when you have one of these around?


Front wheel drive cars are normally not my thing. Most of them suffer from annoying torque steer, but not the Saab. The engine and transmission are mounted longitudinally, so the axles are both the same length. Personally, I think every FWD car should be designed this way. Not so sure about putting the engine in backwards with the transmission underneath it though…


Saabs are obviously not for everyone. This one isn’t a barn find either, so I understand if you would rather not have it grace these pages. It is going to be my daily driver for the time being though. The car does need a few things fixed, so I wanted to see if anyone here would be interested in reading the occasional progress update? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

By the way, looks like another yuppie just moved in next door…

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  1. Jim-Bob

    I’ve always found Saabs…interesting. It’s one of those cars that doesn’t fill a particular niche in my life, so I have no reason to buy one, but then again I just want one to take it apart. One of the things I do is explore interesting cars at the local U Pull It junkyard, to learn how they were built and try to reverse-engineer them with my mind. SAABs were one of my earliest curiosities. The 900 seems to have been designed with a good use of space in mind (one of my odd obsessions is examining spatial efficiency and component placement in cars). The logic behind how it was laid out seems to have been a cut above what other automakers threw together at the time. Why the engine is backwards, I can’t really say, but I have heard that a clutch change is easy and does not require engine or transmission removal. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I want to know how they did it if it is.

    As to whether or not I want to see it as a project, the answer to that is a resounding yes! I want to learn more about the engineering behind these quirky, well though out cars and the best way is to see one repaired. I also have to wonder…just how much stuff from IKEA can you really fit in a well laid out Swedish car?

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    • cory thatcher

      The transmission is chain driven off the back of the engine.(think timing chain) you slide a shaft out, unbolt the pressure plate and lift it out. there is a tool to compress the clutch while doing it, but a stack of washers works.

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      • Jim-Bob

        Ok, that makes sense then! It sounds a little like a GM TH-425 transaxle from an early Toronado, which also used a chain drive to change direction. Thanks for the response!

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  2. Scott Allison

    Suckered Another American Bjorn!

    Keep us updated on what needs to be fixed, and what “improvements” or tricks you do to your new project.

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  3. Antony R.

    I had the same interest in these, and I picked one up at a local small car lot quite a few years ago. It was a true Sob/SAAB story. Exactly like yours, same year and model, only in red with tan interior. Everything about it was different than anything i ever had experienced with a car up till then.
    Day one: Bought the car.
    Day two: Auto trans blew up.
    Day three: Went back to the dealership to find out what they were willing to do. Answer was nothing. I bought the car “as is”.
    Day twenty: Found a garage that advertised that they rebuilt transmissions, and SAABs was on their list of “specialties”. Towed the car to them, they had it for about three weeks. Cost was $2800.
    Day twenty three: Trans imploded on the freeway, had to have it towed home.
    Day twenty four: Contacted the trans shop. Owner wasn’t available, they didn’t know when he would return. Repeated calls were not returned.
    Day forty: Shop owner served with court papers, court date set.
    Day fifty eight: Court. Owner no-showed, I pleaded my case, I won a judgement. Attorney admitted that the owner was of a race that was notorious for bad business ethics and regularly would flee the country to avoid legal troubles.
    Day sixty: Went to shop to request monies owed by court judgement. Business Closed, owner disappeared became a ghost.
    Day four hundred forty: I finally saved enough and bought a new transmission from the dealer, installed it myself.
    Day five hundred ten: I traded my SAAB for an Alfa Spider.
    This was back in the late nineties. I still have the Spider.
    Moral of the story, confirmed my many who have been there before:
    The SAAB 900s is a brilliant car, and will go and go and keep going- as long as you have a 5-speed in it. The automatic trans in the 900 is the Achilles heel of these. If you like the car and want to keep it, do a manual trans swap.

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    • JesseStaff

      Luckily this one has a five-speed. I wouldn’t have even considered one with the automatic actually because I enjoy rowing through the gears.

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    • Pat

      I can tell the same story about about Buick, Dodge, Chrysler, Renault with more money spent on repairing. Not all the 900’s auto were like these.

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  4. cory thatcher

    ah, you have the same problem i do! I love these things. and hate them. they are brilliant and idiotic at the same time. if you don’t have a center console it is a simple add. I recommend it. all of the interior is an easy swap, if you find an upgrade model in a junkyard. stay as far away from Michael’s in boise as you can. he is a liar. keep us updated! !

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    • JesseStaff

      If not Michael’s, then who do you recommend?

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  5. Paul Bellefeuille

    I had an uncle who loved these cars. He had a number of early 2 stroke engine equipped SAABs from the 1960s. His final SAAB was a 1971 96. A few weeks ago a friend of mine was going to buy a 1995 SAAB here in NH. He called the owner and arranged for us to come look at it my friend had the cash in his hand no less… The owner then called him to say that he was trying to get in out of the snow and had heard a loud CLUNK!.. end of sale.. My friend bought a Volvo instead..

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  6. Other Perry

    Just wait till you test drive a Turbo. I too started out years ago with a 87 900S, got me hooked in a bad way. Some 40 Saabs later, I still maintain a small pile of 900’s. There are great Saab communities online, and the annual Saabs at Carlisle show is absolutely the best car show one could ever attend.

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    • Peter Brookes-Tee

      Hi Perry, Are you Keswick or Bowness on Solway? Have you entered our Vintage Rally at Borderway, Rosehill, Carlisle on the 13th April, would love to see you. If you’re in Keswick, you live round the corner from my son and daughter-in-law in “The Hopes” and I spoke to you parked opposite the old police station in December.

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  7. Don

    Keep up the Saab story updates! The cars are interesting and unusual.

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  8. cory thatcher

    also, track down a copy of moving (richard Pryor) about a family moving to boise, and also owning a saab. good for some laughs.

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    • JesseStaff

      Well isn’t that ironic!

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  9. Ron

    Jesse, I have owned 2 Saabs: First a ’99EMS which was affectionately called ‘the silver bullet’. Later I traded up to a 900S like what you just bought. They both were known for certain issues, but they were built like brick crappers – very safe for their day. I didn’t want turbo’s for fear of them failing, so they were both more or less gutless. But I always felt quite safe, and always appreciated the unique drivetrain and pioneering FWD.

    There used to be several shops who specialized in Saabs in the Portland area, I think these have mostly disappeared.

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    • Dan Morley

      Atomic Auto is strong on repairing Saabs in Portland

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    • Ron

      Whoops, I meant to say 79 EMS… The 900S was an ’86, a rare option with trunk lid rather than a hatchback.

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  10. paul

    I had an 89 4 dr & it was wonderful, tight, clean, great fabric seats.
    Things you need to know. The front main seal in this car right against the cowl can be changed without removing the engine you gotta have the right Saab tools to do it. Don’t take the car to a local quick lube I always had visions of the guy dumping the oil into the air intake located right next to the add oil tube. Also the oil drain can easily be mistaken for a bolt that is right next to the oil drain.Have fun with it, they do handle & drive quite well.

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    • paul

      Wanted to add one more item fresh from yesterdays Brit cars, the motor in this car was also used in another car I owned a Triumph TR 7, turned around backwards.

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  11. Wiley Robinson

    Funny you mention this. Last year after a night that included perhaps one too many IPAs I bid on a 900 Convertible on ebay. For some reason, I was the only one and thus ended up on a road trip from El Paso to Santa Monica to collect my “prize”.

    I’ve owned tons of oddball beaters from Europe so the thought of owning another one didn’t phase me much. However, I have to say this SAAB sure is a weird one. Since I own a bunch of cars, I’ve yet to get used to reaching between the seats to start it. So far, I have to say I like the car but it’s suffered it’s first failure, a starter. We’ll see how that goes, the starter is right up on the top of the engine but in looking at it I might have to remove the manifold to replace it!

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    • Sean Tennis

      Wiley, you are over thinking it… The starter is very easy to change with hand tools… Spin the main starter nuts off the bolts, remove the rear support bracket, (loosen inlet manifold support bracket-if needed), lift out starter… Install in reverse leaving bolts loose until all are in place then tighten main bolts first followed by support bracket… Less then an hour…

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  12. Rev. Rory

    Hi Jesse, I’ve had a few of those (900, 9000, etc., mostly mid-eighties to mid-nineties). Fun, quirky rides, especially the beaters…I never experienced any problem that couldn’t be roadside-repaired, and you will be amazed to discover the volume of shtuff that can be packed into one, if you are so inclined. After the initial resistance, (same objections you had, almost to the letter) I find myself inexplicably fascinated..I don’t own one right now but they are always on my radar. As an aside, as a fellow serial-interesting-car owner, I can say you will not be amused by the excise tax system in Idaho (registration sales tax) – really puts a cramp in three or four purchases a year…Press on!

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Rev. Rory – Looks like you can sell up to five cars a year in Idaho before you have to become a dealer though.

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      • Rev. Rory

        Correct. It’s the buying them that kills the fun, paying that excise tax when you go to register.

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  13. bob lange

    My first encounter was when I was with a friend in a black Saab with 165K miles and I was amazed how well it held up to those miles. My last was driving a convertible model and noticing the dash flexing on uneven road. I think the coupes are cool.

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  14. Ranco Racing

    Jesse, doesn’t having a peculiar interest in Saabs make you a SNAAB?

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    • JesseStaff

      Yeah, good one!

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  15. Brooklands

    I have always found these quirky cars to be interesting. I remember borrowing my accountants Saab turbo to go home from my tax meeting to get the extra set of keys for my car after locking the keys inside. It was a ride that made me reconsider. And then I dated a girl whose dad drove Saabs, and I liked them even more. But I was always finding them a bit out of my price range for a new car, and once I could afford to consider a Saab, the brand was under the GM wing, and had lost a lot of their appeal to me. But I would love to learn more about your experiences.

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  16. Rob

    I read a story about a Saab mechanic describing his own car. For the life of me I can’t remember what magazine it was in. Many years ago. Was it just his personal car he was describing….he said that the dashboard “lights” were actually not behind the dashboard! There was a (box) with several bulbs that were easy to access. Running out of the box were “fibre optic” strands that went up to the lenses behind the gauges, actually flexible glass filaments, fibre optics weren’t around then. The filaments like the ones used in those funny looking lamps where the light was in the base and the long hairy fibres could be bundled or bounced around. When viewed from the end the light was very bright. Does anyone know of this or was the mechanic describing what he had done to his personal car trying to replicate the Saab jet cockpit lighting or is there something unique about the Saab’s dash lighting.

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  17. Mitch

    Your comments about how cars are an experience are dead on. I’m 32 and have owned about 40 various cars. I started when I was 14. Most of them being created in the 50′, 60′ and some in the 70’s. I fix the basics and drive them. After a while I’ll sell it for little margin and look for the next one. Each car has a story and a way about it. I love it! Luckily my wife understands and supports me. Everyone else thinks I’m nuts.
    Enjoy the emails, keep them coming!

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    • JesseStaff

      I’m glad that someone else out there enjoys doing this. Just about everyone thought I was crazy too, but the joke is on them because I spend a fraction of what they do and I get to have a lot more fun!

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  18. JW

    Just ended a 12 year affair w/ a newer GM Saab, IMO find a good Swedish Specialist to make sure it’s done right. Not sure though how many there are up in your new hood. Good luck and enjoy the ride.

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  19. Jim Johnson

    Myself and my family have owned so many Saabs, I’ve lost count. We’ve only had to replace one turbo. Water pumps have finite lives, but engines and transmissions were bulletproof. The last ones I owned were 9~5 Aeros. (4) Still the 4 cylinder 2.3 liter motor, putting out 250 HP. Whenever you cared to put your foot in it. Good, if not great gas mileage when you controlled yourself. GM spoiled the brand, but probably kept it alive longer than it would have otherwise. I’ve moved on to BMW, only under warranty, and we certainly enjoy them. X5 Diesel and M3 V8 cabriolet ( retractable).

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  20. Mark E

    Well you got a 900 3-door with a 5 speed which, IMO, is the best choice of the 80s. I’ll be interested in hearing how things go. My parents had a ’74 900 3-door which had the great engineering features of a Saab but the quality workmanship, err…not so much. Cheap little things were always happening with it. I would presume they’d improved them in the 80s but have not had any direct experience with one. They are certainly made for the snow though! They will go through nearly bumper-height snow with minor difficulty…

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  21. John

    Well, I have had a number of Saabs myself (96, Sonett, 99, 900, 9000). Best place to go for advice is
    There you will find the Classic 900 (C900) forum. There are guys on there that are absolute experts on these cars and more than willing to help. People are also very civil on this forum.
    Currently I am fixing up a 1993 Saab 900 Convertible for my wife.

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  22. Jeff

    For the latest information on SAAB go to As an owner of a SAAB I use as a daily driver I have found the information on the website useful. I drive a 2006 9-3 with over 150,000 miles, and it is still operating well. Have fun, be safe and enjoy your trip!

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  23. jeremy

    Have owned 3 Saabs, the first a ’99 9-5 I bought new when the model came out, a 2006 a bought almost new in 2008, and a 2007 9-3 50th anniversary. All manuals. The first got to 180k before the clutch crapped out – cost more to fix clutch than car was worth. (it was my teenage sons car by then and he beat on it and it was the community car at his frat. My 2006 is 115 and still very nice shape and mechanically sound. my 07 9-3 is about 75 grand and very sound, still looks good. I love the use of space and the intelligent way that things are laid out in the interior, turbo fast, very reliable, and very good gas mileage (30-32 on hwy). Have been very reliable and cheap to replace stuff from the aftermarket. I am sad to see them dead and gone – GM completely let Saab die a slow death.

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  24. Steve

    Not a SAAB fan as such but i would love to hear how reliable your one turns out to be

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  25. Brendan

    I’ve owned Saabs for the last 25 years. My daily driver is a 01 Viggen and my garage queen is a 91 900 SPG. I love their style, practicality and performance. Do the maintenance and they will last forever.

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  26. jim s

    great pick and yes it will make very a interesting car to update on the site. very safe and fun to drive. owned a 900 back in the 80s and it was a good car and would like to own one again someday. pre GM 900s, no turbo for me.

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  27. Brian

    I have this strange habit of not liking a car until it goes out of production! Now sometimes it takes a good 20 years for me to come around to some models, such as the OmniRizon, but I typically get there on all but the Japanese cars, which I typically don’t care for at all.

    The Saab 900 is such a car. I once hated them, but now I have warmed up on the 2 doors and ‘vert 900s. Every time I get interested in one, I Google some replacement parts, eye buldge at the prices, and move on. Yes, I’m cheap, but also cars with high part prices can turn a flipper car into a real money pit! I love 80s BMWs, but stay away from them for the same reason. Am I missing out on some source for dirt cheap Saab parts, somewhere?

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    • JesseStaff

      I agree Brian. I didn’t like Miatas until they turned 25. Now I can’t stop going back to them.

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  28. koolpenguin

    Learn how to change them
    I loved my 900s except for the cvjoint issues and the drivers front seat bladder broke on a 14 hour trip….argh. had to steal a couple of phonebook and put them under my seat so I wasn’t sitting on the floor:)

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  29. RickyM

    One of my Swedish friends has one and loves them. Good luck with getting spares now that SAAB are no more though.

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    • Michael

      Actually SAAB is up and running again and I’ve heard that after market parts are readily available.

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  30. Michael

    I bought my first new car in 1974. I wanted a SAAB very badly. I had taken a 900 out for a test drive and fell in love. It’s quirky ness appealed to me the most. Unfortunately I needed my mom to consign the loan and she thought $7500 for a car was outrageous. I bought a Fiat instead. I’ve never lost my desire for a SAAB. Maybe some day I’ll get my hands on a 900 turbo.

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  31. jim s

    the reason for the key between the seat is to lock the transmission in gear when you take the key out. the saab 900 does not lock the steering system at all. ( at least that is how mine worked ). i think that is a much better system.

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    • Sean Tennis

      Accident research had shown that drivers were damaging their knee on the key. Saab being a leader in accident safety moved the key location to avoid this incident.

      The younger engineers however were not aware of a crash issue and went back to steering column mounted key on the 9000 (starting year 1986), only to find out from an assembly line worker in the factory the reason for key relocation in the first place, further models returned to center console key location.

      Starting with the model 99 (1969) and newer, center console mounting the key had the added benefit of gear locking the transmission as the shifter was located in the same general area. The column mounted shifter cars (92-96, years 1949-1980) also had the option of transmission lock-into reverse of course!

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      • cory thatcher

        just be careful about spilling drinks in the ignition. or so I hear…

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  32. Liam

    Jesse, glad you finally got your hands on one of your long standing dreams, it is always great when that happens! I bought a car last October I had waited 35 years to own, so I know what it is like when the reality finally comes through. It doesnt matter if the particular car may not interest some people, or that it is not a barn find, what matters is that it is an old car, and it is your story about it. I find owners stories just as interesting as the cars personally, and I love to read about peoples progress and lives living with their particular old car, even if I am not personally into the particular model they own. We all have a story about the car’s we end up with, whatever the story may be, so please keep the updates and photos coming, I think it is fair to say there are more than a few people on here very interested in hearing your story with the car….Liam

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  33. Tom S.

    I like your writing, Jesse, and would enjoy seeing updates.

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  34. Bryan Cohn

    I guess by reading all the positive responses you know the answer: Yes we all want about your new car!

    I have two Saab stories:
    1. I briefly owned a ’79 99 Turbo in 1989. It had been driven hard, put away wet. It was fast, my first turbo street car. It looked cool, at least too me. It was reliable. I sold it because Honda came out with the new ’89 Civic Si and it was a brilliant little street racer. And we were looking to replace our Peugeot 505 Turbo race car with it. We didn’t and the Honda was a brilliant street car.

    2. My first real job working on racing cars was 1985, the debut season of the Firestone Firehawk Series. My “day” job was washing cars and doing used and new car prep at DeBrecht Imports in St. Louis. The real reason for my day job was so that I could work on the Saab 900 SPG the owner’s son raced in the Firehawk Series. I was the fueler during pit stops and general mechanic. The Saab was a factory supported program and we got all kinds of good stuff, spare parts, wrecked cars to loot for bits, the works. The weak point was the 5speed gearbox. Long story short at the first ever race, Sebring Florida as a support race for the 12 hour in 1985 we qualified 8th. At the end of the 2nd hour we were leading! End of 3rd hour, leading! End of 4th hour, blown 3rd gear while leading…….I think we killed at least one transmission per event. What great memories.

    Saab may be gone but not forgotten.

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    • Jason

      Didn’t Randy Pobst cut his teeth racing the Peugeots in FireHawks?

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  35. Dan Morley

    Jesse, please include all the Saab stories you can. Your now in Idaho now? You must make a point to attend the national Saab Owners Convention August 7th to 10th 2014 near Bend Oregon. Most SOC are back east so be sure to make this one. I personally have been driving Saabs since the winter of 1977 when my wife came home from work driving her 1967 Mustang and said “buy me a car I can drive in the snow and ice”. We went down to the local Chevrolet/Saab dealer and bought her a 3 year old Saab model 99 “Wagonback” which is what the first couple years of the hatchbacks were called. So this is what was standard on this 1974 Saab: heated drivers seat, 4 wheel disc brakes, fuel injection, 15″ wheels, rack and pinion steering. back seat folds down leaving 6′ of flat level floor with very low lift over. Needless to say we loved the car and have been driving Saabs ever since. I have even regressed into collecting the older Saabs and have owned at least one of every model Saab sold in the US stopping at the C900, anything newer scares me as I do most of my own mechanical work.
    My current daily driver 1975 99 3 door has over 325,000 miles and still runs strong.

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    • JesseStaff

      The convention sounds like a good time. If the Saab is still around then, I may have to make the trip up there! Thanks for the tip Dan.

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  36. DLM

    Welcome to the club. Will be great to follow. I’ve had lots of Saabs since 1972–96s, Sonetts, 99s, 99 turbo, 9-3s. On the between the seats ignition, the early ones had a spring for the locking mechanism that would fail while starting the car, thus locking the starter on. That will really get you moving to try to disconnect the battery before the starter eats the flywheel on the running engine or worse.

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  37. stewart

    Take a second look at that engine/gearbox arrangement, pay attention to thr arrangement of the clutch(or where the clutch would be if it was a stick shift), for FWD its probably the most sensible arrangement anyone has ever used! I can chsnge thr clutch on one of these in 20 mins, no need to split the trans from the engine to do it either

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  38. Randy

    I have subscribed to this post for only about a year if that, I have wanted to post photos of my neighbours cars. But I have been reluctant to do so. My neighbour started bringing in Saabs by the container from Europe about 12 years ago and at one time he had close to 150 on his property. He has 1953 models and up, wagons, multiple sonnets and some very unique ones. Some are really nice and some I would consider scrap.
    We used to be friends with the neighbour, but now we don’t speak. I don’t believe he has power to his home any more, and we have not seen him around very much at all. We have had a host of people stopping at our home looking for him, including city bylaw and bailiffs representing banks and people he owes money to. From what we have heard we think he is loosing his house. Living next to 150 Saabs, I am not a big Saab fan, but there are a few that are pretty cool. He was at the home yesterday and there have been a few going out on flatbeds. If he looses the property to the bank I hope what’s left doesn’t go for scrap.

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    • jim s

      maybe you could refer your neighbour to this site. i do think a bank will just scrap them because it is easy/fast way to get the property ready for resale.

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    • DLM

      That is painful to read for those of us looking for parts if they are getting crushed? Any chance to give a location to give to Saab groups to see if anyone lives close by?

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  39. Don Andreina

    Jesse, an astute purchase. If you want to pretend you’re James Bond, look up a book called ‘Licence Renewed’. It was a continuation novel written by John Gardner and he gave 007 a 900 Turbo. I think the next book had him racing against a Shelby stang on a private track (and of course winning).

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    • JesseStaff

      Don’t we all pretend we are James Bond? For some reason though I’m having a hard time feeling very 007 in this car…

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  40. MikeH

    I would like to read your updates and comments. Saab was one of the last unique automobiles. At least they were before GM took over and killed them. The bean counters never understood that it was the quirkiness that people loved. GM is the kiss of death for any company it touches.

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    • Sean Tennis

      MikeH, Your last line nailed it!

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  41. MikeH

    BTW, that car doesn’t look like a beater at all.

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  42. JesseStaff

    Wow! I’m astonished by positive response. I was reluctant to even post it, but now I know that there are a few more people out there who think like me. Guess I will have to keep this one for a while so we can all learn a few things together from it. After driving the Saab everyday for a while, now I know why some people love ’em and some people hate ’em. It will be interesting to see which party I side with when this is all over.

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  43. Aktifspeed

    Please post progress reports as you suggested in your post. I’m also considering a 900 for my daily driver and would love some real-world experiences to help me along in my process.

    Keep up the great work with the site…

    Erik S. aka Aktifspeed

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  44. Doug M.Member

    Jesse, (sorry for the late posting, I missed this one when it came out)… I didn’t know there were other people out there like me? I truly enjoy a variety of cars, but am not a collector (no extra space, too many interests). I, too, buy inexpensive cars, fix them as I go, then eventually see something else of interest and make the switch. I almost always come out ahead! Oh, That blue 63 Fairlane you hosted for me: Did get a buyer, thought I was going to lose money on it, but in the end, am shipping it to Kentucky and making $82 to apply towards that missed rent! (I usually do way better than that!). My interest include BMW 2002’s, 914’s, early Volvo’s and Mercedes, and an occasional Amercian Car. I have always liked the Saab 99, but never had a chance to buy one yet. Best Wishes on you new car, and do keep us posted!

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    • JesseStaff

      Yeah it is good to know there are others out there like us Doug! We would probably be better off just buying a really nice car and keeping it, but what would be the fun in that?

      Like 1
  45. Justin in indy

    We are on our third. Had an 89 900s, a 95 900SE V6 vert, and now a 2003 95 aero wagon. The modern two were great, but nothing like that 89 (similar to yours in design , rockers etc). They were very unique cars, and I still badly want about a 92 turbo vert. Great cars. Was never sure why the stigma got attached to them, but give me a ‘yuppie’ saab over any ubiquitous mustang any day.

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  46. Daniel Woods

    I have a Saab 900,1985 – 4 door auto 1986,1996, 2 door Hatchbacks. A 1986 parts car. All Turbos.

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  47. john S

    I had a SAAB 99 RHD and it was quirky as it was functional right down to the floor mounted ignition key.
    I loved it, restored it, parked it once on the street in front of my home, prior to taking it for rego, only to find it written off by a drunk driver. Hit side on, it was parked on top of the neighbour’s fence. Still looked good but the bent body was not for this world.

    This is about my only link to them. Keep it up, thanks.

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  48. Peter Brookes-Tee

    Have never owned one, but was enthralled by the sight of Eric Carlson being airborne in the old two strokes in the East African Safari Rally when stationed in Kenya.

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