Never Registered: 2003 Ferrari Enzo

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For the connoisseur of low-mile Ferraris, here’s the ultimate: a 2003 Ferrari Enzo with only 227 km on the clock, represented by RM Sotheby’s in a sealed-bid auction. This auction opens on March 15th and closes two days later, and the car will be selling with no reserve. This Enzo features a unique color scheme, has never been registered, and retains all of its factory wrapping – plastic on the sills, tape on the keys, and luggage still in its delivery packaging. This is essentially an unused twenty-year-old hypercar. Delivered new to Japan, the car was kept out of sight until its import to Blenheim, Canada, where it sits ready for its new owner. We have Araknid78 to thank for finding this astonishing car for us.

The Ferrari Enzo was developed from Ferrari’s F1 technology. Penned by Ken Okuyama of Pininfarina, the design is like an abstract of an F1 car, with its prominent nose, downforce flaps, and rear diffuser. At 185 mph, this car generates a phenomenal 775kg of downforce – all without a spoiler. While it features a mid-mounted, naturally aspirated, 651 hp, 6.0 liter V12, and a race-derived automated manual gearbox that can shift in 120 milliseconds, it is also devoid of driver-assist electronics. In fact, it was the last car Ferrari made that was truly a driver’s car. The Enzo snaps from zero to sixty in three seconds and is capable of 217 mph. But its steering demands controlled precision; disrespecting that attribute has sent more than a few Enzos to the wrecking yard. The enormous carbon ceramic brakes are more than capable of bringing a halt to this beast, fading off 30 to 40 mph in a second.

This car, finished in Argento Nurburgring with a Cuoio interior, wears its sill protection plastic. The pedals have felt feet only during test miles. The owner’s manual and spare key are wrapped up, with a Japanese label reminding us what’s inside. The car comes with air conditioning, and those seats are custom-fit to the owner at the factory.

The Enzo opens up like an origami project because you have to have cool doors and a giant decklid on a hypercar. Only four hundred Enzos were made. The cars were offered first to F40 and F50 owners; enough of those lucky souls said “yes” that 399 of the cars were sold pre-production. The last was delivered to the Vatican to sell for charity. That’s an expensive tithe! Speaking of expensive, the Enzo is considered a better car than any prior Ferrari supercar and has consequently rocketed in price recently. Just a few years ago, an Enzo would cost you about $2 million. Now, they trade hands in the $4 million area. No doubt would-be owners all over the world are marshaling their resources and plotting strategies to acquire this wondrous car. Personally, I hope the buyer turns the key and presses the start button a few times, instead of consigning it to display.


  1. alphasudMember

    I hear you Michelle! This car was meant to be on the road and track and to be driven as Ferrari intended. It’s like having a bald Eagle in a cage just to say you have one instead of letting it out of the cage to appreciate how beautiful the creature is to be soaring in the clouds. I too hope this car is recommissioned but at the staggering price this will fetch given is still on the manufacturer’s CO it will probably get squirreled away in someone’s collection.

    Like 9

      Exactly how I feel as well. These cars were bred from racing and they must be driven to get the full appreciation. Not to sit like a chocolate pastry or Taylor’s dummy in a showcase. Go buy a decoy for that. Ken Okuyama spear headed the design of the Acura (Honda) NSX in the late 1980s with a design philosophy that form follows function. The NSX is a Driver focused driving machine in a niche of it’s own. I am a Collector with 1 NSX & I drive my cars and maintain them impeccably. I can’t imagine what a joy it is to drive an Enzo. Has been my ultimate dream hypercar. On the other side of the argument I can understand that when cars are valued in the millions they will tend to become commodities like gold or platinum. Rich in value but pretty much non functional.

      Like 6
  2. Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

    Exactly right, Michelle-this was never meant to be just a decoration or demonstrative exhibit of someone’s oneupsmanship in a garage. Alphasud said it perfectly and succinctly in comparing it to a beautiful but wild hunter-cage it and as the body atrophies the spirit will die.

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  3. Steveo

    “Truly a driver’s car” that can never be driven. This is the most pathetic thing I have seen in quite some time. Words can’t express my contempt.

    Like 6
    • Michelle RandAuthor

      But it can be driven. Hopefully it will be.

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    • Bolivar Shagnasty

      Great candidate for an Ls or Coyote swap!

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  4. Big C

    Well, at least the new owner won’t have to pull the engine to do the 10,000 mile “tune up” on it. Unless that exotic engine is seized, from sitting for two decades.

    Like 5
  5. 86_Vette_Convertible

    What can I say other than it’s a beautiful car that needs to be on the road creating memories. Wish I could afford it, or even just drive it once.

    Like 4
  6. JR

    A live-streamed Dutch auction counting back from, say….a Billion dollars, would be much more interesting than sealed bid one.

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  7. John EderMember

    This has Howard A (since 2014)’s name all over it…

    Like 3
    • Steve

      Somehow “Ferrari Howard” doesn’t have the same ring to it as “Ferrari Enzo” does.

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  8. Troy

    Makes me want to submit a bid of $5000 just so I can say I did. I hope they reveal what it actually sells for it would be interesting to know.

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    • Edward Walsh

      my guess 3.7 million

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  9. Howie

    How many zeros is a Kazillion?

    Like 6
  10. TheOldRanger

    The way people drive these days, there is no way I’d take a $4M car out on the road, plus every cop in the county would be watching you like an eagle, hoping to be the first (of many) to ticket a car like this. And how much insurance would it take… lol Perhaps the sentiment is to see this on the road, but that’s pretty easy if it isn’t your money….

    Like 3
    • Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

      Y’know, OldRanger, the problem with stereotyping people by any standards is one with the prejudiced attitude loses out on what could be an interesting conversation and person.
      I know plenty of “cops” who are hard core gear heads, who look at issuing citations as a way of trying to slow down the unnecessary stupidity raging on highways and city streets. Would one of them live to have a chat with the driver of an Enzo? You better believe it-not “to be the 1st to ticket a car like this” (it’s already happened BTW) but instead to talk with the driver and LISTEN to their description of the joy in driving it.
      I’m with you tho-no way on this Earth would I drive it anywhere in public-but track day? Heck yeah!!!

      Like 1
      • John EderMember

        I joined the USAF and bought a brand new Dodge van in 1973. I was aware that the custom van era was just starting in California (my home), and I converted mine with Radial T/A tires, white spoke wheels, carpeted floor, walls and ceiling, killer stereo, etc. However…my first duty station was Omaha, Nebraska (SAC HQ.). Apparently, no police officer, military or civilian, had seen a van at that time used for anything besides plumbers, delivery services, etc. I was constantly pulled over or “detained” for inspection of my van- I might as well have been driving a flying saucer. You could tell after the initial license, etc. routine that they really wanted to see “what the he##” I was driving, with many questions- how did you do this, etc.? I actually wound up converting a van on the side for one Security Police officer who stopped me.

        Like 1
  11. John Vizzusi

    No human other than a professional race car driver will be going 185mph in this thing. 20 years sitting, get ready to drain all the fluids, change out plugs and coils, battery and tires. Probably around 10k just to get it running. So I say no to a new townhome on the beach, instead buy this ridiculous car? jv – smash palace

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  12. chrlsful

    abstract of ?
    to me it IS (w/fancy paint/upholstery)
    2 reasons he never drove it.

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  13. Tony Primo

    Hi Michelle,
    Normally we state the province after the town in Canada. In the case of this listing it would be Blenheim, Ontario, Canada.

    Like 2
    • Michelle RandAuthor

      Thanks, I was following RM’s protocol.

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  14. MarkMember

    Where’s the stick?

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    • Howie

      It says automated manual, paddles behind the steering wheel.

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  15. Brett Lee Lundy

    I wonder is like some of the newer hyper cars that require the wheels and fuel tank replaced by time or mileage (ridiculously low on both) ?

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  16. CCFisher

    It’s comical to see folks commenting about the cost of maintenance and insurance for this car. Those costs are inconsequential to someone who can afford a very, very, very expensive toy like this. I agree that it’s tragic such a remarkable car has never been fully enjoyed, but rest assured: the next owner probably has another Enzo he drives regularly.

    Like 1

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