I get concerned when a seller lists all glass being complete as a feature. However, this Middle Island, New York truck here on craigslist for $9,500 has a lot of other good features. With new brakes, wiring, lights and fuel tank, some of the work necessary to return this vintage truck to the street full time has already been completed. The truck does run and drive, and the lighting has been upgraded to a full 12 volts. While the truck certainly has some surface rust in places, there weren’t a lot of holes that I saw. I’m just not sure I’m willing to pay $9,500 for what I assume is the rarity value when I can find a 50’s or 60’s pickup in much better shape for the same amount of money. How about you?
Apr 19, 2015 • For Sale • 14 Comments
Ol’ Blue: 1939 Dodge Pickup
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The seller upped the price to $10,900.
must have appreciated in 9 days. Better grab this before it goes for $20,000 in about a month.
Nice shape. Considering that it’s over 75 years old, it’s going to need very little to fix it right up. Not all that fussy about converting it to 12V though. There are lots of Dodge and Plymouth (and Chrysler) products out west and they all run very well on 6V. If I had it I’d probably drive it for a spell to see what shape it’s really in and then embark on a light restoration. Bottom line: I sure wouldn’t turn it down if it was closer to home.
Looks very nice as is looks better than 52 ford f1 I bought for same amount!
another old truck that wants to go back to work but in that price range you can be up close to 1990 which is the cutoff for antique tags, a least in my area. i would love to see this on the road. great find.
I have a 46 Dodge, same body style. Picked it up 7 years ago, in running and driving condition with new brakes, etc, for $2300. Now, I’m sure it’s gone up in value since then, and the body of mine isn’t in as good of shape, but $9500 (or more, as it sounds like he raised the price) seems a bit steep.
I can only hope that, for $10,900, the original wheels and maybe the 5v generator and other bits can still be had with the car. I’ll never understand why anyone feels such “upgrades” are necessary.
Price and those details aside, it’s a pretty cool truck, and I hope it doesn’t get any more modified. It reminds me of a local “dairy” truck I remember as a small child, delivering milk to our home. Only difference (even the color was the same) is that the “dairy” truck was a Canopy Express body!
This one is a Canadian built ’46 FARGO. It runs but is in bad need of at least a valve and ring job. I don’t know what a person would have to pay for this one but it IS coming up for sale (minus us gearheads, who got caught in the photo) in the near future. The owner, the guy in the white beret, passed away a couple of years ago and the family is looking to sell off his collection.
Im pretty sure these were 6 volt positive ground,I ran mine 6 volt but I had an inverter so I could have a stereo
I love that body style! It has lots of character.
This reminds of the similar if not identical looking ’46 Dodge 1 ton that I almost bought , Owned by the original farmer who used it on his lemon farm which had turned into suburban tracts east of San Diego. Somewhere around here I have a picture of him with the truck, It was geared so low that it practically crawled. If it did 40 it would probably freeze up the rear end, Nicest old guy. I decided not to buy it cause I didnt want to change out the rear end to make it more useful. Ah well….
Pre war trucks are rarer as they were well used during wartime, interesting that it has a metal bed floor did ford and gm have wood ones at that time ?
Very nice truck. While the price is up there, it is a fully functioning truck, ready to go. While the debate rages on, 6V or 12V, I say it’s good it has an alternator and 12V. Personally, I never had any problems with 6V either, but 12V is more of a standard now (Try and find a 6V headlight). I didn’t see anything about the gearing, as you’ll have to do something to keep up with traffic, which brings up another issue. Do we really want to go 75 mph with this type of vehicle?
The truck based on the grill design would make it a 1946 and not a 1939. But nevertheless, either one, are both great trucks . To me they are great to drive.